It's 1974. Muhammad Ali is 32 and thought by many to be past his prime. George Foreman is ten years younger and the heavyweight champion of the world. Promoter Don King wants to make a name for himself and offers both fighters five million dollars apiece to fight one another, and when they accept, King has only to come up with the money. He finds a willing backer in Mobutu Sese Suko, the dictator of Zaire, and the "Rumble in the Jungle" is set, including a musical festival featuring some of America's top black performers, like James Brown and B.B. King.

After a career-ending accident, former NFL recruit Ian Hunter is back on campus, and he's putting his extensive skills with women to work as one of the masterminds behind a successful and secretive dating service. But when Blake Olson requests the services of Wingmen, Inc., Ian may have landed his most hopeless client yet. As Blake begins the transformation from hot mess to smokin' hot, Ian realizes he's in danger of breaking his cardinal rule....

In 1973, the 20-year-old Svante has a heart condition that the doctors cannot fix. When he has a breakdown on a subway platform, a strange train suddenly appears. He steps into the subway car filled with wonder, without knowing that the destination is the future. In the future he meets Elsa and together they must solve Svante's problems and figure out how to live together when they are from two different eras.

Taxi dancer Charity continues to have faith in the human race despite apparently endless disappointments at its hands, and hope that she will finally meet the nice young man to romance her away from her sleazy life. Maybe, just maybe, handsome Oscar will be the one to do it.

This documentary puts a spotlight on the White House’s failed response to the global pandemic and how it could have been prevented. Featuring damning testimony from public health officials and hard investigative reporting, director Alex Gibney reveals a system-wide collapse caused by a profound dereliction of presidential leadership.

A portrait of the lives of a disparate group of patrons and employees at an American watering hole today.

The first movie directed by Roberto Benigni in four surreal short stories: "Durante Cristo" (During Christ), "Angelo" (Angel), , "In Banca" (At the Bank) and "I Due Militi" (The Two Soldiers). An excursus in Benigni's satirical views on man, religion and society.

Virginia is taking a class at film school, and has decided on her solo project for the class. She will secretly film herself and her ex-husband Marcelo with a candid camera while they make love.

After a tragic turn of events at the new home he's fixing up, Daniel hears a ghostly plea for help, spurring him to seek out a famous paranormal expert.

Užovka je stratený vo svojom vlastnom živote. Má už skoro štyridsať a nemá babu ani prácu, pričom cíti, že má poslednú šancu sám so sebou niečo urobiť. Naskytne sa mu šanca, ktorú nemieni premárniť. Jeho brat Kobra je magor, nezodpovedý a feťák, bývajúci s večne opitou matkou. Stavia vzdušné zámky a vykráda chatky. Vo chvíli, keď sa ukáže, že by Užovka mohol byť už konečne šťastný, sa objaví Kobra. Užovka sa mu rozhodne dať poriadnu lekciu, situácia sa ale vymkne kontrole.

Hayley Parkerová sa rozhodne stráviť vianočný týždeň so svojou sestrou Amy Parker-Barnettovou a jej svokrovcami. Hayley chce prežiť pekné sviatky, ale je nešťastná, keď v dome vidí Amyinho švagra Paula Barnetta. Paul bol totiž jedným z dôvodov Hayleyinho rozchodu s jej bývalým priateľom. Hayley a Paul sa spočiatku nechcú ani vidieť, snažia sa navzájom vyhýbať a majú napätý a rozhádaný vzťah. Keď ale počas vianočných sviatkov musia spoločne tráviť viac času pod jednou strechou, zistia, že sú si celkom sympatickí, začnú sa o seba zaujímať a pocítia vzájomnú príťažlivosť. Stanú sa z nepriateľov nakoniec milenci? Ako je známe, vianočný duch dokáže zázraky, a tak budeme svedkami veľkého prekvapenia.

Frances Price, členka vysokej spoločnosti, zostala bez peňazí. Jej manžel zomrel pred 12 rokmi a ona dúfala že zomrie, než minú celý majetok. Lenže plán jej nevyšiel. Predáva teda všetko, čo jej zostalo a odchádza žiť spolu so svojím nepraktickým synom Malcolmom do požičaného bytu v Paríži. Spoločnosť im robí kocúr menom Malý Frank, ktorý môže, ale nemusí byť duchom zosnulého manžela.

A self-loathing, failed Eastside novelist living in the ‘hipster’ neighborhood of Echo Park in Los Angeles is shocked to find himself falling in love with everything he hates, including a simple All-American blonde girl from the Westside.

A young mother who's crushed by guilt and shame after the disappearance of her young son five years previously, is offered a bizarre opportunity to learn the truth and set things right. Is she willing to pay the terrifying price for a chance to hold her boy again?

Skupina tínedžerov závislých na technológiách sa dostane do offline tábora. Spoločná turistika v lese bez prístupu k smartfónom však nekončí tak, ako to naplánovali organizátori. Budú musieť bojovať o skutočný život s niečím, čo nevideli ani v najtemnejších kútoch internetu. Tvárou v tvár smrteľnému nebezpečenstvu číhajúcemu v lese objavujú skutočné priateľstvo, lásku a obete. Vyjdú z toho celí alebo v krvavých kúskoch?

A criminal duo learns of Charlie Chaplin's death and decides to steal his coffin to hold for a ransom.

A desperate choice leads Jack down a path that leaves him beaten and bruised as he struggles against man, nature and his own insanity. Stranded in the middle of nowhere after barely surviving a horrific assault, Jack encounters one local after another and quickly learns that a sick game of cat and mouse is about to begin. Battling the deranged country psychos and the harsh landscape, Jack must go to extreme lengths to survive.

The world renowned “Invincible Hand” Ken could identify not only mahjong tiles, but also cards with his fingers which had made him a legend. Upon his retirement as the Chief Security Consultant in Las Vegas, Ken returned to his hometown Macau, where he met his old friend Benz, and Benz’s son Cool and nephew Karl. Both Cool and Karl wanted to follow Ken. Ken claimed that if Cool could successfully cheat him once or win over him, he would then accept Cool as his protégé. Cool’s step brother Lionel, an undercover agent, had disguised his identity in an international gambling mafia which had planned to form an alliance with mafias in illegal gambling from all over the world to control the result of soccer matches. Lionel had recorded the entire conference, with the criminal evidence kept in an imitated eye. The eye was coincidentally given to Rainbow, Ken’s only daughter, which put her in danger. The retired Ken was forced to use his “Magic Hand” once again to uncover the evil plan…

Unaware that it's plagued by a host of supernatural phenomena, a mother and her daughter, still reeling from a car crash which claimed the life of Roger Cobb, move into the hold family homestead to start a new life.