Kubo mesmerizes the people in his village with his magical gift for spinning wild tales with origami. When he accidentally summons an evil spirit seeking vengeance, Kubo is forced to go on a quest to solve the mystery of his fallen samurai father and his mystical weaponry, as well as discover his own magical powers.

სამი ტრანსვესტიტის ისტორია, რომლებიც უდაბნოში გაემგზავრნენ - სექსუალური უმცირესობების შოუზე.

არც თუ ისე შორეულ მომავალში, ადამიანები ანდროდებს მოსამსახურეებად იყენებენ. ენდრიუ არაორდინალური რობოტია, მას ემოციური და შემოქმედებითი თვისებებიც აქვს რაც სხვა რობოტებისგან განასხვავებს. 200 წლის განმავლობაში იგი ბევრად განვითარდა შეიცვალა.

Travis and Gabby first meet as neighbors in a small coastal town and wind up in a relationship that is tested by life's most defining events.

Four undying warriors who've secretly protected humanity for centuries become targeted for their mysterious powers just as they discover a new immortal.

A man tries to make his wife fall in love with him again, after waking up in an alternate reality where she never knew him.

The mother of a severely traumatized daughter enlists the aid of a unique horse trainer to help the girl's equally injured horse.

Accio and Manrico are siblings from a working-class family in 1960s Italy: older Manrico is handsome, charismatic, and loved by all, while younger Accio is sulky, hot-headed, and treats life as a battleground — much to his parents' chagrin. After the former is drawn into left-wing politics, Accio joins the fascists out of spite, but his flimsy beliefs are put to test when he falls for Manrico's like-minded girlfriend.

Marley’s brilliant at organizing other people’s engagements, but unlucky in finding romance herself. When designing her most important proposal yet, the man who could jeopardize it all may be the one who helps find her own love story.

The life of a working-class boy in Rome through the '70s and '80s, choosing his own path with his friends and family.

A beautiful fugitive draws a shy film buff out of his shell while she hides in the museum — the cavernous interiors of the Mole Antonelliana in Turin, Italy — where he works as night watchman.

After a suicide attempt, depressed lawyer Diego decides to take up the mantle of good Samaritan by helping his loved ones fix the problems in their life, but ends up bringing only utter havoc.

Allie, an out of work art teacher, has to accept a job with the Santa Squad to help wealthy widower Gordon and his two precious daughters rediscover the magic of Christmas. As Allie is lifting the holiday spirits of the family with Christmas decorations, cookies and shopping, her kindness is rewarded with the most unexpected of gifts: love!

Fred works for a company that creates alibis for cheaters until Clio, the daughter of one of his client, falls in love with him.

Vincent was born near Paris, but has cut off every link with his roots. Maria, fifteen years younger, grew up in Ostia, but no longer sees her family. Together they form a couple that does not seem to need anyone. They lead a secluded life in contemporary Rome, indolent and distracted. Furthermore, Vincent and Maria are good at blending in with their environment. When they return home, they make love with the passion of young lovers in a suburban apartment that she has carefully furnished. Yet, on closer inspection, their everyday life betrays what lies behind their seemingly normal appearance: a project carried out by him with a clear determination and accepted by her only by virtue of unconditional love. A plan to help couples who cannot have children. Maria decides that it is time to create a real family. This choice has an inevitable consequence: the rebellion against Vincent, the man of her life.

ბიბლიური ისტორია წინასწარმეტყველ მოსესა და ებრაელი ერის ეგვიპტელების მონობისგან გათავისუფლების შესახებ. მოსე დედამიწას იმ დროს მოევლინა, როცა ფარაონმა ებრაული წარმოშობის ყველა ახალშობილის მოკვლა ბრძანა. მისი გადარჩენისთვის, დედამისმა ბავშვი კალათაში ჩასვა და ნილოსს გააყოლა. ახალშობილი ფარაონის ქალიშვილმა იპოვა და მას რამზესთან ერთად ზრდიდა. მრავალი წლის შემდეგ, მოსე ეგვიპტიდან გაიქცა, ხოლო შემდეგ ღვთის ბრძანებით უკან დაბრუნდა, რათა თავისი ერი მონობიდან ეხსნა.

Giada is a overachieving student who works to pay for college. Riccardo is a spoiled brat who answers her tutoring ad in order to improve his abysmal grades. She's shy and homely. He's handsome and brazen. As they say, opposites attract.

Samuele is 16 and has a passion for skateboarding. He has big dreams: going to university, move to California, and travel, but things change when he meets Alice, who could be the girl of his life.