Хари Потер није баш лепо провео лето. Не само да је једва истрпео своју ујну Петунију и ујака Вернона Дурслија већ је и изгледало да су га заборавили његови најбољи пријатељи - Рон Висли и Хермиона Гренџер нису одговорили ни на једно његово писмо. Одједном се у Харијевој соби мистериозно појављује кућни патуљак Доби и упозорава га на велику опасност која га вреба ако се врати у Хогварт, школу за вештичарење и чаробњаштво. Патуљак жели да спречи младе грифиндорце да се врате у Хогварт и зато је онемогућио да се Рон и Хермиона дописују са Харијем. Међутим, упркос Добијевим напорима, Рон са својом браћом "спасава" Харија од ујака и ујне, и то уз помоћ летећих кола! Али, Хари и Рон су на сумњив начин спречени да се укрцају у воз за Хогварт. Момци журе како би избегли кашњење на почетак новог семестра и да не би изазвали љутњу професора Снајпа, пошто је он тражио да њих двојица буду избачени из школе након што су у летећем аутомобилу пали на зачарану врбу Хогварта.

Хари почиње своју пету годину школовања на Хогвортсу и открива да велики део заједнице чаробњака негира његов недавни сусрет са злим лордом Волдемортом и радије жмури на вест о Волдемортовом повратку. У страху од тога да Хогвортсов уважени директор, Албус Дамблдор, шири дезинформацију да се Волдеморт вратио, министар магија, Корнелијус Фаџ, именује новог професора за одбрану од мрачних сила. Међутим, професорка Долорес Амбриџ, која води наставу подржану од стране министарства, оставља младе чаробњаке недовољно спремне да се одбране од мрачних сила које прете и њима и целој заједници чаробњака, тако да Хари, уз помоћ својих пријатеља Хермионе и Рона, преузима ствари у своје руке. Он се тајно састаје с групицом ученика који себе називају "Дамблдорова армија".

Our heroes need to take a trip in time, in a Time Machine, in order to recoup the essence of the four elements before the Earth gets frozen. The Gang will face the dangers of the Ancient History with Piteco, will help Papa-Capim to save the Forest, will fight with the Astronaut against the pirates and will even meet themselves as babies in the past!

To mark the release two weeks ago of the eighth and final movie in the series, Robbie Coltrane narrates a countdown of the movie franchise's best moments. From Harry's first meeting with Ron and Hermione aboard the Hogwarts Express through to magical mysteries.

As Gotham City's young vigilante, the Batman, struggles to pursue a brutal serial killer, district attorney Harvey Dent gets caught in a feud involving the criminal family of the Falcones.

A thrilling journey through legends, belief and folklore, this film goes behind the scenes with the British Library as they search to tell that story through objects in their collection, in an ambitious new exhibition: Harry Potter: A History Of Magic. J.K. Rowling, who is lending unseen manuscripts, drawings and drafts from her private archives (which will sit alongside treasures from the British Library, as well as original drafts and drawings from Jim Kay) talks about some of the personal items she has lent to the exhibition and gives new insight into her writing, looking at some of the objects from the exhibition that have fired her imagination.

While the gang travel to Scotland to visit Daphne's cousin and witness the annual Highland Games, they find themselves terrorized by the legendary Loch Ness Monster.

On their home planet of Cybertron, the Autobots and Decepticons are involved in an explosive battle over the coveted AllSpark. With the fate of the universe at stake, the Autobots send it far from the reaches of the ruthless Megatron, leader of the Decepticons. But there are even more surprises in store when it crash-lands on Earth.

Six high schoolers stuck in a murderous time loop must find the scattered remains of an unknown victim to break the curse and finally see another day.

Хобс је натерао Доминика и Брајана да поново окупе своју екипу како би срушили тим плаћеника: Доминик се неочекивано запетља и суочава се са својом наводно преминулом девојком, Лети.

Reunited witch twins Camryn and Alex adjust to their new life as supernatural beings while at the same time trying to maintain a normal existence in this sequel to the magical Disney Channel original movie Twitches. But they soon find themselves going head to head with the forces of darkness that threaten to destroy their world. Luckily, their birth mother, the powerful Miranda, is on hand to help out.

Ник је зубар у Канади који се мучи с финансијама. Ник добија новог комшију и схвата да је у питању Џими Лала Тедуски. Супруга наговара Ника да оде у Чикаго и пријави Џимија мафији.

When an extortionist threatens to force a multi-suicide unless a huge ransom is paid, only Peter Parker can stop him with his new powers as Spider-Man.

Dr. Beck, who has changed his name, saves a young teenage girl drowning in Mexico, whom he falls in love with. As always, there are some complications in his way, but he has plans to possibly get past them and get the girl of his dreams.

As the Clone Wars sweep through the galaxy, the heroic Jedi Knights struggle to maintain order and restore peace. More and more systems are falling prey to the forces of the dark side as the Galactic Republic slips further and further under the sway of the Separatists and their never-ending droid army. Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan learner Ahsoka Tano find themselves on a mission with far-reaching consequences, one that brings them face-to-face with crime lord Jabba the Hutt. But Count Dooku and his sinister agents, including the nefarious Asajj Ventress, will stop at nothing to ensure that Anakin and Ahsoka fail at their quest. Meanwhile, on the front lines of the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Master Yoda lead the massive clone army in a valiant effort to resist the forces of the dark side...

Laura and Massimo are back and hotter than ever. But the reunited couple's new beginning is complicated by Massimo’s family ties and a mysterious man who enters Laura’s life to win her heart and trust, at any cost.

Before being extradited to Africa to stand trial, a notorious Belgian criminal is entrusted to the Marseilles police department for less than 24 hours. But the wily crook convinces bumbling policeman Emilien he's a lowly Belgian embassy employee who got railroaded by the brilliant master criminal.

The Swamp Thing returns to battle the evil Dr. Arcane, who has a new science lab full of creatures transformed by genetic mutation, and chooses Heather Locklear as his new object of affection.

A young woman learns that she has inherited a Texas estate from her deceased grandmother. After embarking on a road trip with friends to uncover her roots, she finds she is the sole owner of a lavish, isolated Victorian mansion. But her newfound wealth comes at a price as she stumbles upon a horror that awaits her in the mansion’s dank cellars.

Carol Anne has been sent to live with her Aunt and Uncle in an effort to hide her from the clutches of the ghostly Reverend Kane, but he tracks her down and terrorises her in her relatives' appartment in a tall glass building. Will he finally achieve his target and capture Carol Anne again, or will Tangina be able, yet again, to thwart him?