I PARASITT møter vi en familie på fire som bor i en nedslitt kjellerleilighet i byen. Utsikten er en glipe på gateplan mot et smug der bedrukne karer har for vane å late vannet. Med varierende hell tyvlåner de internett fra etasjen over, og for å få mat på bordet pakker de pizzaesker for en restaurantkjede i nærheten. På tross av samholdet og kjærligheten til hverandre, er det ikke stort til liv. Etter et besøk fra en venn av familiens sønn, åpenbarer det seg med ett en gyllen mulighet, en vei ut av elendigheten. Familien griper sjansen med begge hender. Etter regissørens eget ønske, skal ikke mer av handlingen røpes her. Dette er en opplevelse som nytes best uten å vite for mye på forhånd.

The Avengers og deres allierte superhelter risikerer alt i et forsøk på å beseire den mektige Thanos før hans ødeleggende angrep har ødelagt hele universet. Den største konfrontasjonen gjennom tidene venter.

Anatoly Novoseltsev is a mousy single father and office stumblebum working at a statistics bureau in Moscow. In the hopes of being promoted, he is coaxed into charming his disagreeable and seemingly unfeeling boss, Ludmila Kalugina, or "Meany" as she's otherwise known by her subordinates. Helped by his colleagues Olya and Yura, Anatoly attempts to ease the yoke of Ms. Kalugina, and what follows in the wake of his graceless manoeuvres is completely unforeseen, as he awakens a side to her not yet known, even to herself..

A crook named Ostap Bender, who survived a murder attempt by Kisa Vorobyaninov in "12 Chairs," now schemes to extort 1 million from an underground millionaire.

Shurik, a kind but naïve ethnography student, falls in love with the intelligent, athletic and beautiful All-Union Leninist Young Communist League member Nina. He has a rival in the wealthy comrade Saakhov, who concocts a kidnapping scheme to force Nina to marry him.

A diamond smuggling operation goes wrong when an ordinary Soviet citizen becomes unwittingly involved, and the criminals are forced to court him to retrieve their diamonds.

Student Shurik has just two hours before the beginning of the exam and he has no lectures notes.

Naviger gjennom Soppriket med Mario, Prinsesse Peach og Toad, på søken etter Luigi, som har blitt bortført av den onde Koopa-kongen Bowser. Fansen vil kjenne igjen ikoniske elementer fra retro-spillene fra 80- og 90-tallet, samt mer moderne materiale fra Mario Kart. Let's-a-go!

Mer enn et tiår etter hendelsene i den første filmen, fortelles historien om Sully-familien, om tragediene som følger dem, og hvor langt de må gå for å beskytte hverandre og holde seg i live.

Drosjesjåføren Korben Dallas lever i det 23. Århundrenes New York. En vanlig dag får han en vanlig passasjer, og blir dratt inn i jakten på det femte element. Det eneste som kan redde jorden fra undergang. Den kvinnelige hovedpersonen Leeloo viser seg å stå i sentrum for jakten, der den grusomme Zorg og hans undersåtter kjemper mot verdens herskere. Luc Besson ("Nikita", "Leon", "Det Store Blå") har skapt en fantastisk blanding av action, thriller, komedie og science fiction. Filmen er blitt en verdensomspennende suksess, godt hjulpet av Hollywoods enorme ressurser og moteskaperen Jean-Paul Gaultiers utrolige klesdesign.

This is the second silent (save for a song) slapstick comedy short about adventures of Worldly, Coward, and Fool. In a small hunting lodge three friends are making illegal moonshine. Bottled "product" fills shelves quickly. Life is good. But their dog Barbos doesn't understand that bringing a moonshine condenser coil to a police station is a bad idea...

Man tjener ikke gode penger ved å ha en vanlig jobb, så George Jung dealer dop, massevis av dop! Etter en oppvekst i Boston flytter George til California, hvor han blir dratt inn i kokainkartellenes verden, fylt med rikdom og utskeielser. Og han faller hardt. Johnny Depp portretterer den lovløse og ambisiøse Jung, som kanskje mer enn noen annen amerikaner transformerte kokain fra noe obskurt og ukjent i USA, til noe de på 70- og 80-tallet ikke kunne få nok av. Penelope Cruz er medspiller i denne fengslende, faktainspirerte historien om glitter og glamour, raske og vanskelige tider, svik og dop.

After Jonathan Harker attacks Dracula at his castle, the vampire travels to a nearby city, where he preys on the family of Harker's fiancée. The only one who may be able to protect them is Dr. van Helsing, Harker's friend and fellow-student of vampires, who is determined to destroy Dracula, whatever the cost.

An interesting voyage through the Soviet television and film industry.

Dan'ka's and Ksanka's childhood in the village has been brutally ended when their father was killed by the White Guard officer in front of their eyes. Seeking revenge they join forces with an intellectual from the city Valerka and jipsy Yashka, but before they get close to their enemy they have to help their village and advancing Red Army.

A celebrity model couple are invited on a luxury cruise for the uber-rich, helmed by an unhinged, alcoholic captain. What first appears Instagrammable ends catastrophically, leaving the survivors stranded on a desert island in a struggle of hierarchy.

A Soviet cruise ship "Evgeni Onegin" is carrying cages with tigers and lions for a Soviet Circus. One loose monkey unlocks all cages, letting the tigers and lions out. Poor passengers and crew have no place to run. The captain abandons his post out of fear, and the monkey takes over the captain's post. The ship gets under total control by the tigers and lions. Only one lady is standing up to the challenge. Her name is Marianna, she loves animals, and she takes the situation under control.

Mukhtar comes to live and work at the police kennels through rather unusual circumstances. Together with his handler, Glazychev, Mukhtar helps to solve large and small crimes.

Stranded at an airport at Christmastime, Ashley Harrison accepts a ride from Dash Sutherland, who has just rented the last car in town. As the pair heads north, their adventures include car trouble, adopting a puppy and being secretly tailed by federal agents, who believe Ashley is up to no good. With a hint of romance gradually filling the air will these two fall in love or will their journey bring about an unexpected road bump to romance?

Fifteen-year-old Alice has always been a good Catholic, but when an innocent AOL chat turns unexpectedly racy, she finds herself suddenly obsessed with sex.