Against all the odds, a thirteen year old boy in Malawi invents an unconventional way to save his family and village from famine.

Delving into a century of genre films that by turns utilized, caricatured, exploited, sidelined, and finally embraced them, this is the untold history of black Americans in Hollywood through their connection to the horror genre.

James, giving himself 12 months before he has "a license to kill himself," sets off to the Amazon rainforest with hopes of finding a shaman who can save his life.

The film spans 30 years in Julieta’s life from a nostalgic 1985 where everything seems hopeful, to 2015 where her life appears to be beyond repair and she is on the verge of madness.

A former professional dancer volunteers to teach dance in the New York public school system and, while his background first clashes with his students' tastes, together they create a completely new style of dance. Based on the story of ballroom dancer, Pierre Dulane.

Radnja slijedi Jackie "Justice", osramoćenu MMA borkinju koja je doživjela neuspjeh u jednoj stvari u kojoj je ikad bila dobra - borbi. Kada se šestogodišnji Manny, sin kojeg napustila, vrati na njena vrata, Jackie mora pobijediti vlastite demone, suočiti se s jednom od najžešćih zvijezda u svijetu MMA i konačno se boriti da postane majka koju njeno dijete zaslužuje.

Reunited after 15 years, famous chef Sasha and hometown musician Marcus feel the old sparks of attraction but struggle to adapt to each other's worlds.

Noah spends the perfect first night with the girl of his dreams Avery but gets relegated to the friend zone. He spends the next three years wondering what went wrong - until he gets the unexpected chance to travel back in time and alter that night, and his fate, over and over again.

An orphaned dinosaur raised by lemurs joins an arduous trek to a sancturary after a meteorite shower destroys his family home.

Value Shop assistant manager Maya Vargas wants only one thing for her 43rd birthday -- a promotion. While her résumé may not scream upper management, her track record certainly does; she is an innovator who listens to her customers and delivers results. When she loses the job to a college-educated candidate, Maya sets out to prove to Madison Avenue that street smarts are as valuable as book smarts -- and it's never too late for a second act.

"Umijeće laganja" odvija se u paralelnoj stvarnosti u kojoj laganje, pa i sam koncept laži, ne postoji. Svi, od političara do oglašivača i običnih ljudi na ulici, govore isključivo istinu i ne razmišljaju o posljedicama. Kad neuspješni režiser Mark Bellison (Ricky Gervais) iznenada razvije sposobnost laganja, otkriva da se nepoštenje isplati. U svijetu u kojem se svaka izgovorena riječ smatra istinom, Mark vrlo lako lažući dolazi do slave i bogatstva. No laži se brzo šire i Mark počinje shvaćati da je situacija izmakla kontroli kad se neke od njegovih najvećih laži počinju smatrati, blago rečeno, evanđeljem. Cijeli svijet sad ovisi o svakoj njegovoj riječi, međutim, ima nešto što Mark ipak nije uspio postići laganjem; osvojiti srce žene koju voli.

With the world under attack by deadly creatures who hunt by sound, a teen and her family seek refuge outside the city and encounter a mysterious cult.

Poznati neuroznanstvenik William Foster, čiji su supruga i troje djece poginuli u prometnoj nesreći, potpuno očajan uz pomoć svog najboljeg prijatelja i kolege znanstvenika Eda Whittlea, odlučuje se na rizičan eksperiment - repliciranje njihovih tijela. Ništa ga neće zaustaviti u tome, čak i ako mora ići protiv cijelog vladinog laboratorija, policije, ali i zakona fizike.

Amy Schumer's live stand-up set performed in Chicago where she jokes about marriage, pregnancy and personal growth.

Two old friends reconnect at their friend's funeral, and decide to exact revenge on the widower who wronged all three of them decades earlier.

Poljoprivrednik ispisuje priznanje za ubojstvo svoje žene, ali njezina smrt samo je početak jezive priče. Na temelju novele Stephena Kinga.

Years after a mysterious plague has devastated the planet and turned most of humanity into blood-hungry creatures, a rogue drifter on a vengeful hunt stumbles across a band of survivors in an abandoned police station and reluctantly agrees to try to help them defend themselves and escape to the sanctuary they so desperately need.

Secrets, rumors and betrayals surround the upcoming marriage between a young dissolute man and virtuous woman of the French aristocracy.

After leaving his wife and his job to find happiness, Anders begins a clumsy, heartbreaking quest to reassemble the pieces of his fractured life.

In the dark heart of a sprawling, anonymous city, two assassins carry out a sinister mission, a teacher battles a fatal illness, and an enigmatic janitor and a curious waitress lead dangerous double lives. Murderous consequences unravel in the dead of night, as their lives intertwine at the hands of a mysterious criminal mastermind who is hell-bent on revenge.