Surov in iskren pogled v zakulisje boja ikonične superzvezdnice z boleznijo, ki ji je spremenila življenje. Ta navdihujoči dokumentarec je ljubezensko pismo njenim oboževalcem in poudarja glasbo, ki je vodila njeno življenje, obenem pa prikazuje trdoživost človeškega duha.

PK, an English orphan terrorized for his family's political beliefs in Africa, turns to his only friend, a kindly world-wise prisoner, Geel Piet. Geel teaches him how to box with the motto “fight with your fists and lead with your heart”. As he grows to manhood, PK uses these words to take on the system and the injustices he sees around him - and finds that one person really can make a difference.

Beetlejuice je nazaj! Po nepričakovani družinski tragediji se tri generacije družine Deetz vrnejo domov v Winter River. Še vedno obsedena z Beetlejuiceom, se Lydijino življenje obrne na glavo, ko njena uporniška najstniška hči Astrid na podstrešju odkrije skrivnostni zemljevid mesta in nenamerno odpre portal v onstranstvo. S težavami na obeh straneh je zgolj vprašanje časa, kdaj bo nekdo trikrat izrekel ime Beetlejuice in nagajivi demon se bo vrnil, da bi sprostil svoj edinstven kaos.

Rocky Balboa proudly holds the world heavyweight boxing championship, but a new challenger has stepped forward: Ivan Drago, a six-foot-four, 261-pound fighter who has the backing of the Soviet Union.

Legendarna komedija zmešnjav z Louisom de Funèsom. Ambicioznega žandarja Cruchota premestijo v Saint-Tropez na francoski rivieri. Tam se spusti v vojno z nudisti na plaži in z najstniško hčerjo, ki se prijateljem zlaže, da je njen oče milijonar z jahto. Cruchot se zaplete v njeno laž in se predstavlja kot lastnik jahte. Ko se pojavijo pravi lastniki, pa se izkaže, da niti oni niso to, za kar se izdajajo!

When a wandering mercenary named Hogan rescues a nun called Sister Sara from the unwanted attentions of a band of rogues on the Mexican plains, he has no idea what he has let himself in for. Their chance encounter results in the blowing up of a train and a French garrison, as well as igniting a spark between them that survives a shocking discovery.

Hamid is part of a secret group pursuing the Syrian regime’s fugitive leaders. His mission takes him to France, on the trail of his former torturer whom he must confront.

Six vignettes pit an assortment of characters against each other in everyday situations.

Zee je strah vzbujajoča pogodbena morilka, znana kot "kraljica mrtvih", toda ko zavrne umor mlade in slepe ženske, jo začnejo loviti tako njeni kriminalni kolegi kot tudi odločen policijski detektiv.

The whole clique of Cruchot's police station is retired. Now he lives with his rich wife in her castle - and is bored almost to death. He fights with the butler, because he isn't even allowed to do the simple works. But when one of the clique suffers from amnesia after an accident, all of the others reunite and kidnap him, to take him on a tour to their old working places and through their memories. In their old uniforms they turn St. Tropez upside down.

After 25 years together, married life has taken its toll on Xavier and Sophie, so when Sophie decides to invite their neighbours over for dinner, Xavier is less than enthusiastic to say the least! He can’t stand how obviously still in love they are and their lack of discretion… especially at night! On coming face-to-face with the uninhibited couple, Xavier and Sophie will be forced to confront their own, sad reality, before finding themselves pushed into a corner by a somewhat… indecent proposal.

Jura is 23 years old - and Lena is 23. They live in Budennovsk, play computer games, walk and learn. They live in a city where Shamil Basayev entered 23 years ago with militants, and know almost nothing about the events of that time.

Veteran cop Nick Pulovski is used to playing musical partners; many of the partners he's had in the past have died on the job, and often as a result of Nick's risky tactics. But the rookie who's been assigned to help Nick bust a carjacking ring is almost as hotheaded as he is … and when Nick gets kidnapped, his newbie partner is his only hope.

Anton and Erika started out as friends for five years and got into a romantic relationship for seven years. Anton is a commercial director while Erika is a former band member and becomes his stay-at-home partner. The day finally comes when he asks her to marry him.

In a night of killer comedy, Bill Burr hosts a showcase of his most raucous stand-up comic pals as they riff on everything from COVID to Michael Jackson.

12, is a comic parody about an office's obsession with the television show 24 as the their obsessions kick into high gear with the shows season finale approaching. Part The Office part 24, the short film mash-up introduces a novel send-up of these pop culture staples.

Robotic Officer Tactical Operation Research. A prototype robot intended for crime combat escapes from the development lab and goes on a killing rampage.