Harry Potter je sirota, ki živi s svojo grdo teto in stricem, Dursleyjem in svojim groznim bratrancem Dudleyem. Bliža se njegov enajsti rojstni dan in ima malo upanja, da bo prejel kakršna koli darila, saj se ga nihče nikoli ne spomni. Vendar pa le nekaj dni pred rojstnim dnem niz skrivnostnih pisem, naslovljenih nanj in napisanih s škrlatno zelenim črnilom, razbije monotonijo njegovega življenja: Harry je čarovnik in tudi njegovi starši

To save her father from certain death in the army, a young woman secretly enlists in his place and becomes one of China's greatest heroines in the process.

End of an Era is a BluRay, DVD and double CD from the Finnish symphonic metal Nightwish. Recorded at the Hartwall Areena in Helsinki, Finland on October 21st. 2005, the final concert of a long worldwide tour for their album Once. During the concert the band was joined on-stage by John Two-Hawks, who performed "Stone People" from his album Honor as an introduction to "Creek Mary's Blood", which featured his voice and cedar flutes. End of an Era is the final Nightwish production to feature Tarja Turunen. She and the rest of the band parted mere hours after this concert. Set-List: 1. Dark Chest of Wonders / 2. Planet Hell / 3. Ever Dream / 4. The Kinslayer / 5. The Phantom of the Opera / 6. The Siren / 7. Sleeping Sun / 8. High Hopes / 9. Bless the Child / 10. Wishmaster / 11. Slaying the Dreamer / 12. Kuolema tekee taiteilijan /13. Nemo / 14. Ghost Love Score / 15. Stone People / 16. Creek Mary's Blood / 17. Over the Hills and Far Away / 18. Wish I Had an Angel.

Osemletni Kevin McCallister si želi, da bi njegova družina enostavno izginila. Želja se mu uresniči, ko ga starši pozabijo vzeti na božično potovanje v Pariz. Kevin sprva uživa v samoti, vendar bo njegova svoboda zahtevala določeno ceno. Ko poskušata klateža Harry in Marv vdreti v njegovo hišo, se za Kevina prava zabava šele začne. Spoprijatelji se tudi s čudaškim sosedom, ki si ne upa vzpostaviti stika z odtujenim sinom.

Ustvarjalci zabavne animacije Zlatolaska so pripravili nepozabno zimsko pustolovsko zgodbo o kraljičnah Ani in Elsi. Slednja premore čarovno moč ustvarjanja snežnih metežev, toda ko se njena magija nekega dne ponesreči, celotno kraljestvo ogrne v večni sneg in led. Dvolični grof, ki se želi polastiti prestola, ljudi naščuva proti kraljični, zato se njena sestra skupaj z izkušenim hribolazcem, zabavnim jelenom in čudaškim snežakom poda na neverjetno reševalno akcijo, polno nepričakovanih nevarnosti in kaotične snežne zabave.

Resničnostni boj na življenje ali smrt, v katerem sta za tekmovanja naključno izbrana dva najstnika iz vsakega od dvanajstih okrožij države Panem.

Možje v črnem so od nekdaj varovali Zemljo pred sovražniki iz vesolja. Toda v najnovejši pustolovščini je izziv veliko večji: sovražnik se tokrat skriva med njimi samimi in znotraj tajne organizacije MIB.

Set in a post-apocalyptic world, young Thomas is deposited in a community of boys after his memory is erased, soon learning they're all trapped in a maze that will require him to join forces with fellow “runners” for a shot at escape.

Adventurous comedy about a bunch of people hunting the winning lottery ticket.

Režiser z oskarjem nagrajenega filma Igra imitacije nas popelje v vesoljske širjave, na ladji, namenjeni proti oddaljeni koloniji. Med 120-letnim potovanjem pride do računalniške napake, kar povzroči, da se novinarka Aurora in mehanik Jim zbudita iz hibernacije 90 let prezgodaj. Preostanek življenja sta prisiljena preživeti v osami, toda kmalu ugotovita, da plovilo pestijo številne druge težave. Med izogibanjem številnim smrtnim nevarnostim, ki prežijo iz vesolja, se z njima poigrajo tudi ljubezenska čustva, kar jima da novih moči za spopad z neskončno razsežnostjo prostora in časa.

Zgodba kapitana Marvela sledi razvoju Carol Denvers v eno najmočnejših junakinj filmskega sveta Marvel, ko se Zemlja znajde sredi galaktične vojne med dvema vrstama nezemljanov. Captain Marvel, ki se nahaja v devetdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja, je povsem nova pustolovščina, ki nam razkriva prej brez primere del preteklosti sveta filma Marvel.

Med dvema rasama robotskih nezemljanov – Avtoboti in Deseptikoni – že stoletja divja vojna, od katere je odvisna usoda vesolja. Ko se bitka preseli na Zemljo, je edino, kar stoji med Deseptikoni in največjo močjo, ključ, ki ga ima mladi Sam Witwicky. Kot vsi najstniki se Sam ukvarja z vsakdanjimi skrbmi glede šole, prijateljev, avtomobilov in deklet. Sam ne ve, da je zadnja možnost človeštva za preživetje in prijateljico Mikaelo se znajdeta sredi boja med Avtoboti in Deseptikoni.

A funny comedy about a very adventurous day in a life of Stepan Molodtsov - a very responsible youn man.

An epic journey into the world of dinosaurs where an Apatosaurus named Arlo makes an unlikely human friend.

The story starts in a Siberia where world's biggest diamond was found. It is so valuable that it may not only pay off the enormous national debt, but also allow every Russian citizen to move to the Canary Islands. However, Mafia plans to steal the massive gem but a notorious thief, Vasia, ruins their plans. Mafia and militia begin chasing him, but soon Vasia learns that he has brothers as between the chase he runs into well known Jewish conductor and a gypsy baron who are triplet brothers.

Routinely exploited by her wicked stepmother, the downtrodden Samantha Montgomery is excited about the prospect of meeting her Internet beau at the school's Halloween dance.

Rodney Copperbottom is a young robot inventor who dreams of making the world a better place, until the evil Ratchet takes over Big Weld Industries. Now, Rodney's dreams – and those of his friends – are in danger of becoming obsolete.

A 14-year-old orphan named Krabat flees the horrors of the 30 Years War by becoming an apprentice to an ominous master of a mysterious mill. Krabat is not only taught the craft of milling, but is also instructed in the sinister world of the darker arts. When the life of his friend and protector is threatened, Krabat must struggle to free himself from an evil sorcerer's control in a gripping fight for freedom, friendship and love.

In the new Russia, former middle class citizens find themselves out in the dumps. Literally. They build homes, elect their own government, work, beg, scavenge, date and fight all while living in a huge city dump. Some try to beat the odds and return to society, but it seems that there is only one place left for them to go...

The year is 2087, the setting is the moon. Pluto Nash, the high-flying successful owner of the hottest nightclub in the universe, finds himself in trouble when he refuses to sell his club to lunar gangster Mogan, who just happens to be helping the mysterious Rex Crater mastermind a plan to take over the entire moon.