About the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War.

In this hilarious one hour comedy special, Kanan Gill squints at a variety of subjects ranging from the difficulty in talking to your parents to The Constitution of India. It's easy to keep it funny. Kanan keeps it real.

Brash and opinionated, Christine Choy is a documentarian, cinematographer, professor, and quintessential New Yorker whose films and teaching have influenced a generation of artists. In 1989 she started to film the leaders of the Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests who escaped to political exile following the June 4 massacre. Though Choy never finished that project, she now travels with the old footage to Taiwan, Maryland, and Paris in order to share it with the dissidents who have never been able to return home.

In the middle of October 1998, Tomoe Enjou is attacked by bullies from his old school and saved by Shiki Ryougi. He asks her to hide him at her place and admits that he killed someone. Several days after the incident there are still no broadcasts about the murder as if it didn't happen.

"Revival of Evangelion" combines the movies, "Evangelion: Death (True)²" (a re-edit of "Death" segment from "Death and Rebirth") and "The End of Evangelion," into one long production. It is a "complete" ending.

Bus driver Stan Butler agrees to marry Suzy, much to the anguish of Mum, her son-in-law, Arthur, and daughter Olive. How, they wonder, will they ever manage without Stan's money coming in? Then Arthur is sacked, and Stan agrees to delay the wedding. Meanwhile, he hits on an idea: Arthur should learn to drive a bus. Somehow he does just that, and even gets a job. Stan then blackmails the Depot Manager into giving him the job of driver on the new money-making Special Tours Bus. A great idea ...if only the inspector hadn't taken Stan on his trial run to the Windsor Safari Park

Michele, Goffredo, Mirko and Vito are four friends who have participated in the battles of the student in Sixties. Now in the Seventies, the four friends don't know what to do, though young and with so many possibilities to find a job in life. Intellectuals marginalized and misunderstood, the four friends find themselves when they can in a restaurant to discuss their outlandish theories. A girl named Olga disrupts their life, but Michele is her favorite, although he does not know what to do with the girl.

"Zabawna dziewczyna" to jeden z najpopularniejszych musicali w historii kina. Film opowiada o początkach wielkiej kariery gwiazdy amerykańskiej estrady Fanny Brice, w którą wcieliła się Barbra Streisand, wyróżniona Oscarem w 1968 dla najlepszej aktorki. Do spróbowania swoich sił na scenie zachęciła ją własna matka. Na estradzie "zabawna dziewczyna" zadebiutowała w szalonym numerze na wrotkach, po którym uznana została za urodzoną aktorkę komediową. Rok później zaangażowała się do słynnej rewii Florenza Ziegfelda (Walter Pidgeon), gdzie zjednała sobie tłumy wielbicieli. Wkrótce została gwiazdą i poślubiła Nicka Arnsteina (Omar Sharif), przystojnego hazardzistę, któremu szczęście rzadko sprzyjało.

The Straw Hats visits an island, known as Mecha Island, where a fisherman sings an old folk song about a Golden Crown. Searching for that mysterious treasure, they find a hidden entrance into the island. The island's leader, Ratchet, impressed with the find and in search of the Golden Crown himself, invites the crew to join him in his search and the crew along with Ratchet and his henchmen enter the cave. As it turns out, the islands true form, is that of a giant turtle. Ratchet, who had known this all along, uses his mechanical castle to take control of the turtle, in order to use it, to take over the world. Now the Straw Hats have to stop not only Ratchet, but also the helpless turtle, from crashing into a nearby island.

Relaxing on a cozy beach, the Straw Hat Pirates are taking a rest from their quest. Right until Luffy noticed the Going Merry has been hijacked and sailed off from the beach. This leads them to search the ship and find the thief who took it from them. They ran into a duo named the Theif Brothers, who informed them that their ship was stolen by a group of pirates called the Trump Kyoudai. When they encountered the Trump Pirates, Nami ended up getting kidnapped as well as Luffy's hat. They tracked down the pirates to their base on Clockwork Island. Now Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, and the Theif Brothers must reclaim the Going Merry, Save Nami, and get back Shank's straw hat.

Bruno, a chauffeur having some problem in keeping a job, meets one morning Mariuccia, a taxi driver’s daughter working as a perfumery’s shop assistant, and trying to impress her, pretending to be rich, uses his employer’s car to took her on a trip to the lakes, but things don’t work as planned and to conquer Mariuccia’s hearth won’t be so easy…

Wiedząc już, że jej ukochany mąż żyje, markiza Angelika postanawia za wszelką cenę go odnaleźć. Wyrusza więc jego tropem na Morze Śródziemne. Na pokład statku zabiera ją dowódca królewskiej galery, diuk de Vivonne, który jednak niebawem łamie zasady gościnności i usiłuje zmusić Angelikę, by mu się oddała. Na szczęście, z opresji ratuje ją... niespodziewany atak piratów. Angelika ucieka z pokładu królewskiego statku, nieświadoma, że przywódcą piratów jest sam Jeoffrey de Peyrac.

After a confrontation, a group of women are taken by a presence.

Piraci sprzedają Angelikę sułtanowi Maroka, który poszukuje najpiękniejszej kobiety świata. Angelika oświadcza, że prędzej umrze, niż dobrowolnie zdradzi męża. Dumny władca postanawia za wszelka cenę złamać jej opór. Francuski niewolnik wraz z żoną sułtana Leilą pomagają Angelice uciec z haremu. Wkrótce Angelikę odnajduje jej pierwszy mąż Jeoffrey de Peyrac.

Despite her success as a professional flute player and the constant attention of men around her, Susan Berlanger feels insecure because of her lame right leg. During a European tour, she decides to cover her leg with a cast to see how people will react to her as a nondisabled person.

A man has a fantastical nightmare involving, among other things, a grinning malevolent moon.

In 1967, a young David Lynch grabbed his new Bolex 16mm camera, to film his friend and mentor Bushnell Keeler and brother Dave Keeler sailing on the Chesapeake Bay in Bush's King's Cruiser. This was David Lynch's very first film, which he prefers to call a "home movie". It depicts a man, a painter, who changed David's life forever pursuing the artist's life, which he continues to this day.

An Israeli man, raised by a wealthy and powerful Arab, comes into conflict with his heritage when he is entrusted with managing his country's oil fortunes and must deal with a fanatical terrorist group led by his daughter.

A male lion, right next to bars that are about 6 or 8 inches apart, keenly watches a uniformed zoo attendant toss small morsels of food into the cage. The lion alternates between finding the food on the cage floor and reaching through the bars to swipe at the man, who stays alarmingly close to the beast. In the background are the large rocks and brick wall at the back of the lion's habitat.