Antonio, Peppino and Lucia are three brothers who live in the country near Naples. Lucia's son, Gianni, goes to Naples to study medicine, but there he knows a ballet dancer. They fall in love and, when she goes to Milan, Gianni follows her. Informed of this and afraid that their nephew will stop studying, the three Caponi brothers leave for Milan to persuade Gianni to come back and continue studying and abandon the "Malafemmina" (bad girl).
Eugene, a young nobleman, asks two penniless idlers to impersonate his noble relatives to help him marry Gemma, the daughter of an enriched cook.
Italy, mid '60s. Three guys from a poor neighbourhood try to get rich by printing fake money using the fact that one of them works as a typographer. The story unravels around their embarrassed efforts to spend the money, their little family issues and ends with a surprise.
In the first Italian film to be shot in color, Totò portrays a musician named Antonio Scannagatti who strongly hopes to sell his composition, "Epopea italiana", to Tiscordi, who is one of the most important Italian impresarios.
Naples/Sorrento, mid 20s. A couple of small thieves conceive a scam whereby one of them dresses up as a eunuch Turk to care for the women of the family of a wealthy man. They end up messing everything up, with lots of gags and funny events in the meantime.
A long love story, seen through the memories of one young couple. The journey through the years of two individuals, united, divided, happy, unhappy, deeply in love, or in love with others, in a single stream of emotions and shades of feeling. Over the course of the film, he learns that love can indeed last, while she learns to live with nostalgia.
During the Vietnam War, a soldier finds himself the outsider of his own squad when they unnecessarily kidnap a female villager.
Felice Sciosciammocca, the mayor of Roccasecca, sends his nephew Ciccillo to Naples so that he will become a good doctor.
The charismatic Sir Lionel Frost considers himself to be the world's foremost investigator of myths and monsters. Trouble is, none of his small-minded, high-society peers seems to recognize this. Hoping to finally gain acceptance from these fellow adventurers, Sir Lionel travels to the Pacific Northwest to prove the existence of a legendary creature known as the missing link.
Un aristocrat falit decide să apară la o emisiune-concurs pentru a-și ajuta fiica, dar doi gangsteri îl iau în vizor și apar complicațiile.
Beniamino and his family have lived inside a school since the end of the war. After five years they have to move, but in Rome it's not easy to find an apartment.
Antonio goes to Rome to represent his fellow peasants, to request a highway that will be built in their region. But the guy is mastered by 'la dolce vita' and wastes the money entrusted to him for his mission. When Peppino is sent to to find out what happened, he lets himself be trapped by the gentle grip of 'la dolce vita'
Un om de știință renumit (dr. Mainheimer) este pe punctul de a publica un raport despre rezervele de energie ale viitorului. Pentru că lucrurile nu stau tocmai bine pentru furnizorii tradiționali de petrol, cărbune și energie nucleară, aceștia îl răpesc pe Mainheimer și îi înlocuiesc raportul acestuia cu unul mult mai favorabil pentru afacerile lor. Drebin este însărcinat să îl găsească și salveze pe Mainheimer, ajutat fiind de secretara acestuia, Jane, o mai veche iubire a locotenentului nostru buclucaș.
Antonio is the humble servant of a rich family governed by the Marquis Gastone. He is a young man madly in love with Lulu, but she betrays him, and he desperately enlist in the foreign legion.
De data aceasta „amici” (prietenii) sunt doar patru: Necchi, Meandri, Mascetti și Sassaroli. Cu toate acestea, sunt mai în vârstă, încă le place să-și petreacă timpul organizând glume irezistibile pentru toată lumea, în orice fel de situație. Mascetti este internat într-o clinică de geriatrie. Desigur, locul devine imediat scena principală pentru toate glumele lor. După câteva glume, au decis să facă oaspeților clinicii o glumă incredibilă.
Într-o seară, Sam mergea spre casă, către apartamentul ei care se afla într-o zonă înspăimântătoare din sudul Londrei și este jefuită de o bandă de tineri care au capetele acoperite cu glugi. Ea este când atenția atacatorilor este distrasă de un meteorit luminos care lovește o mașină care se afla într-o parcare din apropiere. Sam reușește să fugă chiar în momentul în care puștii sunt atacați de un mic extraterestru. Băieții urmăresc ciudata creatură, reușesc să o prindă și o omoară. În timp ce Sam și polițiștii se aflau pe urmele lor, are loc un al doilea val de meteoriți, iar cei din gașcă sunt siguri de victorie, doar că, de această dată, creaturile extraterestre sunt mult mai mari și nimic nu pare să le mai stea în cale.
The Posalaquaglia cousins are two small scammers and make a living of expedients: Dante receives as recognition for Tommaso a bill of one hundred thousand lire from the famous financier Bruscatelli, who ends up in prison immediately afterwards.
A professor was appointed member of the jury of a beauty contest and falls for a beautiful contestant. In order to get the girl he must win the "Tour of Italy", so professor sells his soul to the devil to get the winning and the girl.
Aunt Agatha writes to Toto, informing him that she won't send him another penny until he is married.
Anna was the maid of a lady who inherited an apartment in a building in the center of Rome.