Antonio, Peppino and Lucia are three brothers who live in the country near Naples. Lucia's son, Gianni, goes to Naples to study medicine, but there he knows a ballet dancer. They fall in love and, when she goes to Milan, Gianni follows her. Informed of this and afraid that their nephew will stop studying, the three Caponi brothers leave for Milan to persuade Gianni to come back and continue studying and abandon the "Malafemmina" (bad girl).

Italy, mid '60s. Three guys from a poor neighbourhood try to get rich by printing fake money using the fact that one of them works as a typographer. The story unravels around their embarrassed efforts to spend the money, their little family issues and ends with a surprise.


In WWII Greece, two enemy Colonels, one Italian and the other English, develop a grudging friendship which the war will test.

  这部半记录片描写一个传奇式的西西里黑帮首领的生平,从他1950年全身中弹闪回到之前的各个生涯片段。影片记录了1945年到1951年间Salvatore Giuliano的匪徒反对官方警察的战争,也记录了他反对左派,工会和共产主义人民党的活动。人民党1947年“五一”大会就被Giuliano手下的人破坏的。

A pair of Americans want to perform the greatest robbery: the treasure of San Genaro, in Napoli.

A combination of a satire on war and a comedy with war as the background. It tells of the ordinary people living on a Naples sidestreet, from 1940 to 1950 under the dominance of the Fascists, the Nazis and then the Allies occupation forces. Primary among the citizens is Gennaro Iovine (Eduard De Filippo)who has a penchant for innocently getting into trouble, and his friend Pasquale (Toto.) The latter is a rail-sweeper who becomes a professional stand-in...a corpse used to conceal contraband...serving jail time for those who don't care to spend the time to do the time...a substitute at a political rally when violence threatens the scheduled speaker

Naples/Sorrento, mid 20s. A couple of small thieves conceive a scam whereby one of them dresses up as a eunuch Turk to care for the women of the family of a wealthy man. They end up messing everything up, with lots of gags and funny events in the meantime.

Felice Sciosciammocca, the mayor of Roccasecca, sends his nephew Ciccillo to Naples so that he will become a good doctor.

The penniless Duke decides to participate in "Lascia o raddoppia", a TV quiz show, in order to win five million lira. Then two gangsters bet between themselves on his success and, alas, the Duke is kidnapped.

Mobster Pepé Le Mokò dies during a shootout with the police. His gang decide that his successor will be a relative of his from Naples: Antonio Lumaconi (Totò Le Mokò), a street musician.

Beniamino and his family have lived inside a school since the end of the war. After five years they have to move, but in Rome it's not easy to find an apartment.

The Posalaquaglia cousins are two small scammers and make a living of expedients: Dante receives as recognition for Tommaso a bill of one hundred thousand lire from the famous financier Bruscatelli, who ends up in prison immediately afterwards.


公主范塔戈萝(亚历桑德拉·马提尼斯 Alessandra Martines 饰)倔强而美丽,相较于她的两个姐姐,范塔戈萝显得无所畏惧又坚强好胜。她跟随白衣女巫(安吉拉·摩琳娜 Ángela Molina 饰)学习剑术,希望像男人一样战斗,可以有朝一日保卫国家,为人民带来和平。然而她的父王(马里奥·阿多夫 Mario Adorf 饰)却一直希望能由一个王子来继承王位,怎奈王后生完范塔戈萝后就死去了。在学剑的魔法丛林,范塔戈萝邂逅了敌国的国王罗莫尔多(吉姆·罗斯·斯图尔特 Kim Rossi Stuart 饰)。罗莫尔多被这位神秘的女子迷住了,他深深地爱上了范塔戈萝的双眼。然而两国间旷日持久的战争还是爆发了,为了保卫她的国家和人民,范塔戈萝身披战袍女扮男装踏上了征程。就在兵戎相见的一刻,罗莫尔多认出了这双深恋已久的双眼。

Fracchia is desperate: he has to sell a house with at least five bathrooms within three days or his boss will fire him. Incredibly, he and his pal Filini manage to find the perfect house, a castle in Transylvania owned by some count Vlad... things get even worse when they meet the Count and his sister, who has a crush on Fracchia and decides to marry him!

A painter gives his daughter a television set for her 18th birthday. On the evening of the party, the family sits in the living room and watches a series of variety shows taken from the sets of theatrical performances and various films recited by the famous Totò,

After receiving a large sum of money on his bank account by mistake, a small-town thirtysomething dissatisfied with his life sees the opportunity of turning back the clock to when things were good, reliving the carefree life of an university student in a big city. Here, he falls in love with a girl and gets her pregnant. There's just one problem: he already has a wife and a daughter back home!

A married couple must get their hands dirty when a bunch of mobsters start using their new home as a deposit for illegal material.