تدور أحداث الفيلم في الثلاثينيات من القرن الماضي ، ويتعامل هذا القبطان المعقد مع محتال صغير طموح ورجل مخضرم يسعى للانتقام من زعيم جريمة شرير قتل أحد عصابتهما.

تُجبر الابنة المدللة لمالك مزرعة ميسور على استخدام كل الوسائل المتاحة لها للخروج من الفقر ، بعد الميجور جنرال ويليام شيرمان "مسيرة إلى البحر" المدمرة ، خلال الحرب الأهلية الأمريكية.

قصة امرأة شابة تتزوج أرملًا رائعًا لتكتشف أنها يجب أن تعيش في ظل زوجته السابقة ، ريبيكا ، التي ماتت في ظروف غامضة قبل عدة سنوات. يجب أن تتعامل الزوجة الشابة مع السر الرهيب لزوجها الوسيم والبارد ، ماكس دي وينتر. يجب عليها أيضًا أن تتعامل مع السيدة دانفرز الغيورة المهووسة ، مدبرة المنزل ، التي لن تقبلها على أنها سيدة المنزل.

When a car bomb explodes on the American side of the U.S./Mexico border, Mexican drug enforcement agent Miguel Vargas begins his investigation, along with American police captain Hank Quinlan. When Vargas begins to suspect that Quinlan and his shady partner, Menzies, are planting evidence to frame an innocent man, his investigations into their possible corruption quickly put himself and his new bride, Susie, in jeopardy.

A fading southern belle moves in with her sister in New Orleans where her ferocious brother-in-law takes stabs at her sanity.

A renowned ophthalmologist is desperate to cut off an adulterous relationship…which ends up in murder; and a frustrated documentary filmmaker woos an attractive television producer while making a film about her insufferably self-centered boss.

First-time father Henry Spencer tries to survive his industrial environment, his angry girlfriend, and the unbearable screams of his newly born mutant child.

Iris is a shy and dowdy young woman stuck in a dead-end job at a match factory, who dreams of finding love at the local dancehall. Finding herself pregnant after a one-night stand and abandoned by the father, Iris finally decides the time has come to get even and she begins to plot her revenge.

The life of George Falconer, a British college professor, is reeling with the recent and sudden loss of his longtime partner. This traumatic event makes George challenge his own will to live as he seeks the console of his close girl friend Charley, who is struggling with her own questions about life.

For Norman and Ethel Thayer, this summer on golden pond is filled with conflict and resolution. When their daughter Chelsea arrives, the family is forced to renew the bonds of love and overcome the generational friction that has existed for years.

Fúsi finds comfort in the familiarity of his routines, until an involuntary dance class forces him to encounter the real world.

An actress’s perception of reality becomes increasingly distorted as she finds herself falling for her co-star in a remake of an unfinished Polish production that was supposedly cursed.

تم تصوير خمسة من مشاة البحرية ورجل في سلاح البحرية وهو يرفع العلم الأمريكي على جبل. Suribachi بقلم جو روزنتال في 23 فبراير 1945. هذه قصة ثلاثة من الجنود الستة الباقين على قيد الحياة - جون دوك برادلي ، الجندي. رينيه غانيون والجندي. إيرا هايز - الذي قاتل في المعركة لأخذ Iwo Jima من اليابانيين.

When Eve, an interior designer, is deserted by her husband of many years, Arthur, the emotionally glacial relationships of the three grown-up daughters are laid bare. Twisted by jealousy, insecurity and resentment, Renata, a successful writer; Joey, a woman crippled by indecision; and Flyn, a budding actress; struggle to communicate for the sake of their shattered mother. But when their father unexpectedly falls for another woman, his decision to remarry sets in motion a terrible twist of fate…

A research scientist explores the boundaries and frontiers of consciousness. Using sensory deprivation and hallucinogenic mixtures from native American shamans, he explores these altered states of consciousness and finds that memory, time, and perhaps reality itself are states of mind.

Deloris Van Cartier is again asked to don the nun's habit to help a run-down Catholic school, presided over by Mother Superior. And if trying to reach out to a class full of uninterested students wasn't bad enough, the sisters discover that the school is due to be closed by the unscrupulous chief of a local authority.

Asa, a young and cheerful dreamer, returns from his Russian naval service to his sister’s nomadic family on the desolate Hunger Steppe of central Asia, so that he can begin his own life as a shepherd. But before he can tend a flock of his own, Asa must first win the hand of the only eligible girl for miles—his mysterious neighbor, Tulpan.

A home, a motorcar, servants, the latest fashions: the most eligible and most finicky bachelor in Paris offers them all to Gigi. But she, who's gone from girlish gawkishness to cultured glamour before our eyes, yearns for that wonderful something money can't buy.

Five years after the horrible bloodbath at Camp Crystal Lake, new counselors roam the area, not sensing the ominous lurking presence that proves that the grisly legend is real.

After losing in the ALCS the year before, the Cleveland Indians are determined to make it into the World Series this time! However, they first have to contend with Rachel Phelps again when she buys back the team.