Dva moška, Benigno in Marco, se spoznata v zasebni kliniki. Lydia, Marcovo dekle, je po poklicu bikoborka in je zaradi poškodbe med bitko padla v komo. Benigno kot bolničar skrbi za drugo dekle v komi, mlado študentko baleta Alicio. Moška med čakanjem v bolnišnici navežeta intenziven stik in si drobec za drobcem razkrivata najbolj intimne plasti svojih življenj.

Jeff Bailey seems to be a mundane gas station owner in remote Bridgeport, California. He is dating local girl Ann Miller and lives a quiet life. But Jeff has a secret past, and when a mysterious stranger arrives in town, Jeff is forced to return to the dark world he had tried to escape.

Amerika v času gospodarske krize. Bill je vročekrven delavec, ki se nekega dne v tovarni v Chicagu spre z delodajalcem in ga ubije. Z dekletom Abby prebegneta na podeželje, kjer kot številni brezposelni delavci iščeta zaposlitev. Najdeta jo pri bogatem kmetu v času žetve. Da bi prikrila svoji identiteti, se pretvarjata, da sta brat in sestra. Kmet se zaljubi v Abby. Sčasoma se izkaže, da je na smrt bolan. Bill prepriča Abby, naj se s kmetom poroči, da bi po njegovi smrti pobrala vse njegovo premoženje. Večina filma posneta v času t. i. 'zlate ure', ko je nebo osvetljeno, vendar sonca ni več.

Jacques Mesrine, a loyal son and dedicated soldier, is back home and living with his parents after serving in the Algerian War. Soon he is seduced by the neon glamour of sixties Paris and the easy money it presents. Mentored by Guido, Mesrine turns his back on middle class law-abiding and soon moves swiftly up the criminal ladder.

Po njunem eksplozivnem obračunu se morata vsemogočni Kong in strašna Godzila znova združiti in soočiti z do sedaj še neodkrito grožnjo, skrito v samem jedru našega sveta. Ta grožnja preti ne samo njunemu obstoju, ampak tudi našemu. Film se poglobi v zgodovino in izvor teh vsemogočnih titanov ter v skrivnosti Otoka lobanj, hkrati pa razkriva mitsko bitko, ki je pomagala oblikovati ta izjemna bitja in jih za vedno povezala s človeštvom.

Django is on the trail of some renegade outlaws who raped and killed his wife. En route, he rescues a horse thief from an impromptu hanging. He discovers the man knows who committed the murder. The men team up and head west for revenge.

Blessed with a keen sense of smell and cursed with a philandering pornographer husband, a parasitic mother, and a pair of delinquent children, the long-suffering Francine Fishpaw turns to the bottle as her life falls apart -- until deliverance appears in the form of a hunk named Todd Tomorrow.

Zgodba se odvija v ZDA v ne tako oddaljeni prihodnosti in se začne, ko se en del držav odcepi od unije in je sedaj sestavljena le iz frakcij. Skupina novinarjev se odpravi na potovanje po ZDA sredi vse hujše državljanske vojne, ki je zajela celotno državo, med tem naletijo na številne izzive, ki ogrožajo njihova življenja. Hkrati se vlada spreminja v distopični režim, radikalne oborožene skupine pa pogosto sodelujejo v političnem nasilju. Film raziskuje globoke delitve v ameriški družbi in predstavlja temačno in nekoliko preroško vizijo prihodnosti.

A thriller that revolves around the key people at an investment bank over a 24-hour period during the early stages of the financial crisis.

The film tells a story speaks of "Yusuf ", a plumbing Man, who is exposed to many pranks by his friends.

Mladi agent CIE Matt si dolgo časa prizadeva za napredovanje, toda njegova prva resna preizkušnja se sprevrže v srhljivo tekmo s časom in smrtjo. Med nezanimivo službo varovanja varne hiše v Južnoafriški republiki agenti pripeljejo enega najbolj iskanih ubežnikov, karizmatičnega izdajalca državnih skrivnosti Tobina. V nepričakovanem napadu neznancev Matt ostane sam in na begu pred morilci s seboj odpelje Tobina. Toda prekanjeni mojster psiholoških trikov Mattu kmalu vcepi dvom, kdo so resnični napadalci in kdo morda igra dvojno igro

Alice owns a network of sex shops and workaholic who, in trying to reconcile the harsh routine of work and family life, suffers nervous breakdown, she is forced by her husband to go to spa. Precisely at this time, appears unique opportunity to expand its business in New York. Using fun gimmicks, risks his health, leaves spa party there with family to ride, but actually in order to facilitate their professional interests. In trying to reconcile the agendas, engage in hilarious situations and mistakes that culminate in the possible separation of the couple.

Po vseh vojnih dogodivščinah se je Rambo prostovoljno umaknil na Tajsko, kjer živi v budističnem samostanu in goji borilne veščine. Medtem sovjetski general s svojo vojsko že devet let okupira odročni predel Afganistana. Da bi temu naredili konec, se tja najprej odpravi Trautman, nato pa še Rambo, da bi rešil prijatelja in nekdanjega vojaškega poveljnika.

Chanel, Dorinda, and Aqua are off to India to star in a Bollywood movie. But when they discover that they will have to compete against each other to get the role in the movie, will the Cheetahs break up again?

Propelled to the head of the W Group after the death of his adoptive father, Largo Winch decides, to everyone's surprise, to sell it, and use the proceeds to create an ambitious humanitarian foundation. But on the very same day, he finds himself accused of crimes against humanity by a mysterious witness. To prove his innocence, Largo will have to retrace the steps of his past life, in the heart of the Burmese jungle.

In 1988, young sisters Katie and Kristi befriend an invisible entity who resides in their home.

Flamboyantly gay Austrian television reporter Bruno stirs up trouble with unsuspecting guests and large crowds through brutally frank interviews and painfully hilarious public displays of homosexuality.

With the victory against "The Beastly Beasts", "The Wild Soccer Bunch" showed it to everyone and then won every single game. Only one victory now separates them from the "Pott", the Freestyle Soccer Cup. For this they have to compete against the "Wolves of Ragnarök". But the wolves are not normal opponents! They have a dark secret - and behind them lurks a power stronger than all of them: the girl Horizon and the "Silver Lights" from the fog...

After Leon left his team in the historic 25-1 defeat against the national team, Die wilden Kerle broke up. Only the little Nerv still believes in his old heroes and tries to bring the grown-up guys back together with the help of his dreaded side puller. Leon's former best friend Fabi has meanwhile founded his own team, the girls' team, "The Beastly Beasts", and challenges "The Wild Soccer Bunch" to a duel in the Nattern Cave.