Младеж убива спонтанно и брутално таксиметров шофьор. Пьотър тъкмо е взел изпитите си по право и е допуснат да практикува в съда. Той трябва да защитава Яцек - младия убиец. Яцек е обявен за виновен и е обесен. След първото си дело Пьотър остава с горчиви съмнения - дали съдебната система има право в името на човечеството да убива хладнокръвно?

THE FANDOM dives headfirst in the imaginative world of “furries,” the often-misunderstood internet subculture of fans of the anthropomorphic arts. Using a bountiful collection of archival tapes and images, this documentary traces the evolution of the furry fandom from its roots in the 1970s to the expansive, international community it has become today. Join a host of charming characters (including the grandparents of the fandom itself) on this heart-warming journey through the decades; witness the many triumphs and challenges that shaped “furry” into the most unique fandom of all time.

In this Oscar-winning short film, grieving parents journey through an emotional void as they mourn the loss of a child after a tragic school shooting.

14-year-old Eun-hee moves through life like a hummingbird searching for a taste of sweetness wherever she may find it. Ignored by her parents and abused by her brother, she finds her escape by roaming the neighborhood with her best friend, going on adventures, and exploring young love.

Kim Ji-young, an ordinary woman in her 30s, suddenly shows signs of being inhabited by other women from her life, past and present.

Ricky and his family have been fighting an uphill struggle against debt since the 2008 financial crash. An opportunity to wrestle back some independence appears with a shiny new van and the chance to run a franchise as a self-employed delivery driver. It's hard work, and his wife's job as a carer is no easier. The family unit is strong but when both are pulled in different directions everything comes to breaking point.

Pio Amato, a 14 year-old member of a small Romani community in southern Italian town of Gioia Tauro in Calabria, is in a hurry to grow up. Pio follows his older brother Cosimo everywhere and from him he learns how to hustle and how to navigate the streets of his hometown. One night Pio sets out to prove to his brother that he is as good or better than him but, when things go wrong, a series of events will forever change the way he sees the world.

Когато четирите деца на сем. Уилоуби са изоставени от егоистичните си родители, те трябва да се научат как да адаптират своите старомодни ценности към съвременния свят, за да създадат нещо ново: Модерното семейство.

Cвeтoвнo извecтният oĸeaнoгpaф Cтив Зиcy (Бил Mъpи) и eĸипът мy ce oтпpaвят нa eĸcпeдиция зa oтĸpивaнeтo нa миcтepиoзнaтa и мoжe би нecъщecтвyвaщa ягyapoвa aĸyлa, yбилa пapтньopa нa Cтив пo вpeмe нa пocлeднoтo им пpиĸлючeниe. Kъм гpyпaтa ce пpиcъeдинявaт млaд пoмoщниĸ-пилoт (Oyeн Уилcън), ĸoйтo мoжe би e cин нa Cтив, ĸpacивa жypнaлиcтĸa (Keйт Блaншeт) cъc зaдaчa дa нaпишe cтaтия зa Зиcy, ĸaĸтo и нeгoвaтa cъпpyгa и пpoдyцeнт Eлинop (Aнджeлиĸa Xюcтън). Πътyвaнeтo им e изпълнeнo c мнoгoбpoйни пepипeтии, вĸлючитeлнo cpeщa c пиpaти, oтвличaнe и фaлит.

Хулиан неочаквано е посетен от приятеля си Томас, живеещ в Канада. През 4 наситени с преживявания дни двамата, придружени от кучето на Хулиан – Труман, споделят емоционални моменти.

Когато херцогиня Маргарет неочаквано наследява трона и се сблъсква с Кевин, Стейси трябва да спаси деня, преди нова двойничка – купонджийката Фиона – да осуети плановете им.

When Jonas was 14 he met the charismatic but mysterious Nathan. In addition to guiding him in his sexuality, Jonas soon confronts something dark and even dangerous about his new friend. Now an attractive, sexually assured adult, memories still haunt him. Trying frantically to put the missing pieces together, Jonas becomes determined to break the shackles of the past and finally set himself free.

Тийнейджърка разменя тялото си с това на безмилостен и смахнат сериен убиец. 17-годишната Мили Кеслър се мъчи да оцелее из страховитите зали на гимназия Блисфийлд и жестокостта на съучениците си. Тя става и най-новата цел на Касапина, зловещия психар на града- тогава завършването й се превръща в най-малкия й проблем. Древният мистичен сърп-кинжал на Касапина прави така, че той и Мили се събуждат една сутрин в тялото на другия...

Подчертано стилизираният разказ на Бертран Бонело за последните дни на парижки бордей в края на 19-и век извиква във въображението ни отпусната красота и откровената сексуалност на картина от френския романтизъм. Визуалната пищност на филма го подрежда между Ингрес и Реноар, но със стилистичните си провокации той напомня за пътуващ във времето Бодлер. През 19-и век по-голямата част от проституцията в Париж се извършва в огромни къщи, населени с елегантни труженички и проверена клиентела.

Да си убиец е забавно и лесно. Особено за Ив, която е наследила талант за това от майка си. Но когато едно момиче трябва да се противопостави на собствения си началник, то става цел на цяла армия главорези. За щастие, мама и нейните бивши дружки, са готови да помогнат на изпадналата в беда дъщеря.

Naoto was ignored by other people. During his school days, Chihiro was the first person who called his name. Naoto dreams of seeing her again and tries to find her. Finally, after 11 years, he locates her, but she is a totally different person now. Naoto becomes obsessed with her. Naoto sneaks into her house and stays under her bed.

A murder mystery set in 1936 Budapest, just as Hungary was preparing to align itself with Hitler. A beautiful young girl is found dead and nobody wants to investigate—except Gordon, a crime reporter who has a gut feeling that things are not what they seem.

Spain, 1949. Narcisa, a novice, arrives at an old convent, converted into a girls' school, to work as a teacher.

Aging fashion model Benedetta Barzini strives to escape the world of images and disappear for good, but her son’s determination to make a final film about her sparks an unexpected collaboration and confrontation with the camera’s gaze.

The story starts with Azlee trading his cute Kancil for a Proton Wira through a salesman named Borhan. Azlee plans to take his wife Zati and their son Zizi to Cherating. After Azlee left, Borhan meets a bouncer named Mazlan who is on the look out for the same Proton Wira with the hope of repossessing it. Mazlan, who is determined to get the car back, was told that Azlee has it. Meanwhile, Azlee and his family were stopped by an Indonesian named Yassin along the Karak highway. Yassin wants a lift to Kuantan but he is refused by Azlee. A few metres away, a beautiful girl Linda stops Azlee because her car broke down. Azlee gives Linda a ride to town and this angers Zati. A quarrel ensues and Azlee accidentally knocks down Saiful on a motorcycle....