From their roots as a brutal, confrontational industrial band, through breakups and chaos, to their odds-defying current status as one of the most accomplished and ambitious bands in the world, one whose concerts are more like ecstatic rituals than nostalgic trips. SWANS has always been a collection of singular performers, but there's been one constant since its formation in 1982--singer, songwriter Michael Gira. 'Where Does a Body End?' is a SWANS documentary with unfettered access to hundreds of hours of Gira/SWANS archives of never-seen-before recordings, videos, and photographs. An unfiltered story of a life in the arts, frequent difficulty spanning decades without a safety net, creating work because Gira says "What else am I going to do?"

A rare and transcendent journey into the life and films of the legendary Stanley Kubrick like we've never seen before, featuring a treasure trove of unearthed interview recordings from the master himself.

Tongue-in-cheek look at the French Riviera, especially in summer when it overflows with tourists. Reviews its history and famous visitors; displays its faux-exotic buildings, its crowded beaches, its trees and monuments; and, pokes fun at the colors women wear and the vagaries of fashion. The film celebrates the use of "Eden" as a place name, suggesting that paradise comes to the coast after all are gone, perhaps only on a remote island beach.

A wanna-be director is given 48 hours by a producer to find the best groan of pain, worthy of an Oscar, as the only condition to back his film.

A feelgood documentary about Nothing, in which Nothing, tired of being misunderstood, tries to defend its cause. Filmed worldwide by 100+ complementary DoPs, scored by cabaret grandmasters Pascal Comelade & The Tiger Lillies, narrated - in simple childish verse - by Iggy Pop.

An unemployed Japanese man and his two sons wander the industrial flatlands of Depression-era Tokyo, until he chances upon an old friend and befriends a woman and her daughter, who are in a similar predicament.

Louis just found the corpse of a man in front of his apartment building. Taken in for custody by Captain Buron, he finds himself on the wrong end of a surreal interrogation. But how can you prove you are innocent when the cops are crazy?

After losing his job, his car and his money, Phuchit, races against time to complete 13 tasks ordered by an anonymous caller who promised 100 million Baht upon completion.

האיש שהביא לכם את Rubber ההזוי והמשעשע, קוונטין דופייה, חוזר עם דרמה משעשעת וביזארית לא פחות, שנעה על גבול הסוריאליזם. דולף מתעורר בוקר אחד כדי לגלות שכלבו האהוב, פול, נעלם כלא היה. חיפושיו אחר חיית המחמד האהובה מפגישים אותו עם השכנים, שמגיבים אליו בצורה תמהונית ועלולים להוציא אותו מדעתו סופית. בין האנשים גם שליחת פיצה נימפומנית, גנן שטוען שהדקל בחצר שינה את זנו בין לילה ושכן מכור לאצנות. יש כאלה. אבסורד במיטבו.

קומדיית-אימה בדיונית בצרפתית. לא ברור איך הוא עושה את זה, אבל בכל סרט חדש שלו, הבמאי הצרפתי קוונטין דופייה מתנסה בכיוונים פרועים יותר ויותר. סרטו החדש, מחווה לסדרת הפולחן היפנית "סופר סנטאי", עוסק בחבורת גיבורי-על בשם "כוח הטבק". החבורה יוצאת להציל את העולם מארכי-נבל אינטר-גלקטי, שהחליט לשים קץ לייסוריו של כוכב הלכת שלנו. כדי לשקם את היחסים הרעועים ביניהם, יוצאים הגיבורים לגיבושון ומספרים במהלכו צ'יזבטים המאפשרים לקולנוען להשתולל עם דמיונו הבלתי נדלה ועם חוש ההומור הייחודי שלו. לשם כך הוא מסתייע בכמה מן השחקנים הבולטים כיום בקולנוע הצרפתי, ובהם ז'יל ללוש ואדל אקסרקופולוס. הסרט הוצג בבכורה עולמית בפסטיבל קאן, והתוצאה גרמה לקהל להשתעל מרוב צחוק.

The journey of 11 women while they go on a pilgrimage from Bragança to Fatima.

As a couple goes on a trip to find their way back to each other, a sideshow artist and his shady entourage emerge from the woods, terrorizing them, luring them deeper into a maelstrom of psychological terror and humiliating slapstick.

A distraught mother suspects her teenage son is a psychopath who may shoot up his high school, but when he outsmarts the mental healthcare system she is forced to take matters into her own hands.

In 1976 in Nice, Agnes, the daughter of the owner of the Palais de la Méditerranée, falls in love with an older lawyer.

מארק (מתיו אמלריק) הוא פרופסור לספרות עם תיאבון לסטודנטיות צעירות. כאשר אחת מהסטודנטיות המבריקות והנחשקות שלו ברברה נעלמת באופן מסתורי, אמה החורגת והנאה אנה מתחילה להסתובב בקמפוס ומחפשת אחר רמזים שיסבירו את היעלמותה של בתה. מארק נדלק במהרה על אנה ומתחיל לנהל רומן עמה, מבלי שהוא מודע לכך שיש מניעים נסתרים למעשיה.

Blockade Leningrad, December 31. In the country house of the Resurrection, living "in a special situation," six people and a chicken gather, who no one can cook. Previously, the cook was engaged in this, but the Voskresenskys were taken away from her on the eve - hard times came on the outside, and the situation is also difficult inside: the youngest son brought a hungry girl, the eldest daughter of an unknown man for whom she is going to marry. Before the New Year there are few minutes left, and the number of problems grows snowball.

They have been abandoned in a world adorned with concepts such as family, friendship, love, and opportunities. In search of answers to their questions, they devour themselves like a chemical substance that corrodes the world around, in order to eventually learn not to listen but to hear, not to look but to see. And to find their way.

After a gifted musician inherits a mansion after her long lost father dies under mysterious circumstances, she discovers his last musical masterpiece riddled with cryptic symbols that unravels an evil secret, triggering dark forces that reach beyond her imagination.

Dr. Bill Cortner and his fiancée, Jan Compton, are driving to his lab when they get into a horrible car accident. Compton is decapitated. But Cortner is not fazed by this seemingly insurmountable hurdle. His expertise is in transplants, and he is excited to perform the first head transplant. Keeping Compton's head alive in his lab, Cortner plans the groundbreaking yet unorthodox surgery. First, however, he needs a body.

Director Mark L. Lestor, producer Merrie Lynn Ross and actor Perry King are interviewed about the making of CLASS OF 1984, the 1982 cult classic. At thirty-six minutes we get to hear all about the production from the how Lestor got the idea in his head to how they eventually got the movie made.