Atanas Burov (played by Assen Blatechki) is considered as the most influential politician in Bulgaria's history. The movie is about him and his love story with Dilyana Popova as the main female character.

At an elder-care facility, a geriatric con artist tries to prevent his new friend with early Alzheimer's symptoms from being transferred to the 'lost causes' floor.

A long love story, seen through the memories of one young couple. The journey through the years of two individuals, united, divided, happy, unhappy, deeply in love, or in love with others, in a single stream of emotions and shades of feeling. Over the course of the film, he learns that love can indeed last, while she learns to live with nostalgia.

Once the world's most famous astrologer, Walter Mercado seeks to resurrect a forgotten legacy. Raised in the sugar cane fields of Puerto Rico, Walter grew up to become a gender non-conforming, cape-wearing psychic whose televised horoscopes reached 120 million viewers a day for decades before he mysteriously disappeared.

Hänen lempinimensä oli La Divina (jumalainen) ja hänestä tuli kaikkien aikojen kuuluisin sopraano. Maria by Callas kertoo Maria Callasin tarinan hänen omasta näkökulmastaan ja hänen ainutlaatuisen äänensä avulla. Mukana aikaisemmin julkaisematonta arkistomateriaalia entisöitynä sekä oopperadiivaa ympäröiviä ihmisiä: Marilyn Monroe, JFK, Grace Kelly ja Elizabeth Taylor. Maria Callasin kirkkaasti loistava lahjakkuus ja tähteys ovat tämän Tom Volfin ohjaaman musiikkielämyksen keskiössä.

Neuvostojohtaja Josif Stalinin kuoleman johdosta määrätty hiljainen suruaika tekee nuoren romanialaisen hääparin juhlista varsin erikoiset.

An examination of the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 through to the present day. A semi-biographic film, in four chapters, about a family spanning from 1948 until recent times. Combined with intimate memories of each member, the film attempts to portray the daily life of those Palestinians who remained in their land and were labelled "Israeli-Arabs," living as a minority in their own homeland.

A junkie must face his true self to kick his drug addiction. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in partnership with The Film Foundation in 2005.

A 12-year-old boy from Brooklyn tries to unite his half-Israeli and half-Palestinian family through cooking.

Conrad Veidt plays a famous musician who is blackmailed for being gay. Eventually he stands trial and is convicted. At the end the film pleads for the abolition of §175 (the paragraph which punishes homosexuality).

Through 56 independent scenes, Echo draws a portrait, both biting and tender, of modern day Iceland during the often turbulent but also exciting time of the Christmas holidays.

In 1938 a group of fascists led by the general Gaetano Maria Barbagli decides to invade the planet of Mars.

Mikhail Gorbachev, former president of the Soviet Union, sits down with filmmaker Werner Herzog to discuss his many achievements. Topics include the talks to reduce nuclear weapons, the reunification of Germany and the dissolution of his country.

As the end approaches inexorably, the last humans, living millions of years into the future, send a message to the humanity of the present that is both a plea for help and a warning, but also an epic tale of evolution, decline and hope.

Unenomainen naisääni johdattaa meidät elämän suurien ja pienten tapahtumien ääreen; pariskunta leijuu sodan runteleman Kölnin päällä, isä pysähtyy solmimaan tyttärensä kengännauhat kaatosateessa ja kolme teinityttöä tanssii kahvilan edessä. Roy Anderssonin uusi elokuva on elämän ja olemassaolon kaleidoskooppi.

The memory of World War II is the only thing that makes a small Russian town alive. Like a great treasure this memory is preserved here in every home and is passed on from generation to generation. Yet exactly this memory prevents people from understanding that despite their own will they are getting involved in a new war.

Woody Allen tutkii komedian ja tragiikan eroavaisuuksia kertomalla kaksi versiota Melindan tarinasta. Tapahtumat saavat alkunsa illalliskutsuilla, jotka keskeytyvät, kun paikalle saapuu kutsumaton vieras, onneton Melinda. Toisen tarinan genre kallistuu komedian, toinen tragedian suuntaan, mutta onko lyhyt ja ainutkertainen elämämme lopultakin tragikomediaa?

In this drama from director Alan Parker, on-the-lam Jack McGurn flees to Los Angeles and takes a job as a projectionist at a movie theater owned by a Japanese-American man. Jack falls for the owner's daughter, Lily, but they are forced to elope to Seattle when her father forbids the relationship. The couple marry and have a daughter, but when World War II breaks out, Jack is powerless to stop his new family's forced internment.

The retired Chief superintendent Jakob Franck who often had to inform relatives as a "death messenger", now hopes to lead a life beyond the dead.

Arbuckle escapes the watch of his domineering wife and heads for Coney Island. Keaton arrives that same day with his attractive, and rather easy, girlfriend, who is immediately stolen from him by St. John.