A talented songwriter of sambas is forced to face the social injustices of the city around him.

An old man is found dead, and his housekeeper is charged with the murder. Her defense attorney is surprised to learn the only witness to the crime is a teenage girl with autism.

He Xiaoyang, who is single for four years, is mistaken as head girl Guan Xin‘s love interest by accident. To get rid of He Xiaoyang, Guan Xin decides to help him pursue the most beautiful girl in campus Li Shushu. With Guan Xin’s help, He Xiaoyang learns the most efficient way to pursue a girl. But he can’t figure out whether there is really a way to face his true love.

Doi necunoscuți se întâlnesc în tren și între ei se creează o legătură ce evoluează în timp. După o despărțire, se reîntâlnesc și reflectează asupra iubirii ce și-o poartă.

Kim Ji-young, an ordinary woman in her 30s, suddenly shows signs of being inhabited by other women from her life, past and present.

An innocent Cambodian boy is sold to a Thai broker and enslaved on a fishing trawler. As fellow slaves are tortured and murdered around him, he starts to wonder if his only hope of freedom is to become as violent as his captors.

Tokyo Blood is an omnibus film of 4 short stories featuring various characters entrapped in Tokyo landscapes.

A heroic but cocky firefighter pays no regard to the dangers of the job but lacks the courage to face his personal demons. When faced with a giant and volatile inferno, he must put aside personal differences with his boss if they are both to survive.

A former Judo champion is given the chance to redeem himself after he befriends a competitor and an aspiring singer.

From World War, to revolution and ultimately rebirth, Forever Young is the story of four generations spanning a hundred years of modern Chinese history. Each generation faces its own unique set of challenges. Up against corporate corruption, the trials and tribulations of the cultural revolution, and one's duty to nation in time of war, they are faced with choosing their individual paths through history. But as the challenges and turmoil of each generation may differ as time changes, what was learned in the past cannot help but effect the choices that are made in the future as it is passed down from generation to generation. And that is the universal message that being true to yourself is precious. It is the source of strength that empowers one to become the person they want to be, to march forward as far as their hearts desire, into the future.

Shun and Nagisa first meet and fall in love during their first year of high school. While Shun is graduating from university, Nagisa tells him that he doesn't see a future for them. Despite Shun's strong feelings, they go their separate ways. Years later, Shun is now a store owner, living alone in a rural area. Out of the blue, Nagisa arrives with his six-year-old daughter, Sora. Spending time together, Shun realizes he still harbors feelings for Nagisa. Can Nagisa reconcile with his feelings for Shun, which have been there all along?

After 12 years, the Chinese women's volleyball team again reached the Olympic final. The ups and downs of the Chinese women's volleyball team for more than three decades have slowly spread away.

To be able to travel to Europe and find the love of his life, Sam Ali, a Syrian refugee, accepts to have his back tattooed by one of the most sulfurous contemporary artist; becoming that way a precious work of art.

Five conversations frame a flawed marriage in this film written by Ingmar Bergman about his parents. Guilt-ridden wife Anna (Pernilla August) divulges an extramarital affair to a priest, her uncle Jacob (Max von Sydow). He presses her to confess her sins to her husband, Henrik. As the film moves back and forth in time, the notion of truth is tested. Tomas, the lover, and Henrik will find that Anna's confessions do not absolve anyone, and have the power to inflict more pain.

Când o politiciană vicleană își pierde brusc abilitatea de a minții, ea este forțată să intre în cea mai dezastruoasă campanie de realegere din experimentata sa carieră politică.

When feudal lord Itakura Katsuakira decides to prepare his samurai troops for the onslaught of modernization by having them compete in a marathon, his independent-minded daughter Yuki secretly joins the race.

Recently cuckolded and reeling from a messy divorce, a hapless former singer hits the road - and the bar - with his all-too-helpful best bud, in this hilarious romantic comedy.

In the annual Ultra Maratón Caballo Blanco, runners compete in the spectacular Copper Canyon of Chihuahua, Mexico, home to the indigenous Rarámuri people. The town of Urique has hosted the event since 2004, after an American athlete created the race as a way for the Rarámuri, who are known for their endurance running, to honor and preserve their culture.

Pentru Asia, să fie mamă a fost mereu o luptă continuă, nu ceva instinctiv. Faptul că a devenit mamă devreme a afectat relația cu fiica ei adolescentă, Vika. Deși cele două locuiesc împreună, abia interacționează una cu cealaltă. Asia se concentrează pe munca ei de asistentă, în timp ce Vika își petrece timpul cu prietenii. Rutina lor e dată peste cap când sănătatea Vikăi se deteriorează rapid. Asia trebuie să devină mama de care tânăra are nevoie cu disperare. Boala tinerei se dovedește a fi o ocazie care scoate la suprafață dragostea din această familie.