During the last forty years, the photographer Sebastião Salgado has been travelling through the continents, in the footsteps of an ever-changing humanity. He has witnessed the major events of our recent history: international conflicts, starvations and exodus… He is now embarking on the discovery of pristine territories, of the wild fauna and flora, of grandiose landscapes: a huge photographic project which is a tribute to the planet's beauty. Salgado's life and work are revealed to us by his son, Juliano, who went with him during his last journeys, and by Wim Wenders, a photographer himself.

Clumsy soldiers Şaban and Ramazan fall for a singer-dancer and accidentally become secret policemen tracking down a missing diamond.

Un îngrozitor accident de mașină leagă trei povești, fiecare implicând personaje care se confruntă cu pierderea, regretul și realitățile dure ale vieții, toate în numele iubirii.

The stand-up, which was staged 104 times from 2002 to 2005, hosted approximately 100,000 audiences. In this show, Ata Demirer reveals his unique style with scenes from Turkey, special characters and musical transitions.

Haosul se dezlantuie dupa ce populatia unui oras aflat la mai putin de 20 de kilometri de capitala sud-coreeana Seul este infectata cu un virus letal, care se transmite prin aer.

When Altan swipes prescription drugs from his brother Nuri's pharmacy, they soon find themselves on a dangerous but funny road trip to get rid of the stuff and escape the mafiosi Altan tried to double-cross. Along the way, the brother who are compete opposites finally bond.

Uneori, poate fi dificil să faci cunoștință cu familia iubitei tale pentru prima dată. Să planifici să o ceri în căsătorie la cina anuală de Crăciun a familiei sale este și mai greu, până când îți dai seama că rudele ei nici măcar nu știu că e lesbiană. Când Abby află că Harper nu a spus familiei de relația lor, începe să aibă dubii în privința iubitei pe care credea că o cunoaște.

Forțați să lucreze într-o mină de cărbune în Al Doilea Război Mondial, doi tineri poeți se rup de cruda realitate atunci când se îndrăgostesc amândoi de aceeași femeie.

Trimis departe de familie într-un sat de munte, profesorul Mahir ajută sătenii să ridice o școală, deschizându-le tuturor calea speranței.

Commander Logar fools Arif and sends him 1.000.000 years back in the time. He must civilize people from past to reach today.

Unii dintre cei mai răi tirani și criminali din istorie s-au reunit pentru a pune la cale un război care poate distruge milioane de oameni, un om trebuie să se lupte contra cronometrului pentru a-i opri. Aflați despre originile primei agenții independente de informații în „King's Man: Începutul”.

Fletcher Reede (Jim Carrey) este un avocat obsedat de munca lui care își câștigă existența mințind pe toată lumea. Acest prost obicei l-a transformat într-un om prosper, dar îl îndepărtează în timp de soția lui Audrey (Maura Tierney) și începe să-i afecteze și relația cu fiul său, Max (Justin Cooper).

Working in a ferry as a waiter, Ayzek, having a defect with his front teeth, dreams to get his front teeth fixed and to marry his girlfriend, Songül. The news gets out that the ferry company is turning over the management to a new one and the whole crew is to be interviewed. When the interviewer arrives on board, Ayzek’s world is turned upside down.

Hüseyin is a young man who lives with his grandfather and grandmother in a village in Thracian Turkey. The two great loves of his life are his clarinet and Müjgan, a nurse. Although Hüseyin is content with his life, with his music and dreams of Mügan, due to an unexpected development he leaves his village. He ends up in Istanbul where he finds support first in his clarinet and then in the friendship of the singer Firuzan. Firuzan is a popular nightclub performer who is eagerly working on an album as she leads a colorful but complicated life. When Firuzan meets Huseyin, the course of events gives away to a hilarious adventure.

Guner Sernikli is a government official who, with his wife and their wheelchair bound daughter, has been assigned as the head librarian to this isolated province, virtually an exile since there is no library in the village. The family is warmly welcome, but these are the years of political anarchy and leftist/rightist clashes in big cities and the youth of the village inevitably follow the tides. They arrive in Vizontele, just as the situation is becoming really absurd. Guner brings wisdom; his daughter Tuba brings beauty, innocence and love. Some like the Mayor, Nazmi Dogan and crazy Emin appreciate these things but they are in the minority and confusion continues to reign. The story is based on the memories of writer-director Yılmaz Erdoğan of the last summer of his childhood in Hakkâri, Turkey in 1980.

After the death of his father Murat II, Mehmet II ascends to the Ottoman throne. After braving internal and external enemies, he decides to complete what he was destined to do: Conquer Constantinople.

A fun-filled story about an ordinary guy about to kick into an action-packed adventure. Jackie Chan plays a bored and unsuccessful salesman who never thought his life would amount to anything. All that changes one day when he becomes an instant hero by foiling an attempted bank robbery.

Când maleficul Gargamel încearcă să îi captureze, ștrumpfii părăsesc ținutul natal împădurit, trec printr-un portal magic și se trezesc pierduți în New York.

A parolee becomes the target of a massive police manhunt after inadvertently picking up a rental car with a female whistleblower tied up in the trunk. Now, as the police attempt to silence the woman before she can testify about the city's rampant corruption, the ex-con who just regained his freedom must defend her life, and clear his own name.

Căutat ca ucigaș în serie, Salim se deghizează și pornește să o salveze pe mama lui Nihal de răpitori, dar necazurile îl găsesc la fiecare colț.