Every second of every day, from the moment he was born, for the last thirty years, Truman Burbank has been the unwitting star of the longest running, most popular documentary-soap opera in history. The picture-perfect town of Seahaven that he calls home is actually a gigantic soundstage. Truman's friends and family - everyone he meets, in fact - are actors. He lives every moment under the unblinking gaze of thousands of hidden TV cameras.
Francija, 18.gadsimta beigas. Jauna sieviete Eloīze saderinājusies ar vecākās māsas bijušo līgavaini no Milānas. Lai līgavainis varētu redzēt, kāda izskatās viņa gaidāmā sieva, kādam ir jāuzglezno Eloīzes portrets, lai to pirms kāzām viņam nosūtītu. Tomēr Eloīze nevēlas precēties un atsakās no sava portreta gleznošanas.
Stāsts par leģendāro britu rokgrupu Queen un viņu līderi Frediju Merkūriju. Dibināta un savos pirmsākumos pastāvējusi tāpat kā daudzas citas muzikālās apvienības, grupa Queen drīz kļūst par īstām rokenrola ikonām, bet viņu dziesmās ieklausās miljoniem fanu visā pasaulē. Filmas darbība aptver 15 gadu periodu – no grupas dibināšanas līdz triumfālajam koncertam festivālā Life Aid.
In 18th-century Rome, impish aristocrat Onofrio del Grillo amuses himself by playing pranks on all sorts of people — his reactionary family and fellow nobles, the poors, the French occupiers trying to modernize society, and even the Pope himself.
Polu Atreidesu – spožu un apdāvinātu jaunu vīrieti, kuram zvaigznēs ierakstīts ievērojams liktenis. Viņam jādodas uz bīstamāko planētu Visumā, lai nodrošinātu savas ģimenes un savas tautas nākotni. Starp ļaunajiem spēkiem uzplaiksnī cīņa par resursiem, kas atrodami vienīgi uz šīs planētas un spēj atraisīt cilvēces dižāko potenciālu, bet izdzīvos vienīgi tie, kuri spēs pārvarēt savas bailes.
Palermo, Sicīlija, 1980. Mafijas loceklis Tommaso Buscetta kopā ar ģimeni nolemj pārcelties uz Brazīliju, bēgot no pastāvīgā kara starp dažādiem noziedzīgās organizācijas klāniem. Taču, kad pēc vairāku nelaimju pārdzīvojuma viņš ir spiests atgriezties Itālijā, viņš pieņem drosmīgu lēmumu, kas uz visiem laikiem mainīs viņa dzīvi un Cosa Nostra likteni.
Maksu vajā nemierīgās pagātnes rēgi, viņš nolemj, ka labākais veids, kā izdzīvot ir klimst pa pasauli vienam. Neskatoties uz to, viņš pievienojas dumpiniekiem, kuri Furiosas vadībā traucas cauri tuksnesim. Viņi cenšas aizbēgt no Citadeles, kas pakļauta Nemirstīgā Džo tirānijai. Saniknotais Džo kuram dumpinieki atņēmusi kaut ko ļoti vērtīgu, stājas uz skarbā kara ceļa, viņus vajāt sūtot veselu armiju.
San Francisco Bay, January 18, 1960. Frank Lee Morris is transferred to Alcatraz, a maximum security prison located on a rocky island. Although no one has ever managed to escape from there, Frank and other inmates begin to carefully prepare an escape plan.
Giovanni and Raffaella are happily married from ten years, but their relationship goes into crisis when Raffaella falls in love with Valerio Mantovani, a handsome forty-year-old man she knew during the concerts of chamber music she weekly attends with her mother.
The residents of San Francisco are becoming drone-like shadows of their former selves, and as the phenomenon spreads, two Department of Health workers uncover the horrifying truth.
Two astronomers go on a media tour to warn humankind of a planet-killing comet hurtling toward Earth. The response from a distracted world: Meh.
An ambitious carnival man with a talent for manipulating people with a few well-chosen words hooks up with a female psychologist who is even more dangerous than he is.
Italy 1973. Giuseppe Tritoni (Ugo Tognazzi) is an ultra-right-wing congressman that doesn't agree anymore with his fascist party policy. He contacts many Italian Army officers and built a net of relationship in order to organize a Coup d'Etat (Golpe). Something goes wrong and the Interior Minister (Home Secretary) Mr. Li Masi (Lino Pugliesi) got the all information about the attempted Golpe. So the Minister organizes a counter-Golpe. Tritoni desperately, to save his project, kidnaps the Italian Republic President (Claude Dauphin) that immediately dies for heartache. Now Minister Mr. Li Masi is free to lay down the law to the rest of the country, realizing basically the actual Golpe! Tritoni surrenders and will spend rest of his time trying to sell his ideas about managing Golpe in Africa!
Filippo is a star on the Italian TV. He works for a documentary series about wild animals and nature. He is sent to Tenerife (Spain) to shot an issue about the local stork. It is the 13th of August. After he did his job is time to leave, but the ferry couldn't operate. He has to spend the night in the island. The day after is again the 13th of August, and Filippo live again the same day for different times. Something has to change to exit the paranoid and unrealistic situation.
Jesus, a carpenter living a simple life, discovers his destiny as the biblical Messiah.
Pēc savas pirmās seksuālās pieredzas 19-gadīgo Džeju sāk mocīt savādas vīzijas un sajūta, ka viņai kāds vai kaut kas seko...
During the year 1673, Rome was besieged by poverty and violence. The rich Mr. Argante has two servants to look after him, while his wife is only waiting to see him dead to inherit.
The billionaire is tired of the whims of his own children and decides to teach them a lesson. He announces to them that he has become bankrupt. Now spoiled teenagers will have to do what they have never done: go to work, learn to love and value life.
She's a divorce lawyer, single mother and perpetually at war against men, he is a couple's therapist, single and not looking, they meet and collide in a bourgeois and romantic Rome...
Set during a “beautiful summer” in Turin in 1938, against the backdrop of Fascist-era Italy’s subsequent entry into World War II. sees the 18-year-old Cassell as the uninhibited model Amelia. She introduces her younger friend Ginia to a world of bohemian artists where she will fall in love for the first time.