STARMANIA is a cyberpunk rock opera that premiered on stage in 1979. In the near future, most developed countries have merged. Zéro Janvier, CEO of the biggest corporation in "The Occident" (as the new Western state is known) is campaigning to become President on a platform vowing to eliminate the terrorist group The Black Stars and their leader Johnny Rockfort. He has convinced the Stars' information broker Sadia to secretly work for him, while also courting the retiring film star Stella Spotlight. Meanwhile, Johnny Rockfort plans to kidnap television sweetheart Cristal, but he falls in love with her instead. Overlooking all this is Marie-Jeanne, a waitress in the café where the Black Stars meet, and her friend Ziggy, an obsessive David Bowie fan whose dearest wish is to appear on Cristal's music program STARMANIA. The show recounts these entwined love stories set in parallel, touching also on themes of terrorism, totalitarianism, and an individual's right to decide his own destiny.

An ordinary young boy called Nikolas sets out on an extraordinary adventure into the snowy north in search of his father who is on a quest to discover the fabled village of the elves, Elfhelm. Taking with him a headstrong reindeer called Blitzen and a loyal pet mouse, Nikolas soon meets his destiny in this magical and endearing story that proves nothing is impossible…

A passenger on a cruise ship develops an irresistible infatuation with an eccentric paraplegic's wife.

A nebbish high school senior and his best friends embarks on a road trip to attend the greatest music festival of the year in a last-ditch effort to win over the girl of his dreams.

Paris, 1910. Emile, a shy movie projectionist, and Raoul, a colourful inventor, find themselves embarked on the hunt for a monster terrorizing citizens. They join forces with Lucille, the big-hearted star of the Bird of Paradise cabaret, an eccentric scientist and his irascible monkey to save the monster, who turns out to be an oversized but harmless flea, from the city's ruthlessly ambitious police chief.

Cel mai mic dintre cei 14 copii ai unui cuplu francez-canadian devine vedetă muzicală în „Aline”, o dramă-comedie muzicală fictivă, inspirată de viața lui Celine Dion. Pentru Aline Dieu, nimic nu contează mai mult decât muzica, familia și iubirea. Vocea ei puternică și emoționantă îi captivează pe toți cei care o aud, inclusiv pe managerul Guy-Claude Kamar, care e hotărât să facă tot ce ține de el ca s-o facă vedetă. În timp ce Aline se transformă din fenomen local, în vedetă internațională, ea începe cele mai importante două povești de dragoste din viața sa: una cu Guy- Claude, care e cu câteva decenii mai în vârstă decât ea, și una cu publicul, care o adoră.

Mikaël e doctor de noapte. El îi tratează pe pacienții din cartierele periculoase, inclusiv pe cei pe care niciun alt doctor nu vrea să-i vadă: dependenții de droguri. El este prins între soție și amantă și verișorul lor farmacist îl trage în traficul cu rețete false de Subutex. Viața lui e haotică. Mikaël nu mai are de ales: în seara asta, trebuie să-și ia destinul în propriile mâini.

Peter își roagă un prieten să se dea drept iubitul lui în vizita acasă de Crăciun, dar planul lor se schimbă după ce familia încearcă să-l cupleze cu altcineva.

Inheritance este povestea conducătorului unei familii extrem de bogate şi puternice, care moare subit şi îşi lasă fiica şi soţia în posesia unei „moşteniri” terifiante - un secret şocant, ce ameninţă să le distrugă vieţile.

Tall Girl, povestea unei eleve de liceu de aproape 1.90 metri înălţime, explorează provocarea de a fi altfel, mai ales la o vârstă când pentru mulţi dintre noi principalul ţel este să trecem neobservaţi. Ava Michelle, interpreta eroinei, are exact înălţimea acesteia şi s-a confruntat cu situaţii similare în timpul adolescenţei.

When a magical artifact is lifted from his library, a meek librarian sets out to ensure its safe return.

A fictional account of one year in the life of Empress Elisabeth of Austria. On Christmas Eve 1877, Elisabeth, once idolized for her beauty, turns 40 and is officially deemed an old woman; she starts trying to maintain her public image.

Samuel, a boy who lives with his mother Elena in Villa dei Laghi, an isolated manor surrounded by woods, feels trapped in the family routine, growing up seemingly protected, but unsatisfied and restless.

Serialul urmărește armata de clone a Republicii în lupta împotriva forțelor separatiste ale contelui Dooku și aduce în prim plan personajele preferate ale fanilor: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano și Darth Maul.

Overwhelmed widower Seth Webster is searching for a housekeeper to help him with his unruly six year old twin sons. "Mrs. Miracle" mysteriously appears and quickly becomes an irreplaceable nanny, chef, friend... and matchmaker.

Filmul surprinde poveştile mai multor familii care se pregătesc să petreacă împreună o zi specială, plină de surprize. Fie că e vorba despre o nouă idilă, despre o iubire pierdută sau lipsa dragostei, sărbătoarea care se apropie rapid se anunţă a fi memorabilă. „Mamă, ce zi!” este un film complex, amuzant şi emoţionant în care orice femeie se poate regăsi.

When Pierre learns that his parents are not his parents, he wants to find out who he is and where he comes from. Raised in nature, Pierre has never been confronted with society. He does not know the codes. He will team up with Anna who will help him in his quest and cross a whole gallery of characters as funny as tender. But during his investigation, Pierre will lose his colors – like a photo that fades.

While her apartment is being renovated, Jacqueline is thrilled to be forced into spending "a few days" with her eldest daughter Carole and her son-in-law, who are both in couples therapy. These "few days" turn into "a few months". Jacqueline quickly feels at home. She prepares dinners, monopolizes the television, reorganizes the kitchen... She is here, and no one knows for how long!

Recently widowed fifty-something Margaux looks to start chapter two. Moving in with her sister, she re-enrolls at university for pursuits she’d never realized. However, Margaux begins to experience another kind of awakening, the compulsions of which begin to take over.

Eleonore Berthier, 34 years old, keeps living as a teenager, collecting odd jobs and one night stands. Following a burnout, her mother and sister decide to take action to help her make a fresh start.