While attempting to help Frankie Stein learn more about her freakycool scaritage, the fashionably fierce ghoulfriends travel back in time to the first day ever of Monster High! There, they meet Sparky, a skullastic teen with an obsession for creating life. But when Sparky follows the ghouls through a killer time portal to modern-day Monster High, the event results in eight of them fusing together into four creeperiffic hybrid Monsters. Now, they'll really have to work together to control their bodies in the big Bitecentennial Play and stop one of Sparky's experiments from destroying imperfectly perfect Monster High!

The story follows Sunset Shimmer, who (using her powers) finds out that her friends' memories of her have been mysteriously erased, resulting in them getting amnesia. Determined to set things straight, she'll need Princess Twilight's help from Equestria in order to find out the source of what caused her friends' memory loss.

Mickey, Minnie, Horace Horsecollar, and Clarabelle Cow go on a musical wagon ride until Peg-Leg Pete tries to run them off the road.

Although he hates dogs, Toni is engaged in finding lost animals and then sentimentally blackmails the masters in order to obtain beautiful large amounts of money. Because of an old and ugly Pekinese that Toni cannot succeed of getting rid of, feelings of affection awake in him that surprise even Toni.

"This piece, with the generic title Film, is a series of short videos built around one protocol: a snippet of news from a newspaper of the day, is rolled up and then placed on a black-inked surface. On making contact with the liquid, the roll opens and of Its own accord frees itself of the gesture that fashioned it. As it comes alive in this way, the sliver of paper reveals Its hitherto unexposed content; this unpredictable kinematics is evidence of the constant impermanence of news. As well as exploring a certain archaeology of cinema, the mechanism references the passage of time: the ink, whether it is poured or printed, is the ink of ongoing human history." –Ismaïl Bahri

Tells the early history of how conflict began between the humans and machines. Part 1 of 2.

Canterlot High meets its rival school, Crystal Prep Academy, in a competition that’s a long-standing tradition – The Friendship Games. Sunset Shimmer is tasked with keeping magic out of the games to avoid the appearance of impropriety while she and her friends compete against Crystal Prep’s top students led by someone with an equal amount of interest in Equestrian magic – this world’s TWILIGHT SPARKLE.

A writer's career — and entire life — suddenly goes off script when he falls prey to a dangerous web of criminals right before moving to Barcelona.

Všetko sa točí okolo banánu. Jeden sa objaví v tomárni, kde pracujú mimoni, ktorí sú po banánoch ako diví. Rozbehne sa naháňačka za banánom, ktorej víťazom chce byť každý.

Pri takom bohatom výbere povolaní musia mimoni k práci pristupovať naozaj zodpovedne. Môže sa niečo pokaziť napriek bezpečnostnému vstupnému školeniu?

Vo zbrusu novom dobrodružstve z Fairytopia sa spoločne s roztomilým zvieratkom menom Bibble vydáva do rozprávkovej školy v nádhernom Krištáľové paláci. Stretáva sa tu s ďalšími malými učeníkmi, ktorí sa podobne ako ona pripravujú na každoročný prílet jari a učia sa vykúzliť prvú dúhu roka. Zlá Laverne im to ale chce prekaziť a uvrhnúť Fairytopia na dlhých desať rokov do krutej zimy. A tak sa Elina so svojimi priateľmi musí naučiť spolupracovať, pretože "v jednote je sila." Ale budú dosť silní na to, aby Laverne premohli a priviedli dúhu naozaj k životu?

Elina, heroine of the Fairytopia films tells her friend Bibble the story of Flutterfield, a faraway kingdom populated by fairies with butterfly wings. Henna, the evil butterfly fairy has poisoned the queen of Flutterfield in an attempt to take over the kingdom.

Three Chinese friends build a successful English language school to help Chinese teenagers fulfil their dreams.

Pretty Joy and her friend come to Moscow to shoot a commercial. A taxi driver, who recruits girls for an underground organization run by a distant descendant of Rasputin, suggests they visit the Rasputin Museum. During the tour, the girls are hypnotized by the evil character, who hypnotizes his victims before using their charms to seduce the rich tourists.

A Broadway actress uses her sex appeal to ruin a marriage only to dump her lover for a richer prospect.

The adventures of pirate Captain Red and his first mate Frog.

Neodolateľný lámač ženských sŕdc Austin Powers sa na televízne obrazovky vracia už po tretí raz. Ibaže teraz bude jeho poslanie ešte náročnejšie, ako v predchádzajúcich dvoch dieloch. Nebezpečný Doktor Evil si pre svoje zákerné svetovládne plány našiel silného spoločníka, ničoho sa neštítiaceho gaunera Goldmembera. Spoločne vymyslia plán a okamžite podniknú dôležité kroky, nevyhnutné k dosiahnutiu vytýčeného cieľa. Podstúpia riskantnú cestu časom, len aby uniesli Austinovho otca Nigela Powersa, jedného z najrafinovanejších špiónov, akého kedy malo Anglicko k dispozícii. Austin neváha ani minútu a vráti sa do roku 1975, aby spoločne s lovkyňou zločincov Foxy Kleopatrou oslobodil svojho otca. Otázkou zostáva, či sa podarí superzvodnému špiónovi nepadnúť do siete lásky a naopak chytiť svojich protivníkov do siete zákona...

It's the end of the century at a corner of the city in a building riddled with crime - Everyone in the building has turned into zombies. After Jenny's boyfriend is killed in a zombie attack, she faces the challenge of surviving in the face of adversity. In order to stay alive, she struggles with Andy to flee danger.

Janko (Brent Lydic) a Marienka (Stephanie Greco) sú dvojčatá, chlapec a dievča, žijúci v modernom svete. Marienka vypomáha v "Perníkovom domčeku", čo je meno pekárne najlepších šišiek, mäsových koláčikov, pečiva, sladkostí a iných pochúťok, ktoré vyrába milá stará dáma Lilith (Dee Wallace). Janko, ktorý je posadnutý videohrami, sa ocitne v lese a uväzní ho rodina šialencov, ktorá s obľubou varí svoje obete zaživa potom, čo ich vykŕmi. Marienka sa snaží svojho brata zachrániť, no tiež ju uväznia. Na pomoc im príde Lilith, ktorá nie je iba dobrosrdečnou pekárkou, ale aj mocnou čarodejnicou. Do príbehu sa zapletú aj polícia, zbrane, plyn a veľká pec. Ako sa Jankovi a Marienke podarí utiecť pred smrťou? Na ktorú stranu sa nakoniec pridá mocná čarodejnica?

Tim Avery, an aspiring cartoonist, finds himself in a predicament when his dog stumbles upon the mask of Loki. Then after conceiving an infant son "born of the mask", he discovers just how looney child raising can be.