Cliché skateboards presents their latest full length video, Bon Voyage, filmed and edited by Boris Proust. Take a ride with the Cliché team across Europe, Australia, the USA, China & Japan and experience some of the best spots ever skated. Travel is the essence of skateboarding so get in the car, train, boat or plane and hit the road…Bon Voyage!
Dvi geriausios draugės, Džes (Drew Barrymore) ir Milė (Toni Collette) yra neišskiriamos nuo vaikystės. Jos dalijosi viskuo - paslaptimis, drabužiais, net vaikinais. Bet staiga jos susiduria su išbandymu, kai Milė sužino apie gyvenimą keičiančią ligą. Tai filmas apie tikrą draugystę, kuri nepalaužiama net sunkiausiomis akimirkomis.
Batman discovers a mysterious teen-aged girl with superhuman powers and a connection to Superman. When the girl comes to the attention of Darkseid, the evil overlord of Apokolips, events take a decidedly dangerous turn.
A young man is afraid of asking for sex tips to his cousin, the sexologist.
Čarlzas - tipiškas britų snobas. Jis moka vertinti paprastus malonumus. O labiausiai jam patinka lankytis pažįstamų ir nepažįstamų žmonių vestuvėse bei laidotuvėse. Ir viename tokiame "renginyje" jis sutinka Ją…
Stella is a clumsy, cynical, imaginative and tormented teenage girl. After a life-changing car accident involving a dog, she convinces herself she must count her age in dog years: one year of her life counts for seven, and now that she’s turning sixteen, she is a centennial. For this reason, Stella thinks she has not much time left to live and pens a bucket list of all the things she would like to achieve before she dies.
Amalie is the girl who has everything, good looks, money, a boyfriend and a big talent of dancing. One day, her world falls apart and she moves from everything she knows. Then enter Mikael. He is dancing in the streets and Amalie joins him in dancing on the streets, dancing Battles.
A broke-down middle aged Texas troubadour yearns to be remembered like the southern bluesmen before him, but his failings and self-doubt forestall his musical dreams and blind him to the open road.
Based on True Events: Suffering from sleep paralysis, a medical student falls prey to a demonic force that wants to rip her apart from within. Torn between sanity and the unknown, she's left with no alternative but to contact a local priest for help.
Linksmas filmas apie kvailą brolį, kuris savo viešnage išveda iš kantrybės savo tris seserys ir motiną. Naivuolis Nedas laimingai gyvena ūkyje, su savo mergina augindamas ekologiškas daržoves. Pasiūlęs priedangoje dirbančiam policininkui įsigyti marihuanos, jis atsiduria už grotų. Išėjęs į laisvę, Nedas sužino, kad mergina jo nelaukė, todėl nusprendžia apsistoti pas savo seseris, sukeldamas tikrą chaosą kiekvienos iš jų namuose. Tačiau šios netrukus suvokia, kad Nedas gal ir nenuovokus, tačiau iš jo tikrai galima pasimokyti gerų savybių.
After falling pregnant to Perth, her boyfriend's best friend, Ice commits suicide. She returns to haunt Perth while Tan seeks out the person who made her kill herself for his own revenge.
A young couple moves to a quaint southern town. Soon their perfect getaway turns out to become a living hell when dark secrets and lethal passions spiral out of control.
Donis užaugo kaip etatinis padūkęs vaikis. Jau 1984 metais jis spėjo prisiragauti sekso kekso sočiau už atsiliekančius klasiokus. Pernelyg anksti! Tik pagalvokit - išsišiepęs moksleivis sugeba suvilioti ir išbarškinti savo mylimiausią aštuntos klasės mokytoją! Čia tai bent naujiena! Tėčiu tapęs nepilnametis vaikėzas patraukia visuomenės dėmesį: jį rodo per teliką ir aprašinėja laikraščiai, o sensacijų ištroškę žurnalistai gundo milijonu dolerių. Tačiau greiti ir lengvi pinigai sugadina Donį. Jis ne tik pamiršta sūnų ir prageria įspūdingus turtus, bet dar pasistengia neįmesti privalumųjų mokesčių į inspekcijos kubilą...
The popular Bratz dolls come to life in their first live-action feature film. Finding themselves being pulled further and further apart, the fashionable four band together to fight peer pressure, learn what it means to stand up for your friends, be true to oneself and live out your dreams.
Break is a 'rags to riches', feel good story. The film follows the exploits of Spencer Pryde, a gifted, inner-city kid, wasting his talents on petty crime. After witnessing the brutal murder of his pal Denis and finding himself in debt to a drug dealing thug named Ginger, it seems Spencer's life is spiraling out of control, until one day, a chance encounter with a Chinese stranger and former eight-ball pool champion named Vincent Quiang presents him with an opportunity to turn his life around. But in order to make a new life for himself, Spencer will first need to break away from peer pressure of his friends, his environment and all the negative influences of his current life.
Negailestingos mokyklos pašaipūnės sugrįžta! Tikriausiai kiekviena mergina yra mačiusi filmą su jaunąja Lindsay Lohan „Naujokė“ (Mean Girls). Šįkart naujokės vietoje atsidurs berniokiška mergina – 17-metė Johana Mičel, arba tiesiog Jo. Ji gyvena su savo tėčiu lenktynininku. Nors Jo pažadėjo sau išvengti naujoje mokykloje dramatiškų situacijų, populiariausios vidurinėje mokykloje merginos mano tikrai kitaip! Kokių šunybių jos šįkart prikrės naujokei? Kuris mokyklos vaikinas taps jai neabejingas?
Nathalie and Jean-Pierre have been together for five years, to celebrate their anniversary, Jean-Pierre prepare a surprise present for his girlfriend: a cute four month english bullgod. Nathalie loves her present and calls the puppy "Tresor"; her relationship with the dog is close and strong since the begining but causes problems in the couple.
A surreal sci-fi romance wherein a beautiful young woman and strange metaphysical forces threaten the reality of a reclusive video arcade technician, resulting in bizarre biomechanical mutations and a shocking self-realization.
Following the death of her father in a terrible accident, sweet, yet troubled Jennifer and her friends decide to check out her dad's cabin that's located in the deep woods of Boggy Creek, Texas. While staying at said cabin for a week, Jennifer and company run afoul of an evil and vicious monster of local legend that kills men and abducts women.