Mona Bergeron is dead, her frozen body found in a ditch in the French countryside. From this, the film flashes back to the weeks leading up to her death. Through these flashbacks, Mona gradually declines as she travels from place to place, taking odd jobs and staying with whomever will offer her a place to sleep. Mona is fiercely independent, craving freedom over comfort, but it is this desire to be free that will eventually lead to her demise.

More and more parents take competitive behavior towards the teachers of their children: deny votes and programs, vaneggiano of likes, dislikes, and conspiracies. So, instead of helping in the training of their children, they become insurmountable obstacles to their growth. Presumptuously they think: "We know better than anyone else our children and we know what they are worth and how and what you have to teach."

On 9 April 1940, German soldiers arrive in the city of Oslo. The King of Norway faces a choice that will change his country forever. The King's Choice is a story about the three most dramatic days in Norway's history, the royal family's escape and King Haakon's difficult choice after Nazi Germany's invasion of Norway.

On Manhattan's gilded Upper East Side, a young gay painter is torn between an obsession with his infamous best friend and a promising new romance with an older foreign pianist.

Жена која живи у Њујорку одлучује да постепено преузме свој живот у - своје руке. За почетак одлучује да себи постави изазов - учествовање на Њујоршком маратону!

After a teenager's friends die in an accident, he finds running allows him to remember them perfectly. Running, however, also brings him notoriety. He is caught between keeping the past alive and making new memories in the present.

Први је Божић након што су се врата дворца поновно отворила па Ана и Елса славе са читавим Аренделеом. Када се грађани повуку у своје домове како би били са породицама и заједнички прославили празнике, сестре схвате да оне не поштују породичну традицију слављења Божића као остали народ, па Олаф и Свен одлуче да истраже обичаје у краљевству те заједно сазнају значење празника. И док Олаф и Свен вуку санке по снежној тундри те заврше у шуми у којој их нападну вукови, у поткровљу Ана и Елса проналазе неке заборављене ствари из прошлости.

Earth, a shiny jewel floating in the blackness of space... and for the robot known as Brainiac, the last piece to capture for his collection of planets. Not if the Justice League has anything to say about it!

Seventeen-year-old Anne just fell in love with Sasha, the most popular girl at her L.A. public high school. But when Anne tells her best friend, Clifton—who has always harbored a secret crush on her—he does his best to get in the way.

When nerdy high schooler Dani finally attracts the interest of her longtime crush, she lands in the cross hairs of his ex, a social media celebrity.

A tough customs man, out to get a youth smuggling tobacco into France across the Belgium border, falls for the jaded ex bar hostess the smuggler lives with.Meanwhile the young man is intrigued by another, more innocent girl.

The harrowing true story of the crew of the USS Indianapolis, who were stranded in the Philippine Sea for five days after delivering the atomic weapons that would eventually end WWII. As they awaited rescue, they endured extreme thirst, hunger, and relentless shark attacks.

После свадбе Настја успева да наговори мужа да је поведе са собом код његових рођака који живе у малом забаченом месту. Стигавши у кућу где се њен муж родио и одрастао, Настја већ првог дана почиње да жали због своје одлуке. У кући почињу да се чују чудни звуци и да јој се причињавју тајанствене слике. А и сами рођаци се некако необично односе према њој.Врхунац нелагоде настаје када Настја сазна за традиционални свадбени обред кроз који пролазе одабране невесте у породици. У жељи да сазна шта се то око ње дешава, Настја проналази скривену просторију у којој се чувају слике умрлих људи.

Мегин план да буде самохрана мајка се изјаловио оног тренутка кад се заљубила у Џона, ожењеног мушкарца који због ње оставља нестабилни брак и брилијантну Гегорет. Након једне ћерке и три године касније Меги упада у дилему да ли је раздвојила сродне душе.

She could do the responsible thing. Or she could go to Ibiza with her best friends to chase down a hot DJ. Easy choice.

B'Day Anthology Video Album is the first video album by American recording artist Beyoncé. It features thirteen music videos for songs from her second studio album, B'Day and its deluxe re-release. Beyoncé shot nine videos for the album, and four pre-filmed videos were also included. B'Day Anthology Video Album debuted at number twenty-four on the US Top Music Videos chart dated April 28, 2007. It was certified double platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) on October 3, 2007, denoting the shipments of 200,000 copies.

Let’s get SICK’NING for the Holidays! RuPaul’s Drag Race legend Laganja Estanja is here for Hey Qween’s Very Green Christmas Special!

Француски интелектуалац ​​који пише о животу отвореног ума бори се да испуни своју филозофију када ромска породица започне камповање у његовом дворишту.

Schools out, and Fred Figglehorn's dream of water slides, horseback riding and monkey butlers during the summer turns into a nightmare of gruel and poisonous berries when his mom signs him up to an unsanitary camp.

18-year-old Penny Cooper spent years pining for Johnny Sanders Jr., but when a mysterious musician shows up on the beach, Penny is torn.