A macabre fairy tale about a young woman who lives in a chip shop with her controlling father and his fancy girlfriend. Lonely and without purpose, Nora one day stumbles upon an old camera in a river and starts to embody weird and wonderful characters which she captures on film... (Grimmfest TV)

Lola Igna is a foul-mouthed and stubborn woman who is eager to die but her neighbors are hung up on her winning "the oldest living grandmother in the world." Her long-lost great-great-grandson, Tim, is an aspiring vlogger who wants to latch on her now-famous grandma but ends up giving her a new reason to live.

In a small Spanish town, during the Christmas holidays, a group of rich old ladies organize a peculiar event that consists of inviting a homeless person to sit down to dinner at their wealthy table. Plácido, a humble worker, is hired by the organizers to participate in a parade with his three-wheeled vehicle, a seemingly simple mission that will not be easy for him to accomplish.

Behind the gates of a palm-tree-lined fantasyland, three residents and one interloper at America’s largest retirement community strive to find happiness.

A wheelchair-bound young girl returns to her father's estate after ten years, and although she's told he's away, she keeps seeing his dead body on the estate.

A great crazy-comedy from Wam & Vennerød. Bryllupsfesten (English: The wedding party) is a 1989 Norwegian comedy film written by Petter Vennerød, and directed by Vennerød and Svend Wam, starring Knut Husebø and Eli Anne Linnestad. Businessman Carl Otto "Totto" Holm (Husebø) is on the verge of bankruptcy, and plans a staged robbery of the family's Munch engraving.

"To Catch a Killer" tells the true gruesome story of John Wayne Gacy - a good friend and helpful neighbour, a great child entertainer, a respectful businessman, and a violent serial killer who raped and murdered over 30 young boys.

At the start of the summer, Bridget has an abortion just as she lands a much-needed job in affluent Evanston, Illinois — nannying a six-year old.

Three extraordinary people embark on journeys of recovery, discovery and rebellion and find themselves centre stage in the biggest capital punishment crisis in modern memory. The Penalty unearths an America where grieving families, botched executions and wrongful convictions force us to question what we think we know about the death penalty.

Solitary and skilled photographer Kai is afraid of women. When he encounters a beautiful model, Kyoko suffering from body dysmorphia, they begin a twisted romance. Kai is determined to save Kyoko from her anguishes, even if it means death to himself.

Природозащитникът Ханк живее хармонично сред незрящи животни, включително гепарди, слонове, лъвове и тигри, защитени в африканските равнини. Когато съпругата и децата му пристигат на посещение случайно започнала битка за господство между два лъва, излиза извън контрол и заплашва живота им.

Захвърлени заедно сред хаос и насилие, един мъж и една жена се сблъскват с неочаквана страст в този взривоопасен трилър от продуцентите на Приключенията на Присила, кралицата на пустинята. Колин е шофьор по време на банков обир, който се намесва, за да спаси живота на Мидори нещастна японска булка, която е в опасност, след като е станала неволен свидетел на престъпление. Планът на Мидори да организира собственото си отвличане, за да се събере отново с бившия си приятел, се проваля.

A group of wealthy but secretly very troubled people travel to an island resort. After experiencing a brush with death, they find themselves wondering about their existences.

A delightfully dark, Frankenstein-themed horror comedy about a re-animated corpse, made from the stitched together body parts of three murdered young women, that decides to go on a bloody quest to find their killer and avenge their deaths!

Erfan and his friends decide to perform a concert in memory of him and Khalilians on the oil platform where the father of mysticism was martyred ....

След странната смърт на руския окултист Карл Рамаревич, който през живота си е изучавал всякакви съмнителни начини за постигане на власт и всемогъщество, ученичката Джули се озовава в неговата крипта. Оказва се, че тя е там по прищявка на приятелите си, които са решили по този начин да я посветят във тайното си общество. Джули трябва да прекара нощта в тази крипта... заедно с обявения призрак на Карл.

On a trip to Big Sur, two friends, both actresses, try to reconnect with one another. Once alone, the women's suppressed jealousies and deep-seated resentments begin to rise, causing them to lose their grasp on not only the true nature of their relationship, but also their identities.

Пристрастен към мечтата си начеващ актьор успява да се превърне в знаменитост.

In the Fall of 1940, the entire population of Friar, New Hampshire walked together up a winding mountain trail and into the wilderness. Without warning, they left behind everything: their homes, their clothes, and their money. The only clue where they went was a single word etched into stone near the forest’s edge: YELLOWBRICKROAD.

Следвайки мистериозна карта, трима американски туристи, търсещи древен храм, навлизат дълбоко в японската джунгла. Но когато пътниците се сблъскват с духове, приключението им се превръща в ужасен кошмар.