Witness a remarkable coming-of-age story as we track a young leopard's journey from rookie to royalty in South Africa's lethal Big Five landscape. When we first meet Jack, he's clumsy, fearful, and weak, but he's a fast learner - and he'll need to be. He's destined for a showdown with the area's current leopard monarch, an alpha male with a real mean streak. We follow Jack as he hones his skills and builds up muscle for the ultimate catfight. It's a battle where only the winner will walk out alive.

A guy locked in a room with no way out. He does not remember anything about himself, his fate is uncertain, but, the most important thing is the reason why this is happening.

A documentary film depicting five intimate portraits of migrants who fled their country of origin to seek refuge in France and find a space of freedom where they can fully experience their sexuality and their sexual identity: Giovanna, woman transgender of Colombian origin, Roman, Russian transgender man, Cate, Ugandan lesbian mother, Yi Chen, young Chinese gay man…

Bekir loves Uğur, who loves Zagor, who is about to get out of jail. An already tense love triangle is thrown into turmoil on a hot summer night, when Zagor kills someone, and Uğur disappears.

Тони е освободен от затвора - отново. Този път умът му е зает с мисълта да промени разбития си живот, но това е по-лесно да се каже, отколкото да се направи.

Ermus Daglek, retired Empathtek engineer, commandeers a defunct factory where he creates androids based on persons from his past and recreates a dinner party where he lost the love of his life - until they malfunction and escape.

Прекрасната Анжелик издирва по море своя първи съпруг, който води безпощадна битка с френския крал Луи XIV в четвъртия филм от легендарната поредица. Красавицата попада в плен на пирати. Те я продават на остров Крит. Анжелик обаче не се примирява със съдбата на робиня и търси път към избавление.

Eyüp decides to cross mount Ararat looking for his aunt in Yerevan after following a madman's words. His aunt has also been expecting someone to come from behind this mount for many years. Eyüp cannot be sure about the woman he finds behind the blue door, whether it is his aunt or not because they can't understand each other.

Преди седем години, Заид започна война срещу подземния свят в Копенхаген, за да отмъсти за смъртта на брат си. Животът му като уважаван кардиолог и семеен човек вече е в миналото и в затвора е измъчван от факта, че почти не познава сина си. Когато полицай му предлага сделка, която може да го измъкне от затвора в замяна на проникване в подземния свят на Копенхаген, той вижда своя шанс да си върне обратно това, което е изгубил. Но всичко си има цена и Заид скоро осъзнава, че сериозно е застрашил живота на сина си. В крайна сметка, станеш ли част от подземния свят, има ли някакъв изход?

A renowned former army scout is hired by ranchers to hunt down rustlers but finds himself on trial for the murder of a boy when he carries out his job too well. Tom Horn finds that the simple skills he knows are of no help in dealing with the ambitions of ranchers and corrupt officials as progress marches over him and the old west.

Charlie is a troublesome 18-year-old who breaks out of a youth drug treatment clinic, but when he returns home to Los Angeles, he's given an intervention by his parents and forced to go to an adult rehab. There, he meets a beautiful but troubled girl, Eva, and is forced to battle with drugs, elusive love and divided parents.

Продължение на Лудите новобранци. Поради многото глупости, които вършат, новобранците постоянно са пращани в затвора на казармата. Отегчени от това те дезертират или казано с техни думи излизат в малка ваканция. Лутайки се из провинцията попадат във фермата, която пречи на военните да провеждат своите маневри. Военните пристигат да изгонят фермерите и новобранците решават, че трябва да помогнат.

How far would you go to get the person of your dreams? With the help of Gwen and Tiffani, Kyle pretends to be heterosexual in order to land Troy, the new guy (and nude model) who's turning the heads of both men and women. He soon finds himself joining the campus ex-gay support group and nabbing a girlfriend! Kyle's ex-boyfriend Marc is horrified at the plan and decides to pursue the confused Troy with his own tactic -- being his "out" gay self. Who will win Troy first?

The world of a young housewife is turned upside down when she has an affair with a free-spirited blouse salesman.

Experience an inside look at David Bowie's incredible influence on music, art and culture via interviews with some of the people who knew him best.

Jesus, who's hitting the big 3-0, brings a surprise guest to meet the family. A Christmas special so wrong it must be from comedians Porta dos Fundos.

A montley group of free-lance photographers are desperate to grab a good shot of a celebrity.

Destinies intertwined for two antithetical people who meet during a trip to India, where lots of misunderstandings and funny situations will take place.