One night in a lonely hotel room, two strangers fatefully meet - one blind - one suicidal. During the night they spend together, they learn of each others differences and similarities and change as people.

America has been fighting the war on terrorism for two decades, and there are more terrorists today, not fewer. The day after 9/11, experts estimated there were around 400 members of al-Qaida. Today, those same experts put that number at over 100,000, including affiliate groups. The question we must now ask ourselves is not only how to prevent more men from joining these groups, but can we deradicalize those who already have?

”Tiga suku”, which literally translates into “three quarters”, is a Malay term used in the context of describing crazy, whacky or oddball-like behaviour; of being mentally “not quite there”. And “Mat Tiga Suku” is indeed an eccentric film that seeks to subvert our usual sense of logic, decorum and good taste. In this film, Mat Sentul is a poor and helpless man, lives in a house that talks to him, and daydreams about wealth and pretty princesses. It is an episodic adventure that follows the slapstick antics of Mat Sentul who, among many pranks, moves the bus-stop at his will, halts an aeroplane that does not give way, and pretends to be an office worker, a barber and a doctor.

A boy competes in various events during the Olympic games. Short film from 1936.

Documentary on the railroads that drive the nation written and produced by Jackson Pokress.

Un povero bambino orfano di guerra, per sopravvivere è costretto a vendere sigarette di contrabbando all'angolo della strada, con la sola compagnia del suo amato cane Matteo. Scoperto da un poliziotto, si rifugia nella sua baracca, e si addormenta guardando le stelle attraverso il soffitto in parte crollato. Nel sogno una lunga scala scende dalla volta celeste fino al pertugio; il bambino sale fino ad arrivare in cielo. Nel raccogliere un pugno di stelle per portarle sulla Terra, una voce lo avverte dell'impossibilità di tale atto, ma affermando che potrà avere tutte le stelle che desidera soltanto qualora rimanga tra di esse; il bambino accetta. L'indomani Matteo tenta invano di svegliare il padroncino, ignaro che questi sia andato per sempre in cielo.

Dr. Satish travels from the big city to a small village, where he can serve the poor who cannot afford to go to the city for medical treatment. Once in the village, he meets with Shanti, who lives with her dad, Radhekiran, a watchman. Both Shanti and Satish fall in love, and exchange vows to be married. Radhekiran has an accident, and dies, leaving Shanti to re-locate, without notifying Satish. Satish is devastated at losing Shanti, and tries to locate her, to no avail. His parents want him to marry Kamini, and he agrees to do so. It is then he comes across Shanti, and he is shocked to see that Shanti has given birth to baby-boy, but will not disclose who the father is.

Set in 1930s China, the film details the trials of a group of athletes who desire to compete in the Olympic Games. There’s a snag, however. The full amount required to send them abroad for the games is 600,000 dollars, and the government is only sponsoring half. It falls to the athletes to raise the rest themselves, and they start by saving every last penny they earn. They also attempt to raise the money through a variety of fund-raising activities, including street performances, networking for donations, and probably a bake sale, too. After deciding to fund their own way to the games, the athletes take to the streets to perform all manner of athletic demonstrations and martial arts moves in an energetic and impromptu street fair.

Dennis Carter, the head of a detective agency, and his secretary, Henrietta Rankin, get involved in the murder of a scandal-peddling, blackmailing radio commentator, and evidence point toward Henrietta. Dennis sets out to clear her and also find the real culprits.

Craftsman who sculpts religious figures goes deaf. Lotsa pathos.

Quattro giovani ragazze (Claudia, Monica, Michèle e Marina) e due ragazzi (Peter e Marco) durante un'escursione in motoscafo rimangono a corto di benzina. Prima che cali la notte, i ragazzi approdano su un'isola. Qui trovano rifugio in un castello in cui Luca vive, solitario e irrequieto, dopo aver strangolato l'amante ed averne occultato il cadavere. Cupo e misterioso, Luca affascina le sue ospiti che decidono di rimanere nel castello, mentre Peter e Marco abbandonano l'isola per tornare a casa. Le quattro ragazze, sole con Luca, se lo contendono entrando in competizione tra loro nel corteggiarlo. Luca però si dimostra freddo e sadico e dopo averle soggiogate del tutto a se stesso, le intrappola nel castello abbandonandole sole.

Inspired by a true story, "Chasing the Green" tells the story of two young brothers who become millionaires during the early 1990s. Their ambition and drive lead them into conflict with FTC officials, where an over-zealous bureaucrat attempts to destroy their company. The older brother, tries to reconcile the current crisis with conflicts in his own relationships, primarily with his current girlfriend.

The coincidence cross fates of five characters in a hotel room in New York. A newlyweds couples discussing, a touring magician requesting the services of a prostitute, a voyeur photographer that is silent witness to the fight of a couple on the street and a journalist who is going to kill himself because he made public his penchant for crossdressing.

This Classic Seductive tale of two snakes who assume human forms will send chills of pleasure down viewers' backs. The Lovely Linda Lin Dai (Les Belles, The Kingdom And The Beauty) and margaret Tu Chuan (The Dream of The Red Chamber) play the two sister serpents, Pak Su-cheng and Ching Ching. Su-cheng meets Hsu Hsien (Chao Lei) one day and recognizes him as her savior in another life 1,000 years ago. She marries him to reward him but the snake-human union brings about problems beyond imagination.

Join King Andreas and friends as they search to know how to handle their newfound power. What will become of the Moosehead on stick?