The Jester returns in this sequel short film to continue to spread his Halloween cheer.

影史传奇中的传奇。《圣山》后佐杜洛斯基誓要改编科幻小说《沙丘》,目标远大到要改变世界,改变思维。他筹组史上最强战队,作实参演有奥逊威尔斯、米积加,甚至达利! Moebius 当年的分镜图接成一个长镜头,满足何止影痴,更可确定随后而至的,从《异形》到《普罗米修斯》,都活在 那巨大魂魄下。佐杜洛斯基激情澎湃现身说法,「我强姦了原著」,谈组班过程奇情过瘾。筹备两年大洒金元,荷里活却步,巨作成泡影。献身的幕后战士,尔后在无数科幻片大放异彩。影痴必修的一课。

This is the very first silent slapstick comedy short about adventures of Worldly, Coward, and Fool. What's more fun: fishing with worms, or dynamite? Three friends decided to have a blast! Unfortunately their dog Barbos just loves playing fetch. And this time that stick was used for blast fishing. Barbos saw people throwing a smoking stick in a water, and fetched it right back to his owners. The "unusual cross" part begins when owners try to outrun the dog with dynamite.

故事发生在《大话西游》上一集《月光宝盒》之前500年。至尊宝被月光宝盒带回到五百年前,恰巧遇到紫霞仙子(朱茵 饰)。紫霞仙子曾有一誓言,只要谁能拔出她手中的紫青宝剑,就是她的意中人。不想宝剑被至尊宝拔出,紫霞决定以身相许,却遭至尊宝拒绝。 紫霞迷失在沙漠,为牛魔王所救。牛魔王逼紫霞与之成婚。关键时刻,至尊宝转世成为齐天大圣孙悟空,踏着五彩祥云来救紫霞。打斗中,悟空为救师父而放弃了紫霞,紫霞为牛魔王所杀。

  在纽约布鲁克林区的公寓里,住着两名表面看起来十分和善慈祥的老太太,不料她们竟用自己酿制的毒酒杀了来访的一些孤独老头。此秘密让她们的侄儿加里·格兰特偶然发现,该怎么善后?   改编自百老汇舞台名剧,由名导演弗兰克·卡普拉于1941年拍成电影。因适逢二战开始,恐怕本片内容对世道人心有不良影响,故一直拖延到大战后期的1944年才正式公映。其实这只是一部构想奇特的黑色喜剧,本身并无什么毒性。本片在喜趣的背后道出了老年人乏人照顾的凄凉晚景:死亡是他们的最大解脱,而杀人竟成为一种善意的表示。故事主题颇具反省意义。

Follows a teenager who claims that there is an entity in his closet.

In the 1980s, ruthless Colombian cocaine barons invaded Miami with a brand of violence unseen in this country since Prohibition-era Chicago. Cocaine Cowboys is the true story of how Miami became the drug, murder and cash capital of the United States. But it isn't the whole story - Pulling from hundreds of hours of additional interviews and recently uncovered archival news footage, Cocaine Cowboys has been RELOADED: packed with footage and stories that have never been told about Griselda Blanco, the Medellín Cartel, and Miami's Cocaine Wars, with firsthand accounts by hit man Jorge 'Rivi' Ayala, cocaine trafficker Jon Roberts, smuggler Mickey Munday, and others. Cocaine Cowboys: Reloaded recreates Miami's Cocaine Wars like you've never experienced it.

The story of a guard who revolts because of exploiting reeve and tradespeople. People start to think he has an uncle working in the ministry of the interior.

韦克菲尔德监狱建有自己的农场和牧场,但出产的粮食和牲畜却都不知去向,政府配给他们的补给品也总是会在一周之内便被消耗殆尽。囚犯们经常服苦役,却只能吃到仅有的一点很差的食物,还时常被无端施以各种体罚,因此生活苦不堪言。新任监狱长布鲁贝克在假扮囚犯亲身体验过这一切后,下定决心要整顿监狱秩序,为囚犯们争取到合法的生存条件。 随着布鲁贝克对滥用职权、贪污腐败、行贿受贿行为的逐步清理,最初那些对他持有怀疑态度的犯人们也都纷纷站到了他的一边。然而与此同时,被触动了利益的当地人士和政府官员们也开始暗中设置各种障碍,并不断对他施加各种压力,阻挠监狱改革的进行。最终布鲁贝克被迫离开了监狱,但在他的努力之下,有关监狱制度的改善也早已是大势所趋,不容逆转。



Early morning silence is broken by screeching tires as a helicopter bears down on a speeding vehicle. Taking a quick corner, the team tumbles out into the woods as their car pulls away. Now they must make their way through the thick of nature and thick gunfire to accomplish their mission. Not a single word of dialogue is spoken throughout the entire film. Instead, the music, sounds, images and deeply truthful acting turn a simple plot into an intense experience. Passion and intrigue keep building to the very end.

Hana spends twenty years suppressing a maleficent curse that was placed upon her bloodline, only to have a family member knowingly release it forcing her to kill or to be killed.


A tough customs man, out to get a youth smuggling tobacco into France across the Belgium border, falls for the jaded ex bar hostess the smuggler lives with.Meanwhile the young man is intrigued by another, more innocent girl.

After the death of their abusive father, two estranged twin brothers must reunite and sell off his property.

这是一个感性的爱情故事,讲述了一个来自富有的上层阶级家庭的男孩、丹拉克西米企业的继承人,住在古尔冈一座名为“古尔冈之家”的豪华豪宅里,和一个住在破烂堡垒里的中产阶级女孩之间的故事。 他们彼此相爱,但他们的父母对这种结合不满意。

“Can one man bear the sins of the world?”

A bourgeois couple, like so many others. It is clear that after a few years of marriage a bit of boredom may come, and it is their case: especially boredom in bed.

12, is a comic parody about an office's obsession with the television show 24 as the their obsessions kick into high gear with the shows season finale approaching. Part The Office part 24, the short film mash-up introduces a novel send-up of these pop culture staples.