Planeettojen välinen rakkaustarina, jonka tarkoituksena on pelastaa ihmiskunta. Lum on rakkauden täyttämä olento, joka elää ihmisystävänsä Atarun ja muiden ystäviensä kanssa maassa. Suurta koulujuhlaa edeltävänä yönä maailma alkaa muuttua. Ihmisiä katoaa, talot romahtavat ja kaikki kuolee, mutta Lum, Ataru ja ystävät ovat onnellisempia kuin koskaan. Vähitellen he tajuavat totuuden.

Carlão is a prejudiced man who works in a car dealership with Cadinho, Zeca and Antunes. In conversations between them, Carlão always boasts of being the greatest soccer and mechanics savvy, all amidst macho and homophobic jokes. When Evaristo is the target of such verbal assaults, he pursues him and locks him in a magic locker. From there comes Carlinhos, a homosexual alter ego that takes over Carlão's body when night comes.

Anne Elliot, the daughter of a financially troubled aristocratic family, is persuaded to break her engagement to Frederick Wentworth, a young sea captain of meager means. Years later, money troubles force Anne's father to rent out the family estate to Admiral Croft, and Anne is again thrown into company with Frederick -- who is now rich, successful, and perhaps still in love with Anne.

Shuhei is leading a tough life. His alcoholic mother Akiko can only hook up with bad guys and order Shuhei to go get money from his disapproving grandparents instead of going to school. Except raising the little half-sister, his rock-bottom life seems to have no end.

Zed, a young British rapper, is about to start his first world tour, when a crippling illness strikes him down, and he is forced to move back in with his family. He tries to find himself between an international music career and Pakistani family traditions.

Tasya Vos on kallis ja tehokas palkkatappaja, joka työskentelee salaperäiselle organisaatiolle. Vosin paras valtti markkinoilla on se, että hän ei itse tee ammattinsa likaista työtä - vaan käyttää aivoimplanttiteknologiaa ottaakseen ihmisten kehot hallintaansa. Osaa heistä hän käyttää suorittamaan palkkamurhat. Uusin toimeksianto onkin korkeamman tason juttu ja Vos alkaa työstää uutta tappajaa keikalle. Mutta mitä syvemmälle Vos sukeltaa uuden kohteensa aivoihin, sitä enemmän ansaan hän joutuu, kun kohde onkin aikeissa tuhota hänet.

Claudia Larsen on matkalla Kiitospäivän viettoon vanhempiensa luokse. Yleensäkin Claudia suhtautuu perheen keskuudessa vietettäviin pyhiin pelonsekaisin tuntein, mutta tänä vuonna syitä on entistäkin enemmän. Claudia on juuri menettänyt työpaikkansa ja hänen kotiin jäävä tyttärensä kertoo viikonlopun suunnitelmistaan, jotka eivät ole Claudian toivomia. Ei ihme, jos ilmassa on ahdistusta.

After college graduation, Grover's girlfriend Jane tells him she's moving to Prague to study writing. Grover declines to accompany her, deciding instead to move in with several friends, all of whom can't quite work up the inertia to escape their university's pull. Nobody wants to make any big decisions that would radically alter his life, yet none of them wants to end up like Chet, the professional student who tends bar and is in his tenth year of university studies.

After the liberation of Auschwitz, an Italian prisoner of War begins a torturous voyage home to Turin, through a Europe caught between war and peace.

After breaking up with her boyfriend, a woman named Odete descends into madness and claims to be pregnant with the child of her neighbour Pedro, who died in a car crash and is mourned by his boyfriend Rui.

An ex-con struggling to readjust to life in his small town forms an intense bond with his former high-school teacher.

Three high school students experience the perks and pitfalls of love in director Leste Chen’s sensitive tale of friendship and yearning.

Ten Years ago, Genichiro Izayoi died trying to stop the sorcerer Rebi Ra, and as a result Shinjuku became a playground for demons. And now, the day approaches when Rebi Ra will complete his decade-long ritual to plunge the rest of the world into chaos! As Genichiro's son, it falls to Kyoya to venture into the heart of Shinjuku and put an end to the sorcerer his father couldn't beat. Can Kyoya exceed his father's legacy, or will the demons of Shinjuku create Hell on Earth?

Alma and Alex, two adolescent sisters, are survivors of a catastrophic event. They live deep in the woods with their Mother, a strict, over-protective woman who has sheltered them from ominous presences, the Shadows, which live in the daylight and infest the world beyond the river, a border for Alma and Alex. When they follow Mother, out for hunting, Alma and Alex start a series of events which will make them discover the truth about the Shadows and their own reality.

14-year old Echo and her mother Ivy, a tarot card reader, live a quiet life in a rural area. When reclusive Kurt moves down the road to restore an abandoned farmhouse, an accident leads to Echo’s murder, and suddenly three lives collide in mysterious and wicked ways. Kurt assumes he can hide his secret under the ground. But Echo burrows into his head until he can feel her in his bones. As she haunts his every move, trying to reach her mother from beyond, Ivy must dig deep to see the signs and prove that love won’t stay buried.

As her life spirals out of control, a rebellious undergrad begins practicing a forbidden witchcraft to help her grades; but when she unknowingly unleashes a deadly curse that threatens her father's life, she will be forced to pass her biggest test yet.

Sotaveteraani John Eastland on kiitollisuudenvelassa ystävälleen, joka pelasti hänen henkensä Vietnamissa. Hän järkyttyy syvästi, kun tämä halvaantuu newyorkilaisen rikollisjengin pahoinpitelyn jäljiltä loppuelämäkseen. Syyllisten täytyy maksaa, joten Eastland muuttuu tappokoneeksi, ja kostosta tulee hänen ainoa päämääränsä. Mutta kosto muuttuukin laajamittaiseksi sodaksi koko alamaailmaa vastaan. New York on liekeissä, ja sen alamaailmaa pitää pelon vallassa yksi mies, John Eastland - The Exterminator.

A man's life is turned inside out after a visit from his college friend leads him into the unexpected.

Paulinho Gogó narrates his stories on a park bench for different listeners, while waiting for the arrival of his beloved Nega Juju.

An estranged family take a trip to the desert in their used RV and become stranded and isolated in the scorching terrain. They soon learn their RV holds terrible, haunting secrets, and it starts killing them off one by one.