Three partisans bound by a strong friendship return home after the war, but the clash with everyday reality puts a strain on their bond.

Best friends Peppe and Mario are thieves, but they're not very good at it. Still, Peppe thinks that he's finally devised a master heist that will make them rich. With the help of some fellow criminals, he plans to dig a tunnel from a rented apartment to the pawnshop next door, where they can rob the safe. But his plan is far from foolproof, and the fact that no one in the group has any experience digging tunnels proves to be the least of their problems.

When Gelsomina, a naïve young woman, is purchased from her impoverished mother by brutish circus strongman Zampanò to be his wife and partner, she loyally endures her husband's coldness and abuse as they travel the Italian countryside performing together. Soon Zampanò must deal with his jealousy and conflicted feelings about Gelsomina when she finds a kindred spirit in Il Matto, the carefree circus fool, and contemplates leaving Zampanò.

Widowed shopkeeper Cesira and her 13-year-old daughter Rosetta flee from the allied bombs in Rome during the second World War; they travel to the remote village where Cesira was born. During their journey and in the village and onward, the mother does everything she can to protect Rosetta. Meanwhile, a sensitive young intellectual, Michele, falls in love with Cesira.

The true story of the frightening, lonely world of silence and darkness of 7-year-old Helen Keller who, since infancy, has never seen the sky, heard her mother's voice or expressed her innermost feelings. Then Annie Sullivan, a 20-year-old teacher from Boston, arrives. Having just recently regained her own sight, the no-nonsense Annie reaches out to Helen through the power of touch, the only tool they have in common, and leads her bold pupil on a miraculous journey from fear and isolation to happiness and light.

Film director Blasetti is looking for a little girl for his new movie. Along with other mothers, Maddelena takes her daughter to Cinecittà, hoping she’ll be selected and become a star. She is ready to sacrifice anything for little Maria.

Domenico Soriano (M. Mastroianni), uspješni poslovni čovjek, prvi je puta susreo Filumenu Marturano (S. Loren) u rimskom bordelu, za vrijeme Drugog svjetskog rata kada je imala sedamnaest godina. Bilo je to upravo u trenutku kada je započelo bombardiranje te su svi otišli u sklonište osim Domenica koji je pronašao Filumenu skrivenu u ormaru. Ponovno se susreću nakon nekoliko godina i nastavljaju svoj ljubavnički put. Domenico unajmljuje apartman za Filumenu, gdje će je posjećivati, a uz to ona obavlja razne poslove za njega, a na kraju joj dopušta i nadzor nad prodavaonicom. No, premda je to Filumenina najveća želja, Domenico nikad nije pokazao namjeru da je oženi, ali ona se neće lako predati.

A psychopathic criminal with a mother complex makes a daring break from prison and then leads his old gang in a chemical plant payroll heist. After the heist, events take a crazy turn.

Boston, 1920. Italian immigrants Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti are charged and unfairly tried for murder on the basis of their anarchist political beliefs.

Esposito is a thief who cons tourists in Rome. Officer Bottoni manages to catch him and starts persecuting him. When Esposito manages to flee, Bottoni's superiors inform him that he'll lose his job if he can't catch Esposito.

Three tales of very different women using their sexuality as a means to getting what they want.

A man and his son take an allegorical stroll through life with a talking bird that spouts social and political philosophy.

After being estranged for 15 years, flamboyant actress Becky del Paramo re-enters her daughter Rebeca's life when she comes to perform a concert. Rebeca, she finds, is now married to one of Becky's ex-lovers, Manuel. The mother and daughter begin making up for lost time, when suddenly, a murder occurs...

An aimless college graduate jumping from one job interview to another — killing time in between with his wisecracking and deadbeat room-mate — falls in love with an actress.

The everyday life of accountant Levante, his family and the other people of a small town in the Tuscan countryside is taken by storm by the serendipitous arrival of five gorgeous Spanish flamenco dancers.

Čarobnjak Merlin (N. Williamson) pomaže Utheru Pendragonu (G. Byrne) da pomoću mača Excalibura pobijedi razjedinjene engleske velikaše i ujedini Englesku u jedno kraljevstvo kojemu je on kralj. No Uther žudi za Igraine (K. Boorman), ženom svoga suparnika i to mu donosi propast. Prije nego što umre, Uther zabije Excalibur u kamen iz kojega ga ne može izvući nitko osim zakonitog nasljednika prijestolja. Nekoliko godina kasnije Utherov sin Arthur (N. Terry), kojega je začeo s Igraine, izvuče mač, nesvjestan njegove moći i značaja. Uz Merlinovu pomoć Arthur je okrunjen za kralja Engleske i osniva Okrugli stol koji će okupiti sve časne engleske vitezove sa zadatkom obnove kraljevstva i borbe protiv zla.

The world's greatest criminal and the world greatest loser share the same face... now they'll share the same life!

After losing her daughter in an accident, Carmen loses all incentive to keep going, until she receives an unexpected letter from the adoption agency: her daughter was finally granted the Vietnamese girl she had asked for adoption and whose name is Thi Mai.

A wealthy broker, his loyal butler, and a poor street seller all see their social positions change in a twist of fate.