What if mankind had to leave Earth and somebody forgot to turn the last robot off? After hundreds of years doing what he was built for, WALL•E discovers a new purpose in life when he meets a sleek search robot named EVE. EVE comes to realize that WALL•E has inadvertently stumbled upon the key to the planet's future, and races back to space to report to the humans. Meanwhile, WALL•E chases EVE across the galaxy and sets into motion one of the most imaginative adventures ever brought to the big screen.

Eden izmed bolj znanih obskurnih ter nenavadnih filmov je gotovo Blade Runner. Mojstrovina Ridleyja Scotta je kategorija zase – znanstvenofantastični noir film, kjer je Los Angeles antiutopično ozadje teme ter mračnosti.

Lepo princeso Buttercup ugrabijo in zadržijo proti njeni volji, da bi se poročila z gnusnim princem Humperdinckom. Njen fant iz otroštva Westley, ki se je zdaj vrnil kot Grozni pirat Roberts, jo skuša rešiti iz krempljev ugrabiteljev.

Fifteen years after murdering his sister on Halloween Night 1963, Michael Myers escapes from a mental hospital and returns to the small town of Haddonfield, Illinois to kill again.

A narcissistic TV weatherman, along with his attractive-but-distant producer, and his mawkish cameraman, is sent to report on Groundhog Day in the small town of Punxsutawney, where he finds himself repeating the same day over and over.

A school teacher discusses types of government with his class. His students find it too boring to repeatedly go over national socialism and believe that dictatorship cannot be established in modern Germany. He starts an experiment to show how easily the masses can become manipulated.

Melvin Udall, a cranky, bigoted, obsessive-compulsive writer of romantic fiction, is rude to everyone he meets, including his gay neighbor, Simon. After Simon is hospitalized, Melvin finds his life turned upside down when he has to look after Simon's dog. In addition, Carol, the only waitress at the local diner who will tolerate him, must leave work to care for her sick son, making it impossible for Melvin to eat breakfast.

Film Parfum, posnet po kultnem romanu Patricka Süskinda, je - tako kot predloga zgodba - o iskanju osebne identitete, ki naj bi se skrivala v vonju. V to je prepričan mladi Jean-Baptiste, ki nima lastnih vonjav, a ga je narava v zameno obdarila z izjemnimi vohalnimi sposobnostmi. V iskanju popolnega vonja prestopi mejo razsodnosti in prične ubijati mladenke. A ker njihovega vonja ne zna shraniti, poišče pomoč pri priznanem izdelovalcu parfumov Baldiniju.

Indiana Jones v nočnem klubu spozna pevko Willie Scott. Willie z Indyjevo pomočjo komaj ubeži smrti, nato pa ju pot zanese v Indijo, kjer ju čaka velika avantura. Najti morata magični kamen, ki so ga ukradli prebivalcem neke vasice. Obeta se jima vrsta nepozabnih in napetih pustolovščin, borb za življenje in tudi romantičnih trenutkov, čeprav je sprva videti, da se Willie in Indy ne prenašata najbolje.

Zločinska organizacija SPECTRE skuje načrt za krajo naprave za dešifriranje kod, s pomočjo katerega bi izvedeli podrobnosti o ruskih državnih skrivnostih, s tem pa porušili ravnovesje v svetovnem redu. Tajni agent 007 James Bond (Sean Connery) ima nalogo, da se pred zlobneži dokoplje do naprave, pri tem pa se mora soočiti z dvema hudima nasprotnikoma: nekdanjo operativko ruske tajne službe Roso Klebb (Lotte Lenya) in pretkanim morilcem Redom Grantom (Robert Shaw). Bondova zaveznica postane čedna ruska prebežnica Tatjana Romanova (Daniela Bianchi), s katero združita moči pri kraji naprave za dešifriranje. Drugi film po vrsti iz serije o tajnem agentu Jamesu Bondu je tako kot prvega režiral britanski režiser Terence Young.

After the death of his mother, a young Brazilian decides to leave his country and travel to her native land. In a foreign land, he finds love and danger.

Nicky, nekdaj prefinjeni tat, zdaj veteran, pod svoje okrilje vzame atraktivno žensko Jess in jo vpelje v svet prevar. Vendar se stvari zakomplicirajo, ko se med njima začnejo napletati romantična čustva.

Vročekrvni bog groma Thor z nepremišljenimi dejanji povzroči vojno med bogovi, zato mu razočarani kralj Odin odvzame mogočno kladivo in nadnaravne moči ter ga pošlje v izgnanstvo na Zemljo. Na begu pred vojsko, ki ga želi preučiti in izkoristiti, Thoru na pomoč priskoči zvedava znanstvenica Jane. Toda ko Zemljo ogrozi neizprosna vojska sadističnega božanstva, mora Thor v številnih osupljivih bitkah znova najti svojo magično moč, da bi sebe in človeštvo rešil pred uničenjem.

Po dolgem zimskem spanju so prebivalci malega gozda soočeni z grozljivim dejstvom, da so ljudje njihovo domovanje obdali z visoko živo mejo. Odrešilno roko ponudi prebrisani prišlek, rakun RJ, ki natančno ve, kako preživeti v okolici človeka, toda prilagajanje, se izkaže za zelo zahtevno nalogo.

Deloris Van Cartier is again asked to don the nun's habit to help a run-down Catholic school, presided over by Mother Superior. And if trying to reach out to a class full of uninterested students wasn't bad enough, the sisters discover that the school is due to be closed by the unscrupulous chief of a local authority.

Four friends find themselves trapped in their small hometown after they discover their friends and neighbors going quickly and horrifically insane.

After a young, middle-class couple moves into what seems like a typical suburban house, they become increasingly disturbed by a presence that may or may not be demonic but is certainly the most active in the middle of the night.

Two disconnected sisters are summoned to clean out their childhood bedrooms before their parents sell their family home.

A lone scientist in the Arctic races to contact a crew of astronauts returning home to a mysterious global catastrophe.

It has taken 10 years, two little Fockers with wife Pam and countless hurdles for Greg to finally get in with his tightly wound father-in-law, Jack. After the cash-strapped dad takes a job moonlighting for a drug company, Jack's suspicions about his favorite male nurse come roaring back. When Greg and Pam's entire clan descends for the twins' birthday party, Greg must prove to the skeptical Jack that he's fully capable as the man of the house.