Tai istorija apie berniuką Harį Poterį, kuris 10 metų pragyveno po laiptais ir tikėjo apgaulingais dėdės ir tetos pasakojimais, kad jo tėvai žuvo autoavarijoje, nors iš tikrųjų jie buvo nužudyti per Helovyno šventę. Per vieną savo gimtadienį Haris Poteris vis dėlto išsiaiškina visą teisybę apie tėvus ir apie randą savo galvoje. Be to, jis gauna netikėtą pasiūlymą-laišką, kurį atnešė pašto pelėda,- mokytis Hogvartso jaunųjų raganiukų ir burtininkų mokykloje, kur Hario laukia daug draugų ir daug priešų. Vienas tokių yra tamsos lordas Voldemortas, kuris suorganizavo Hario Poterio tėvų nužudymą, o dabar ketina Anapilin išsiųsti ir talentingąjį berniuką. Prasideda nepamirštami nuotykiai: jis išmoksta keisčiausių burtų, tampa kvidičo ( lyg ir krepšinio ant šluotų ) čempionu, padeda išperinti slibiniūkštį ir, slepiamas neregimojo apsiausto, leidžiasi į pavojingą žygį. Su keletu tikrų draugų Haris Poteris eina pasitikti stebuklingos savo lemties...
Lena ir Danielis - jauna pora. Danielį pagrobia slapta karo policija, bet Lenai pavyksta jį atsekti į šalies pietus, į koloniją "Dignidad". Kolonija skelbiasi esanti maldos vieta, tačiau iš tikrųjų, tai sekta, iš kurios dar niekas nepabėgo. Lena prisijungia prie sektos, kad rastų Danielį. Filmas paremtas tikrais faktais.
During the Chinese Revolution in 1949, young Chinese copra trader named Fong-Huan marries Elisa, a young and pretty Filipina. The couples children, Daniel and Linda, were raised in a mixture of Chinese and Filipino-Hispanic tradition. These richly cultured people are the ancestors of a dysfunctional third-generation family whose daughters tell their own stories of joy, struggle, and the complex realities in the life of Filipino Chinese families.
A recently widowed, now single father struggles to raise his sixth-grade son with autism. The pressure of his job and coping with the loss of his wife proves to push him nearly to the breaking point.
November 14, 1951, the left bank of the Po river a few hundred meters from the Padua-Bologna railway bridge breaks. The tide invades the Polesine's lands in a few minutes, one of the poorest regions in Italy at the time. Thousands people, men, women and children flee while the water remains stagnant for months between the houses and the countryside. Today, 70 years later, the children of that time remember those months immortalized by the films perfectly preserved in the Istituto Luce's archives.
Not for the faint of heart, this voyeuristic documentary takes you straight to the streets of Compton and Watts, revealing the inner workings of the infamous Bloods street gang. Here, gangbanging is a way of life, and the film pulls no punches, exposing pushers and dealers, brutal fights and rampant drug use, as well as interviewing gang members who reveal why they joined the Bloods.
Christian Slater is a stranger who comes to a small town. The local citizens think he's up to no good. After bothering him for a while, he blurts out in frustration, that he is there to kill himself.
Seven stories from the hood that connects to the seven deadly sins.
Let's face it, rats are not the most beloved creatures on earth. However, maybe this little tale about the history of human and rat interaction will change the world's tune. At least that is the hope of Remy, the star of Ratatouille, and his reluctant brother Emile as they guide us through world history from a rat's perspective. Why can't we all just get along?
Claudio Scanna is a private in the Italian army: during his first night in a new military base he gets in a fight with senior recruits. Lieutenant Fili, Claudio's commanding officer, is denied a promotion because his superiors discover he was absent without justification during the night of the fight. Fili blames Claudio and vows to make his remaining months in the service a living hell...
Darkon is an award-winning feature-length documentary film that follows the real-life adventures of the Darkon Wargaming Club in Baltimore, Maryland, a group of fantasy live-action role-playing (LARP) gamers.
Pasiturinčio vynuogynų savininko duktė Laura ir samdinių sūnus Pako užaugo viename name. Jaunystėje jie buvo kartu, tačiau Laura jaunuolį paliko ir dabar, po daugelio metų, gyvena su vyru ir vaikais Argentinoje. Pako pasiliko kaimelyje Ispanijoje, gyvena čia su žmona ir dirba vynuogyne, kurį nebrangiai jam kadaise pardavė Laura. Ir štai jie susitinka Lauros sesers Anos vestuvėse. Laura iš Argentinos atsivežusi savo vaikus, tačiau per vestuves kažkas pagrobia miegančią mergaitę ir už ją pareikalauja milžiniškos išpirkos.
The story of a loving man and father who falls under the influence of an extremely orthodox Protestant sect. He sacrifices everything and everyone to this faith, including his business and the respect of his younger son. However, he never loses the love of his wife.
Tai komedija apie kvailių, nevykėlių, idiotų ir juokdarių lenktynes dėl labai didelio piniginio prizo. Las Vegaso kazino savininkas savo klientams sugalvoja neįprastą pramogą ir paskelbia daugiadienių lenktynių iš Las Vegaso į Silver Sitį su nenumatytomis kliūtimis pradžią. Tik pirmąją vietą užėmęs lenktynininkas turės galimybę džiaugtis 2 mln. dolerių. Apimti pavydo ir gobšumo dalyviai išskuba į chaotiškų ir nenuspėjamų lenktynių trasą, bandydami laimę pačiomis įvairiausiomis oro ir žemės transporto priemonėmis su ratais, sparnais ir kojomis. Pakeliui jie stengiasi prikaišioti kuo daugiau pagalių į konkurentų ratus ir jiems pakenkti. Tačiau nė vienas iš lenktynininkų net neįtaria, kad klastingasis organizatorius papildomai surengia savotiškas lažybas milijardieriams, kurie stato dideles pinigų sumas ir stengiasi atspėti varžybų nugalėtoją.
Milan, Italy, 1967. Santo Russo, a boy of Calabrian origin, arrives north with his parents and younger brother to find better living conditions. Due to an absurd misunderstanding and his father's contempt, Santo ends up in prison, where he gets a “true education.” In 1978, he and his friends Slim and Mario embark on a 15-year criminal career, a successful and ruthless spiral of robberies, kidnappings, murders and heroin smuggling.
A drama about a psychological duel between a police detective and career criminal.
Story of a small boy is forced to move out of Prague during World War 2 to a small village of Slavonice where he meets the rest of his family. He needs to make new friends and get used to a new life which is immensely different from what this city boy was used to.
Manay Po tells the story of Luz, a small time jeweler who dreams of making it big so as to provide a better life for her family. Her life revolves around her brood of three, namely, Oscar, Orson and Orwell and her live-in boyfriend Gerry. With the help of her good friend and maid Maritess, Luz was able to raise her children normally despite the absence of a husband. In spite of her children's questionable sexualities, their family paints a picture of a happy family - a home filled with laughter and unconditional love.
Funny events of the clients who spend their summer holidays at the Hotel Internazionale in San Benedetto del Tronto.