A tragic accident lead to Kaori's blindness, but she clings to life and the smaller pleasures it can still afford her. She meets Rui and begins to talk to him. Rui was once a promising kickboxer, but something happened in his past. Kaori's smile brings out a change in Rui. However, the two are connected in more than one way. Rui attempts to do what is right.

In this Oscar-winning short film, grieving parents journey through an emotional void as they mourn the loss of a child after a tragic school shooting.

Yokohama, 1963. Japan is picking itself up from the devastation of World War II and preparing to host the 1964 Olympics—and the mood is one of both optimism and conflict as the young generation struggles to throw off the shackles of a troubled past. Against this backdrop of hope and change, a friendship begins to blossom between high school students Umi and Shun—but a buried secret from their past emerges to cast a shadow on the future and pull them apart.

Escaping from poverty to become a witcher, Vesemir slays monsters for coin and glory, but when a new menace rises, he must face the demons of his past.

Ceļojums uz pasaulē augstāko virsotni? Kas gan varētu būt vēl aizraujošāk! Kad Ji atrod uz savas mājas jumta paslēpušos milzīgo, bet ļoti piemīlīgo jetiju (kurš izrādās vēl ir pavisam maziņš - pēc jetiju standartiem), ir skaidrs, ka viņus gaida neticamākais piedzīvojums! Jetija ģimene mīt Everesta kalnā, un Ji ir apņēmusies darīt visu, lai viņš sveiks un vesels atgrieztos mājās. Studijas "DreamWorks Animation" un "Pearl Studio" jaunā animācijas filma aizvedīs jūs 2000 jūdžu garā ceļojumā no Šanhajas ielām līdz pat sniegotajiem Himalaju kalniem.

Construction worker Douglas Quaid's obsession with the planet Mars leads him to visit Recall, a company that manufactures memories. When his memory implant goes wrong, Doug can no longer be sure what is and isn't reality.

Three American brothers who have not spoken to each other in a year set off on a train voyage across India with a plan to find themselves and bond with each other -- to become brothers again like they used to be. Their "spiritual quest", however, veers rapidly off-course (due to events involving over-the-counter pain killers, Indian cough syrup, and pepper spray).

Iestatījums ir Detroita 1995. gadā. Pilsētu sadala 8 jūdzes - ceļš, kas pilsētu sadala pa rasu līnijām. Jauns baltais reperis Džimijs "B-Rabbit" Smits Jr izsauc sevī spēku pārkāpt šīs patvaļīgās robežas, lai piepildītu savu sapni par panākumiem hip hopā. Ar savu palīgu Nākotni un trīs trešo daļu savā vietā viss, kas viņam jādara, nav aizrīties.

Humbert Humbert is a middle-aged British novelist who is both appalled by and attracted to the vulgarity of American culture. When he comes to stay at the boarding house run by Charlotte Haze, he soon becomes obsessed with Lolita, the woman's teenaged daughter.

Toc Toc follows the adventures and misadventures of a group of patients with OCD dated at the same time.

Shy, straight-A student Ellie is hired by sweet but inarticulate jock Paul, who needs help wooing the most popular girl in school. But their new and unlikely friendship gets tricky when Ellie discovers she has feelings for the same girl.

A mysterious video has been linked to a number of deaths, and when an inquisitive journalist finds the tape and views it herself, she sets in motion a chain of events that puts her own life in danger.

Ņujorkā notikusi laupīšana, kuras laikā apšaudē ar noziedzniekiem gājuši bojā astoņi policisti. Detektīvs Andrē Deiviss saņem uzdevumu par katru cenu notvert vainīgos, taču jau pašā sākumā viņš uziet daudz dīvainu faktu un sakritību. Sekojot noziedzniekiem pa pēdām, Deviss sāk atklāt iespaidīgu korupcijas tīklu, un galu galā detektīvs nolemj īstenot vēl nebijušu operāciju – pilnībā nodalīt Manhetenu no ārpasaules, slēdzot visus ceļus, kas ved uz salu un no tās, tostarp 21 tiltu.

Kenai finds his childhood human friend Nita and the two embark on a journey to burn the amulet he gave to her before he was a bear, much to Koda's dismay.

Two brothers live in the economically-depressed Rust Belt, when a cruel twist of fate lands one in prison. His brother is then lured into one of the most violent crime rings in the Northeast.

Pārmocīts filozofijas profesors rod vēlmi dzīvot, tiklīdz paveic ko eksistenciālu.

Anglija, 13. gadsimts. Pēc karaļa Ričarda nāves Robins atgriežas no dienesta armijā un dodas uz Notingemu, lai atdotu kāda kritušā bruņinieka zobenu viņa tēvam. Viņš iemīlas enerģiskajā lēdijā Merionā, kura gan ir diezgan skeptiski noskaņota pret viņu un viņa nolūkiem. Cerēdams iekarot Merionas sirdi un glābt ciematu, Robins kopā ar saviem biedriem stājas pretī netaisnībai un uzsāk sacelšanos, kas uz visiem laikiem izmainīs lietu kārtību.

A teenager suspects his new neighbour is a vampire. Unable to convince anyone, he tries to enlist the help of a self-proclaimed vampire hunter and magician.

While diving in a remote French lake, a couple of YouTubers who specialise in underwater exploration videos discover a house submerged in the deep waters. What was initially a unique finding soon turns into a nightmare when they discover that the house was the scene of atrocious crimes. Trapped, with their oxygen reserves falling dangerously, they realise the worst is yet to come: they are not alone in the house.

A mild-mannered guy who is engaged to a monstrous woman meets the woman of his dreams, and schemes to find a way to be with her.