A love letter from a young mother to her daughter, the film tells the story of Waad al-Kateab’s life through five years of the uprising in Aleppo, Syria as she falls in love, gets married and gives birth to Sama, all while cataclysmic conflict rises around her. Her camera captures incredible stories of loss, laughter and survival as Waad wrestles with an impossible choice– whether or not to flee the city to protect her daughter’s life, when leaving means abandoning the struggle for freedom for which she has already sacrificed so much.
In a woods filled with magic and fairy tale characters, a baker and his wife set out to end the curse put on them by their neighbor, a spiteful witch.
Frenkijs ir dimanta zaglis, kuram jānogādā milzīgs gabals savam priekšniekam Avi, bet pa ceļam Boriss viņu vilina likt likmes uz nelegālu boksa maču. Patiesībā tas ir slazds, kā viņu aplaupīt, tāpēc, kad Avi to uzzina, viņš nolīgst Toniju, lai atrastu Franku un dimantu. Drīz tiek atklāts Frankija bēdīgais liktenis, un pazudušā dārgakmens medības un sagūstīšana ikvienu noved pie trakas spēles, kas riskē nonākt ārpus kontroles, kur maldināšana, šantāža un krāpšana tiek asiņaini sajaukti ar suņiem, dimantiem, bokseriem un dažādiem ieročiem haotiskas melnās pusdienas.
Sentenced to six years in prison, Malik El Djebena is alone in the world and can neither read nor write. On his arrival at the prison, he seems younger and more brittle than the others detained there. At once he falls under the sway of a group of Corsicans who enforce their rule in the prison. As the 'missions' go by, he toughens himself and wins the confidence of the Corsican group.
"Reiz Holivudā" – režisora Kventina Tarantino 9. filma, veltījums Holivudas zelta laikmeta izskaņai. Filmas darbība norisinās Losandželosā 1969. gadā, hipiju ēras ziedu laikos. Bijusī televīzijas vesternu zvaigzne Riks Daltons un viņa ilggadējais triku dublieris Klifs Būts cenšas izsisties strauji mainīgajā Holivudas kino industrijā.
A year after the murder of her mother, a teenage girl is terrorized by a masked killer who targets her and her friends by using scary movies as part of a deadly game.
Daudzsološā klasisko deju dejotāja Elīza, izrādes laikā gūst traumu. Savos 26 gados viņai ārsti paziņo, ka dejot viņa vairs nevarēs, tomēr viņa nezaudē cerību un mēģina sevi atrast laikmetīgajā dejā.
William Thacker is a London bookstore owner whose humdrum existence is thrown into romantic turmoil when famous American actress Anna Scott appears in his shop. A chance encounter over spilled orange juice leads to a kiss that blossoms into a full-blown affair. As the average bloke and glamorous movie star draw closer and closer together, they struggle to reconcile their radically different lifestyles in the name of love.
Tumšais bruņinieks, likuma un kārtības aizstāvis Gotemā, Betmens mīņājas ēnu valstībā starp labo un ļauno, izmantojot vienīgi savas cīņas prasmes un aso prātu, lai aizsargātu nevainīgos un atbrīvotos no atmiņām par nežēlīgo vecāku noslepkavošanu, nemitīgi slēpjot savu patieso, miljonāra un filantropa Brūsa Veina, identitāti kā rūpīgi glabātu noslēpumu.
Kenza and Yaël are two young French women who go to Syria to fight alongside the Kurdish forces. There they meet Zara, a Yezidi survivor. Born in different cultures but deeply united, the women-fighters heal their past wounds and discover their present strength, especially the fear they inspire in their opponents. The three young women soon bound together and become true sisters-in-arms.
Pierre is 25 when he returns from Wyoming to his fiancée and take over the family farm. Twenty years later, the farm expanded and so did the family.
During the Vietnam War, a soldier finds himself the outsider of his own squad when they unnecessarily kidnap a female villager.
Ruka is a young girl whose parents are separated and whose father works in an aquarium. When two boys, Umi and Sora, who were raised in the sea by dugongs, are brought to the aquarium, Ruka feels drawn to them and begins to realize that she has the same sort of supernatural connection to the ocean that they do. Umi and Sora's special power seems to be connected to strange events that have been occurring more and more frequently, such as the appearance of sea creatures far from their home territory and the disappearance of aquarium animals around the world. However, the exact nature of the boys' power and of the abnormal events is unknown, and Ruka gets drawn into investigating the mystery that surrounds her new friends.
Jaunā, apburošā un bagātā Emma Vudhausa ir pārliecināta, ka nemūžam neizies pie vīra, un pati būs savas dzīves noteicēja. Taču viņai ļoti tīk savest kopā citus. Tas nav tik viegli, kā Emma iecerējusi, un sagādā viņai ne mazums pārpratumu. Aizrāvusies ar citu romantiskās dzīves sakārtošanu, viņa nepamana, ka viņas mīlestība jau ilgu laiku ir bijusi tepat, viņas acu priekšā. Džeinas Ostinas slavenā romāna “Emma” ekranizējums ir aizraujošs, humorpilns un romantisks ieskats angļu augstākās sabiedrības aprindu dzīvē 18.gs. beigās, kurā savijas tā laika šarms un elegance ar filmas autoru mūsdienīgo skatījumu.
Robert Johnson was one of the most influential blues guitarists ever. Even before his early death, fans wondered if he'd made a pact with the Devil.
In one of the poorest areas of Paris, a school counselor devotes herself to working with disadvantaged students, while facing challenges of her own.
In the heart of Morvan, Nico, the last vet in the area, struggles to save his patients, his clinic, and his family. When Michel, his partner and mentor, announces his retirement, Nico knows that the hard part is yet to come. "Don't worry, I've found the next generation" Except that ... The next generation is Alexandra, a 24-hour graduate, brilliant, misanthropic, and not at all willing to return to bury herself in the village of her childhood. Will Nico manage to make her stay?
When the Diallo family return home from their holiday, they find the locks have been changed and the new occupants maintain they are in "their home". With no one to turn to, patriarch Paul gets closer to Mickey, a shady local man with a penchant for all things extreme and illegal. Soon the once anti-violent teacher is approaching the point of no return…
Francija, pagājušā gadsimta septiņdesmitie gadi. Van der Beku ģimenes rezidence atrodas gleznainā Elzasas ciemā, un tajā ir iekārtota prestiža mājsaimnieču skola. Tās audzēknes ir bagātu ģimeņu meitas, kuru vecāki sūta viņas apgūt zinības, kas palīdzēs kļūt par labām sievām. Šeit, nevainojamas madāmas vadībā, viņas mācās gatavot, uzkopt un izpatikt vīram. Taču šajā rimtajā un kārtīgajā vidē drīz notiks pārmaiņas. Teju vienlaikus ar Van der Beka kunga nāvi septiņdesmito gadu Francija piedzīvo tikumu pamatu sašūpošanos un uzskatu maiņu par sievietes lomu sabiedrībā.
The life of Ipse, a 19-year-old girl who cannot get out of her own bed due to psychological trauma, is as motionless as a plant. Having no family and no clue of her family's mysterious history, she lives completely dependent on her neighbors, but starts to feel suffocated under the abuse and the looks she gets as if she was something to be eaten up. One day, in the midst of her hellish everyday life, a stranger comes to her house.