So Far So Good is a compilation album by Bryan Adams, released by A&M Records in November 1993. The album reached number six on The Billboard 200 charts in 1993. The album was number one hit in UK and many other countries. The album contains hits from between "Cuts Like a Knife" (1983) and Waking Up the Neighbours (1991), and a new single, "Please Forgive Me", although all cuts appear in their album versions. Originally the song "So Far So Good" was going to be included on the album so the album started and finished with a new song but it was dropped. The song was included on disc two of Anthology.

Comedian Franco Escamilla shares stories about parenting his children when they get into trouble, with reflections on gender, friendship and romance.

Home movies, photographs, and recited poetry illustrate the life of Tupac Shakur, one of the most beloved, revolutionary, and volatile hip-hop MCs of all time.

A young IPS officer’s new posting in rural India has him confronting caste disparities and uncomfortable truths in the face of a gruesome crime. When three girls go missing in the fictional village of Lalgaon, two of them are found dead and there is no trace of the third one. Where is she and who is responsible for this heinous act?

Celebrated filmmaker and photographer Cheryl Dunn turns her lens on the pioneers and masters of New York street photography. Dunn profiles artists spanning six decades, including Bruce Davidson, Mary Ellen Mark, Jill Freedman, Jeff Mermelstein and Martha Cooper, revealing that these shooters are as colourful and unique as the subjects they’ve relentlessly documented. Everybody Street explores the passion that compelled Freedman to spend years riding in squad cars during the most violent years in the city; Bruce Gilden’s drive to thrust his camera in people’s faces to capture a moment; and Martha Cooper’s dedication to chasing graffiti on passing subway cars in the Bronx. The film is a definitive look at the iconic visionaries of this often imitated art form.

Set in the thick of the Cold War, Red Son introduces us to a Superman who landed in the USSR during the 1950s and grows up to become a Soviet symbol that fights for the preservation of Stalin’s brand of communism.

Homer prežil celý život v malom sirotinci. Po dvoch neúspešných adopciách sa ho ujal doktor Wilbur Larch a vychoval z neho dobrého lekára, aj keď bez diplomu, a tiež dobrého človeka. Dúfal, že po ňom prevezme vedenie útulku, mladík sa však nečekane rozhodol odísť, aby spoznal aj iný život. Začína pracovať na jablkovej farme a zažíva veľkú lásku k priateľke Candy. Postupne pochopí mnohé zo zložitostí života. Když se však Wally, ktorému patrí farma, vrátí z vojny ochrnutý, Homer pochopí, kde je jeho miesto.

Before finding out the Perfect Answer, discover Another Gantz. Aired on Nippon Television network before the theatrical release of Gantz: The Perfect Answer, this film is an alternate perspective version of the first Gantz film from the same writing-directing team of the two-part theatrical film. In addition to condensed scenes from the Gantz film, Another Gantz features a new subplot that follows an investigative journalist not included in the theatrical film. Delving deep into the mystery, Another Gantz offers another piece towards solving the complex puzzle that is the world of Gantz.

While crafting his Grammy-nominated album "Astroworld," Travis Scott juggles controversy, fatherhood and career highs in this intimate documentary.

Vienna, Austria, 1910. The young painter Egon Schiele is a rising artist, provocative and free, whose work, characterized by eroticism, shocks as much as it fascinates art lovers.

Having recently found God, self-effacing young nurse Maud arrives at a plush home to care for Amanda, a hedonistic dancer left frail from a chronic illness. When a chance encounter with a former colleague throws up hints of a dark past, it becomes clear there is more to sweet Maud than meets the eye.

Fantozzi opäť potvrdzuje svoju povesť najväčšieho smoliara na svete - jeho dcéra je tehotná! Našiel sa totiž dobrodruh, ktorý jej v tom pomohol. Fantozzi sa rozhodne pre rázne riešenie, ale nanešťastie je pri návšteve nemocnice radikálny zákrok vykonaný jemu. Po intervencii u prezidenta mu ale lekári prišijú odrezaný úd späť. Navyše Fantozziho, športovca telom i dušou, čaká podniková olympiáda.

Pug, a wisecracking 13 year old living on a dangerous Westside block, has one goal in mind: to join The Twelve O'Clock Boys; the notorious urban dirt-bike gang of Baltimore. Converging from all parts of the inner city, they invade the streets and clash with police, who are forbidden to chase the bikes for fear of endangering the public. When Pug's older brother dies suddenly, he looks to the pack for mentorship, spurred by their dangerous lifestyle. Pug's story is coupled with unprecedented, action-packed coverage of the riders in their element. The film presents the pivotal years of change in a boy's life growing up in one of the most dangerous and economically depressed cities in the US.

Kristen, Kincaid a Joey sa stretli s Freddym Kruegerom už v 3. časti. Tentoraz sú späť v normálnom živote, ale Kristen znova začína mať nočné mory. V jednej z nich sa prechádza vo Freddyho dome, dôjde až do kotolne a tam vtiahne do svojho sna Kincaida aj Joeyho. Po útoku psa sa Kristen prebúdza so škaredou ranou na ruke. To je však len začiatok a Freddy sa už teší na ďalšie mladé mäsko, samozrejme s Kristen na čele.

Hae-Soo moved to a small city where nobody knows her. There, she opens a cafe and starts a new life. One day, a customer and a high school student, Ye-Jin, gives her a hand during the cafe's busy hour. Hae-Soo then hires Ye-Jin to work as a part-timer at her cafe. They form a close bond while secrets and confused emotions linger in the background.

The life and struggles of a notorious rock musician seeping into a pit of loneliness whose everyday life involves friends and family seeking financial aid and favors, inspired by rock music legend Kurt Cobain and his final hours.

Detská psychologička Mary Portman prišla pri tragickej automobilovej nehode o manžela. Jej syn Stephen síce nehodu prežil, ale zostal vo vegetatívnom stave upútaný na lôžko. Pre Mary sa život zmenil v nepretržitú starostlivosť o paralyzované dieťa. V jej veľkom dome uprostred lesov v nej narastá pocit samoty a izolácie. Všetko zmení príchod nového pacienta. Malý chlapec Tom sa po smrti matky uzavrel do seba. Mary sa rozhodne zobrať Toma v rámci liečby k sebe domov. Uprostred zúriacej snehovej búrky však chlapec z domu zmizne. Šanca, že prežil vonku mrazivú noc, je nulová. Mary si je však istá, že Toma vo svojom dome niekoľkokrát uvidela. Z miestností sa ozývajú zvláštne zvuky, v dome sa začínajú diať čudné veci. Niekto alebo niečo ju ohrozuje. Mary a Stephen už nie sú vo svojom domove v bezpečí. S narastajúcou hrôzou nadobúda Mary presvedčenie, že ju prenasleduje duch mŕtveho chlapca…

Rock'n'rollová hviezda Jason prichádza do prázdninového letoviska, kde Jenny pracuje na letnej brigáde. Pri plavbe výletnou loďou spadne Jason cez palubu, Jenny ho zachráni a spoločne na člne doplávajú na "opustený ostrov". Pravdu, že sú vlastne len čo by kameňom dohodil od ich letoviska, sa zamilovaná dievčina snaží utajiť, aby mohla byť so svojím idolom osamote.

James, a college freshman and computer genius, is enlisted by his womanizing roommate, Lance, to code the ultimate hook-up app. But when James discovers that his divorced mother is using the app, unexpected consequences ensue.

Two teenagers discover they are magically and intermittently swapping bodies. When a disaster threatens to upend their lives, they must journey to meet and save their worlds.