A unusual love story about two teenagers in berlin.

A musical film about the adventures of the wandering musicians from Bremen such as Troubadour, Donkey, Dog, Cat and Rooster. In one of the towns Troubadour falls in love with a Princess and makes up a plan how to get the King's confidence.

The road from the kitchen to parliament was long and rocky for Swiss women - four generations had to fight for the male electorate to grant women the right to political participation. Stéphane Goël's documentary traces this path with sensitivity and humor.

Cast and crew members discuss New Zealand being an ideal filming location for the "Hobbit" films. Comes with the extended version of 'The Battle of the Five Armies'.

La storia di tre generazioni degli Sonnenschein, una famiglia ebreo ungherese durante l'impero austro ungarico, l'occupazione nazista fino al secondo dopoguerra e all'eredità comunista.

Tanya leaves Moscow with her street-wise 10-year-old son Artiom to meet her English fiancée in London. But after he fails to turn up at the airport, Tanya, intent on staying in England, is forced to apply for political asylum and transferred to Stonehaven, a grimy former seaside resort where refugees are housed. Tanya gradually develops a relationship with an amusement arcade manager, who helps them escape. She must then decide whether to stay with him or return to Russia.

Con la regia di Giambattista Avellino, un fortunato spettacolo che si può raccontare come uno “sguardo sul mondo” apparentemente distaccato e racchiuso nella loro “sicilianità”. Trovano spazio, naturalmente, tra gli altri personaggi, i due siciliani “nati stanchi” proposti a Zelig che chiacchierano svogliatamente affrontando problemi sia familiari sia dell’Italia intera, e i panchinari dell’Inter. Nel giugno 2003 esce il loro libro Stanchi, edito da Kowalski, che racconta tutto quello che hanno detto e avrebbero voluto dire i due notissimi personaggi dei siciliani "nati stanchi", proposti a Zelig Circus.

Four characters become involved in one dramatic story: Nico has a mission to drive a car containing a live bomb to a specified destination, park the car and escape as quickly as she can. Leo has become his client's target, having carried out a "contract" that unfortunately had already been cancelled. Fabian and Reza want to enjoy themselves without any money, bringing themselves into contact sooner or later with the police. Sooner or later all four will meet up in dramatic circumstances....

Lei è una donna in carriera che ad un certo punto viene ossessionata da qualcuno che la segue. A nulla vale rivolgersi alla polizia: dovrà affrontare da sola l'insistente pedinatore.

Johannesburg, 1963. La tredicenne Molly, figlia di due giornalisti bianchi attivi contro l'apartheid, vede il padre costretto a fuggire. Lei è emarginata a scuola, sua madre viene arrestata e tenta il suicidio temendo di tradire i compagni di lotta. Molly rimprovera alla madre di anteporre la politica alla famiglia, ma l'uccisione di un leader nero le dà la consapevolezza della situazione.

A mockumentary exploring the life of the Blair Witch and the three missing student filmmakers.

Michel e Bruno sono due fratellastri accomunati unicamente dall'abbandono della madre. Michel è uno scienziato dedito alla biologia molecolare e prossimo al Nobel. Il suo sogno è riuscire a clonare gli esseri umani così da poter garantire a essi una vita perfetta. Bruno invece è un insegnante, ossessionato dal sesso, costretto dalla sua malattia ad entrare e uscire dagli ospedali psichiatrici...

YouTube personalities Joe Sugg and Caspar Lee go on a road trip driving all around Europ

La fotografa Gilda Bessé condivide il suo appartamento parigino, e il suo cuore, con Guy Malyon, un insegnante irlandese, e Mia, una rifugiata spagnola. Alla vigilia della Seconda Guerra Mondiale Gilda continua la sua vita lussuosa, mentre Guy e Mia sentono il bisogno di ribellarsi alla dittatura fascista...

Hearts beat for hip hop until Bruno meets a beautiful violinist Nina and Zoki ends up in a hospital after a fight. Which love will prevail, love for hip hop, love for a girl, or is it possible to have it all?

The story of a woman who must find her kidnapped son, navigating a world she doesn't know, on the edge of danger with every heartbeat.

Four young women travel to their college professor's new country home for a weekend getaway, only to discover that the house has a malevolent past.

Konrad von Seidlitz is a young yuppie lawyer currently celebrating his engagement with Cornelia, daughter of minister of justice Volkerts. As a public relations gag, he hasn't paid his parking fines for two years and now insists on being sentenced to jail for two weeks as punishment. Using his knowledge as a lawyer he makes the best out of his visit in jail still working, still in a splendid mood and not adapting to any rule. Probably a good way to get the desired public attention, but also a good way to make enemies inside the jail-house. One day before Konrad is to be released his booth is searched and two hundred grams of cocaine are found. That's a serious problem even for a brilliant lawyer like Konrad and even if you're innocent

Punk's Dead, the sequel to 1999 cult hit SLC Punk, is a punk romp through the Utah hinterlands. Ross, Penny and Crash, young outsiders from different tribes, embark on a road trip to a huge punk show. Ross, 19, is the love child of Trish and Heroin Bob, who died before Ross was born. During their odyssey, and with the help of a healthy dose of drugs, alcohol and punk music, Ross shreds his darkly Gothic outlook and embraces life. His mother Trish, who raised Ross alone in her steam punk shop, discovers that he is in a crisis. She recruits his 'uncles,' Bob's old SLC gang, to help find him. When all collide at the concert, they are forced to deal with their unresolved relationships with Bob.

Director helmut Dietls and Patric Susskinds illustrate a legendary story of two lovers who cant keep themselves away from death.