A wheelchair-bound photographer spies on his neighbors from his apartment window and becomes convinced one of them has committed murder.

Dva lovca na glave, Mož brez imena in polkovnik Douglas Mortimer, sta sprva ločeno, kasneje pa skupaj na sledi enemu najbolj iskanih ubežnikov Divjega zahoda - zloglasnemu El Indiu. El Indio je neusmiljen in inteligenten človek z dolgo krvavo sledjo številnih umorov, vključno z umorom Mortimerjeve sestre. Da bi se mu približali, lovci skujejo načrt, po katerem naj bi se Monko pridružil tolpi, kar mu tudi uspe, ko enega izmed njenih članov reši iz zapora. Po bančnem ropu se El Indio in druščina skrijejo v oddaljenem obmejnem mestu, kjer se Moškemu brez imena pridruži Mortimer, ki se želi maščevati.

Newspaper magnate Charles Foster Kane is taken from his mother as a boy and made the ward of a rich industrialist. As a result, every well-meaning, tyrannical or self-destructive move he makes for the rest of his life appears in some way to be a reaction to that deeply wounding event.

O heroinu z ljubeznijo. "Izberite življenje. Izberite službo. Izberite kariero. Izberite družino. Izberite prekleto velik televizor. Izberite pralne stroje, avtomobile, CD predvajalnike in električne odpirače za konzerve. Izberite dobro zdravje, nizko raven holesterola in zobozdravstveno zavarovanje ... A zakaj bi jaz naredil kaj takega? Izbral sem, da ne izberem življenja. Izbral sem nekaj drugega. In zakaj? Brez razloga. Le kdo potrebuje razlog, če ima heroin?" Mark Renton (Ewan McGregor) je junak kultnega romana Irvina Welsha in po njem posnetega filma; zasvojenec z mamili po lastni izbiri, ki se skupaj s svojimi "prijatelji" Spudom, Sick Boyem, Tommyjem in sociopatom Begbiejem vdaja heroinski omami. Njihov upor zoper vrednote "normalne" družbe je čudaški in samouničevalen, a v njem blaženo uživajo – ne vedoč, da se bliža neizogibnemu koncu. Renton se slednjič odloči opustiti heroinsko zasvojenost, toda ali mu lahko "normalno" življenje ponudi enak odmerek vznemirljivosti?

Two longtime friends attempt to prove that they committed the perfect murder by hosting a dinner party with the family of a classmate they just strangled to death.

In 1938, an art collector appeals to eminent archaeologist Dr. Indiana Jones to embark on a search for the Holy Grail. Indy learns that a medieval historian has vanished while searching for it, and the missing man is his own father, Dr. Henry Jones Sr.. He sets out to rescue his father by following clues in the old man's notebook, which his father had mailed to him before he went missing. Indy arrives in Venice, where he enlists the help of a beautiful academic, Dr. Elsa Schneider, along with Marcus Brody and Sallah. Together they must stop the Nazis from recovering the power of eternal life and taking over the world!

Imate radi detektivske, misteriozne uganke? Predstavljamo vam detektivko, kot je še ni bilo posnete! Stopite v čevlje detektiva, ki poskuša razrešiti skrivnostno smrt v patriarhalni, ekscentrični in sprti družini. Zjutraj, dan po praznovanju svojega 85. rojstnega dneva, na tleh na svojem posestvu leži mrtev Harlan Thombrey. Priznani detektiv Benoit Blanc sumi zločin in v trenutku osumi vse prisotne na posestvu – Harlanovo družino. Bolj kot se bliža branje oporoke, bolj padajo maske in jasno postaja, da je vsak član družine nosil velike skrivnosti. Zapleti, preobrati in napetost vodijo v šokanten zaključek in s tem zaključijo detektivsko uganko, kot je še ni bilo.

Under constant attack by monstrous creatures called Angels that seek to eradicate humankind, U.N. Special Agency NERV introduces two new EVA pilots to help defend the city of Tokyo-3: the mysterious Makinami Mari Illustrous and the intense Asuka Langley Shikinami. Meanwhile, Gendo Ikari and SEELE proceed with a secret project that involves both Rei and Shinji.

7362 is concerned with dividing and joining together. It begins with two black circles against a white background, knocking together and gradually moving further apart. The circles fade out, and return as white circles against black inside a square. Images similar to Rorschach blots appear. Gradually the viewer realizes that the images were not originally abstract, but were human forms (dancers, gymnasts, etc.), bridges, and others that have been split down the center of the frame, with their mirror images printed on either side of the split. Red, green, and white tints further abstract the images from their original foundations in the natural world, making dancers appear to be amoebas or dividing cells. The accompanying sound track is a mixture of electronic music and musique concrète ("real" recorded sounds manipulated to sound abstract).

Dvanajstletna Regan se začne čudno obnašati. Preklinja, govori s tujim glasom in kaže nadnaravno moč. Dekličina obupana mati zaman išče odgovor pri zdravnikih. Ostane ji le še eno upanje: izganjalec hudiča.

Young Dorothy finds herself in a magical world where she makes friends with a lion, a scarecrow and a tin man as they make their way along the yellow brick road to talk with the Wizard and ask for the things they miss most in their lives. The Wicked Witch of the West is the only thing that could stop them.

Un Chien Andalou is an European avant-garde surrealist film, a collaboration between director Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dali.

A compilation of interviews, rehearsals and backstage footage of Michael Jackson as he prepared for his series of sold-out shows in London.

Stop-motion photography blends with extreme slow-motion in Clair's first and most 'dada' film, composed of a series of zany, interconnected scenes. We witness a rooftop chess match between Marcel Duchamp and Man Ray, a hearse pulled by a camel (and chased by its pallbearers) and a dizzying roller coaster finale. A film of contradictions and agreements.

The romantic relationship between a man and a woman.

A dance of shapes. A title card tells us this is an experiment in conveying the mental images of music in a visual form. Liszt's "Second Hungarian Rhapsody" is the music. The shapes, all two-dimensional, are circles primarily, with some squares and rectangles, and a few triangles. The shapes move rhythmically to the music: receding from view or moving across the screen. Red circles on a blue background; light blue squares; white rectangles. Then, a red background of many circles with a few in the foreground. Red gives way to blue then to white. Shapes reappear as Liszt's themes re-occur. Then, with a few staccato notes and images, it's over.

Greg Focker (Ben Stiller) je nekoliko neroden medicinska sestra, ki mora po napovedi zaroke pri Pam (Teri Polo) preživeti nekaj dni s starši, da jih spozna. Njihov začetni sestanek ne bo imel veliko sreče, zlasti zaradi sumov, ki jih Greg vzgaja v strogem očetu dekleta (Robert de Niro), zaščitniškega očeta, ki je delal za CIA, čeprav je zdaj upokojen, in to zelo težko narediti vtis. Jim od začetka popolnoma zavrne Grega, a ko ga bolje spozna, njegova zavrnitev postane absolutna prezir in postane moški najhujša nočna mora, ki kljub temu, da ljubi svojo dekle in želi narediti dober prvi vtis, potone globlje in globlje v blato lastne nesposobnosti in moral se bo močno boriti, da bo spremenil grozno mnenje svoje sorodnikove deklice o njem.

A pulsing, kaleidoscope of images set to an energetic soundtrack. This is a world in motion, dominated by mechanical and repetitive images, with a few moments of solitude in a garden.

Abstract animated short film. Grey and white squares change size and shape on a black background.

Story about a man whose environment doesn't let him live his simple life.