The story follows the endangered relationship of an architect and his wife, a photographer. After being married for 10 years, they have lost all emotional connections with each other. However,they both still want to save their marriage so they resort to extreme measures to revive their attraction for one another and rekindle their dying passions. They experiment with other partners and what happens is a matter of exchanging partners that resorts into an explosive climax of uncontrolled carnal desires.

Thanasis, a rising movie star is excited about the new movie he is starring in. This movie is called FILM. The excessive ambitions and artistic vision of the director that will lead Thanasis to madness. He himself is determined to discover the secret of filming and ultimately the secret of life. In a film shooting nothing is as it seems.

The Doctor arrives in Victorian London. It's Christmas, but snow isn't the only thing descending on the tranquil and jubilant civilization, as familiar silver giants from an alternate reality are amassing in numbers. The Cybermen are on the move again, and the only beings who can stop them are the Doctor and... another Doctor?

Aava has but one wish: to get a dog. Meanwhile, her parents' marriage is falling apart.

Maggie Price, detective della omicidi di San Francisco, e l'ex top chef Henry Ross sono alle prese con un nuovo caso. La coppia indaga sull'omicidio di un amico di Henry, uno chef molto noto trovato morto nella sua cucina. Mentre i due iniziano a svelare un antico segreto di famiglia, Maggie deve rimanere un passo avanti rispetto a un uomo misterioso che sembra perseguitarla. Il suo nascente rapporto amoroso con Henry è poi minacciato dall'arrivo di un ex amore legato al suo passato.

Records the battle for the survival of the big cats and reveals intimate details of their lives. The animals they prey on are also in the film: tigers couldn’t survive without sika deer, Altai wapiti, wild boars and Asian black bears. Guiding the viewer through the film, an elder tiger tells the story of his cub, born in a conservation area, the year after he leaves his mother.

Il nuovo progetto di David Murray ha radici profonde nella tradizione jazz e riunisce uno dei migliori musicisti jazz del mondo. Questa line-up è completata da una delle voci contemporanee più distinte: MACY GREY. Indubbiamente il progetto più creativo, il virtuosismo e le emozioni eccitate di David Murray non lasceranno nessuno indifferente. La perfetta combinazione di una voce unica e sofisticati arrangiamenti rendono questo progetto uno dei suoni più eccitanti e meravigliosi del 2013.

Don, uno studente diciannovenne di un college, è stanco dell'educazione religiosa ricevuta, ritenuta da lui troppo rigida e moraleggiante. Per sfuggire ai comandamenti della Bibbia, così come sono intesi da tutti coloro che lo circondano, Don si trasferisce nel più grande campus "senza Dio" nel nord ovest degli Stati Uniti, sulla costa del Pacifico, affrontando un percorso di maturazione che gli permetterà di darsi personalissime risposte sulla fede e sulla natura di Dio.

Sono passati 5 anni dalle prime amicizie di Quasimodo. Si sta avvicinando la festa degli innamorati e Quasimodo è l'unico a non aver ancora incontrato il suo vero e unico amore fino a quando non incontra una splendida fanciulla: Madeline. Ma quello che non si sa è che lei è l'aiutante del perfido Sarousch...

Upon the death of his estranged uncle, an embittered writer returns to his home town.

The black death had devastating effects in centuries past, but what actually caused it and how many lives did it take? The world has not seen a disease outbreak like it before or since. This film tells the story of skeletons recently unearthed in a long-lost plague cemetery beneath the streets of London. Was it the Bubonic Plague, or as scientists now suspect, an Ebola-like virus?

It’s Mom’s bible study night, and that means Dad and little Linberg are on their own until she returns.

Ching Dynasty vampire kid is revived in modern day Taiwan.

A boy uses a professor's liquid to make objects transparent.

Javier Falcón, Chief of the Sevilla Homicide Division, must solve two different cases in a short time. In the first case he is personally involved. An old friend of his infiltrated an Islamic terrorist cell and now the group is trying to recruit his young son for their cause. The same case hits even closer at home. A war is raging between two clans in the Russian Mafia. When an important mobster tries to defect, he gets killed in a car crash. On the scene, the police find an encrypted USB stick with highly explosive information. Then the son of Falcon’s girlfriend Consuelo is kidnapped. They are contacted by both Mafia clans claiming they have the kid and wanting to get their hands on the information. And both say they will kill him if Falcon doesn’t give them the stick

A 36-year old detective falls in love with a nihilistic 19-year old shop-lifter and wonders if the relationship which develops can last.

The Hip Hop Project is the dynamic and inspirational story of a group of New York City teenagers who transform their life stories into powerful works of art, using hip hop as a vehicle for self-development and personal discovery. The film traces the evolution of this award-winning outreach program developed by Kazi, a formerly homeless teenager turned youth mentor. After four years of collaboration, the group produced a powerful and thought-provoking album that provides a revealing look at their lives. In contrast to all the negative attention focused on hip hop and rap music, this is a story of hope, healing and the realization of dreams.