Two craftspeople, Uli and Didi, are working on a swastika in their workshop. Somewhere between a rural idyll and the monotony of country life, they wonder about the strange newcomers to their village.

A love letter from a young mother to her daughter, the film tells the story of Waad al-Kateab’s life through five years of the uprising in Aleppo, Syria as she falls in love, gets married and gives birth to Sama, all while cataclysmic conflict rises around her. Her camera captures incredible stories of loss, laughter and survival as Waad wrestles with an impossible choice– whether or not to flee the city to protect her daughter’s life, when leaving means abandoning the struggle for freedom for which she has already sacrificed so much.

The story begins on a fine summers morning, when San-woo and his mother board a bus to the country. It is soon clear that the unsophisticated rural passengers annoy the seven-year-old urban boy. His mother is taking him to live with his 78-year-old mute, but not deaf, grandmother while she looks for a new job after a business venture failed in Seoul.

The young Bavarian princess Elisabeth, who all call Sissi, goes with her mother and older sister Néné to Austria where Néné will be wed to an emperor named Franz Joseph, Yet unexpectedly Franz runs into Sissi while out fishing and they fall in love.

Po to, kai naujuose Sang-Vono namuose dingsta dukra Ina, pasirodo paslaptingas vyras ir liepia jos ieškoti spintoje.

Atsitiktinė pažintis Manhatane įtraukia daug žadantį rašytoją Brajaną į aistringą meilės romaną su žavia prancūze. Ar tai sėkmė? Ji ištekėjusi ir su mylimuoju gali susitikinėti tik tarp penktos ir septintos valandų. Brajanui neužtenka vos 2 val. susitikimų per dieną su savo svajonių moterimi. Jam tenka išmokti sunkių pamokų apie gyvenimą ir meilę.

Problematiškame Berlyno rajone paaugliams gyvenimas nėra itin dėkingas. Kasdien jiems tenka laviruoti tarp mažumų grupuočių, smurto, nusikaltimų ir siekti išgyventi. Geriausių draugų grupelė – Lukas, Julius, Džinas ir Sančezas – vieną dieną atsiduria nepavydėtinoje situacijoje. Netyčia papuolę į konfliktą su arabų grupe, vaikinai tampa skolingi 500 eurų, o skurdo nualintame rajone tai yra itin dideli pinigai. Ir taip ketveriukės galvose gimsta ypatingai pavojingas ir labai kvailas planas, kaip ne tik gauti pinigų skolai sumokėti, bet ir apskritai tapti turtingais. Ir būtent šis planas bei sunkios gyvenimo aplinkybės išbandys ne tik jų draugystė, bet ir juos pačius.

Karinė drama apie 1944-aisiais Varšuvoje vykusį sukilimą prieš hitlerinės Vokietijos okupacinę valdžią. Įvykiai filme vaizduojami jauno vaikino Stefano akimis. Paskutiniai karo metai. Nacių okupuota Varšuva ne tik laukia atvykstančios sovietų armijos – miestas ruošiasi sukilimui. Aštuoniolikmetis šokolado fabriko darbininkas Stefanas turi rūpintis motina ir jaunesniuoju broliu, bet svajoja kovoti. Viename iš konspiracinių susitikimų jis įsimyli Boružėle vadinamą Aliciją. Meilės trikampis, kiekviename žingsnyje tykantys pavojai verčia jaunus žmones kovoti ir dėl meilės, ir dėl savo miesto. Pralaimėjimo fone išlieka tai, kas svarbiausia – tikėjimas meile, drąsa, pasiaukojimas.

Mokichi is the widowed father of three daughters, with whom he lives on the premises of a temple since the war. All three daughters become involved in some sort of complicated relationships.

Seven friends - three women and four men - meet for dinner. Everyone should put their cell phone on the table. No matter what message comes in - anyone can read it and listen to the phone calls. However, this leads to a lot of chaos.

Į kalėjimą patekęs vaikinas savo kameros draugui pradeda pasakoti spalvingą pasakojimą apie romantišką banko vagystę, jo tikslas - pabėgti ir vėl susitikti su savo gyvenimo meile.

The movie deals with the championship-winning German soccer team of 1954. Its story is linked with two others: The family of a young boy is split due to the events in World War II, and the father returns from Russia after eleven years. The second story is about a reporter and his wife reporting from the tournament.

Giulia’s is a poised world, made of rigour and sacred texts, which fiercely excludes those who do not belong to it. Libero's world is the world of all the others, of those who make mistakes, who fend for themselves looking for another chance and who love unconditionally. When Giulia meets Libero, she realizes she can have another destiny, one she will have to choose and build.

Grief-stricken suburban parents refuse to accept the news that their son Andy has been killed in Vietnam, but when he returns home soon after, something may be horribly wrong.

In a Fascist Milan, a group of boys decided to say no and founded the Aquile Randagie [stray eagles]: led by Andrea Ghetti, who continue clandestine scout activities, they keep their promise: to help others in all circumstances.

A communist kangaroo moves in with an artist in Berlin.

Two old friends meet up under the full moon.

A widower, his daughter, and his new wife move into a peaceful neighborhood. At first it appears to be a perfect neighborhood but the family quickly realize that something is not right about their new home.

Hungary, 1944 - The main character is an old shepherd, who lives alone on a ranch. After his daughter got killed by Nazis, he decided in his grief to save as many Jewish lives as possible.