A crook named Ostap Bender, who survived a murder attempt by Kisa Vorobyaninov in "12 Chairs," now schemes to extort 1 million from an underground millionaire.

Anatoly Novoseltsev is a mousy single father and office stumblebum working at a statistics bureau in Moscow. In the hopes of being promoted, he is coaxed into charming his disagreeable and seemingly unfeeling boss, Ludmila Kalugina, or "Meany" as she's otherwise known by her subordinates. Helped by his colleagues Olya and Yura, Anatoly attempts to ease the yoke of Ms. Kalugina, and what follows in the wake of his graceless manoeuvres is completely unforeseen, as he awakens a side to her not yet known, even to herself..

Shurik, a kind but naïve ethnography student, falls in love with the intelligent, athletic and beautiful All-Union Leninist Young Communist League member Nina. He has a rival in the wealthy comrade Saakhov, who concocts a kidnapping scheme to force Nina to marry him.

A diamond smuggling operation goes wrong when an ordinary Soviet citizen becomes unwittingly involved, and the criminals are forced to court him to retrieve their diamonds.

One of the most favorite Soviet comedies, a screen version of the play of the same name by Vladimir Gurkin. Each of us knows the story of Vasily, who went to the resort, succumbed to the charms of a femme fatale Raisa Zakharovna, but could not withstand two weeks of urban life, and returned to his family, where he waited for love and pigeons.

Taksikuski Korben Dallas elää 2200-luvun New Yorkissa. Eräänä tavallisena päivänä hän saa hyvin epätavallisen matkustajan, ja tulee vedetyksi mukaan maailman tuholta pelastavan, viidennen elementin, ajojahtiin. Salaperäinen, kaunis punapäinen avaruusolio, Leeloo, on villin ajojahdin keskipisteenä, julman Zorgin ja hänen raakalaismaisten alamaistensa tehdessä kaikkensa kaaoksen luomiseksi.

This is the second silent (save for a song) slapstick comedy short about adventures of Worldly, Coward, and Fool. In a small hunting lodge three friends are making illegal moonshine. Bottled "product" fills shelves quickly. Life is good. But their dog Barbos doesn't understand that bringing a moonshine condenser coil to a police station is a bad idea...

Only the Brave on tositarina Granite Mountain Hotshots -ryhmästä, joka ainutlaatuisena paikallisena palomiesryhmänä pääsi otsikoihin tulipaloja vastaan kamppaillessaan. Vuonna 2007 Prescottin palokunnan Erich Marsh on turhautunut metsäpalojen sammutustyössä, kun muualta tulevat sammutusryhmät eivät suostu hänen ehdotuksiinsa alueen tulipaloja sammuttaessaan. Saadakseen tilanteeseen muutoksen Marsh hankkii pormestarilta luvan Prescottin oman Hotshot-ryhmän perustamiseksi. Kovien haasteiden ja uhrauksien myötä miesten välille kehittyy tiivis veljeys, ja näin Granite Mountain Hotshots on syntynyt. Vaan kaikki tämä joutuu koetukselle Yarnell Hillin metsäpalossa, ja vain äärimmäinen uhraus voi pelastaa kaupungin.

Blow on uskomaton tarina pikkukaupungin kasvatista, George Jungista, joka välttääkseen huonosti menestyneen isänsä kohtalon muuttaa Kaliforniaan lyödäkseen rahoiksi marijuanan myynnillä. Lyhyen menestyksen jälkeen George joutuu vankilaan, jossa hän tutustuu Kolumbialaiseen Diegoon. Tämä ystävyys johtaa myöhemmin Georgen ja legendaarisen Kolumbialaisen huumekartellipomon, Pablo Escobarin tiiviiseen yhteistyöhön. Jung toimi Escobarin oikeana kätenä ja vastasi yksin kokaiinin tuonnista USA:han 1970-luvulla.

Jessin elämä muuttuu kertaheitolla, kun hän ystävystyy luokan uuden tytön Leslien kanssa. Yhdessä he löytävät salaisen maan, joka on täynnä jättiläisiä, peikkoja ja muita sadunomaisia hahmoja.Katherine Patersonin samannimiseen kirjaan perustuva Silta salaiseen maahan on innostava tarina kahden lapsen ainutlaatuisesta ystävyydestä ja mielikuvituksesta joka johtaa heidät satumaisiin seikkailuihin.

An automotive highway is scheduled to be built through the territory of a garage cooperative. A special meeting of the cooperative takes place to reduce the number of garages. As all was already decided and arranged by the chairholder and the board, the decision passes easily at the meeting. But one unexpected event happens - the meeting room's entrance has been locked by an anonymous member and the key is missing...

Legendan mukaan vain joku, joka omaa kunniaa, säädyllisyyttä ja sisäistä voimaa voi ottaa Englannin valtaistuimen haltuunsa vetämällä valtavan kiven sisässä olevan lumotun miekan. Moni urhea ritari on sitä yrittänyt, joten vaikuttaa mahdottomalta, että nuori Arttu-niminen oppipoika voisi onnistua siinä. Merlin-velhon opastuksella, ratkiriemukkaiden ystävien avulla ja aidolla luonteenlujuudella Artusta saattaa tulla Englannin mahtavin kuningas. Sisältää tupakkatuotteita.

An interesting voyage through the Soviet television and film industry.

Brittiläinen mies nimeltä Harker (John Van Eyssen) saapuu kreivi Draculan linnaan muka avustaakseen isäntää harmittomissa ja pölyisissä paperitöissä, tällä kertaa kirjastonhoitajana. Pikku hiljaa tilanteen todellinen luonne paljastuu...

Dan'ka's and Ksanka's childhood in the village has been brutally ended when their father was killed by the White Guard officer in front of their eyes. Seeking revenge they join forces with an intellectual from the city Valerka and jipsy Yashka, but before they get close to their enemy they have to help their village and advancing Red Army.

A Soviet cruise ship "Evgeni Onegin" is carrying cages with tigers and lions for a Soviet Circus. One loose monkey unlocks all cages, letting the tigers and lions out. Poor passengers and crew have no place to run. The captain abandons his post out of fear, and the monkey takes over the captain's post. The ship gets under total control by the tigers and lions. Only one lady is standing up to the challenge. Her name is Marianna, she loves animals, and she takes the situation under control.

A twelve years old girl Lena who has come to live with her grandfather in a small Russian town is being bullied by her classmates. She took the rap of being a class traitor because she was in love with the boy who had betrayed his classmates when they were bunking off and going to cinema instead of a literature lesson. The class is penalized for that, not being allowed to go to Moscow for fall holidays with the rest of the school. Lena is being ostracized, "boycotted" however not telling the truth, waiting that the boy himself would confess to be guilty.

Mukhtar comes to live and work at the police kennels through rather unusual circumstances. Together with his handler, Glazychev, Mukhtar helps to solve large and small crimes.

A fairy tale about a conceited young man and a young woman with a tyrannical step-mother, who must overcome magical trials in order to be together.

Fifteen-year-old Alice has always been a good Catholic, but when an innocent AOL chat turns unexpectedly racy, she finds herself suddenly obsessed with sex.