In an urban war zone where everything that moves is a target, Paul tries to live, love and inform.

Niektoré stretnutia sú len na chvíľu, niektoré rozlúčky môžu zabrať celý život. Snímka Zbohom, synu je znamenite vystavanou rodinnou ságou, ktorá zachytáva transformáciu čínskej spoločnosti prostredníctvom príbehu manželského páru postihnutého osudovou tragédiou. Film, ktorý je práve tak emotívnou melodrámou ako prenikavou štúdiou kultúrnych a politických premien, sleduje svojich hrdinov v priebehu troch desaťročí – od otrasov čínskej kultúrnej revolúcie 80. rokov minulého storočia až po problematickú prosperitu súčasného čínskeho turbokapitalizmu. Neokázalý, mimoriadne dojemný a výborne nasnímaný film Zbohom, synu je dôkazom, že veľké city nepotrebujú veľké gestá.

Kábul pod tálibánskou nadvládou. Dvě sousední čtvrti a dva páry. Jeden je konzervativní - Atiq a Mussarat jsou manželé už 20 let a mají v sobě hluboce zakořeněné tradice afghánského života. Atiq pracuje jako hlavní dozorce v ženské věznici. Mussarat je těžce nemocná a snaží se zůstat silná až do samého konce. Druhý je moderní – mladí a zamilovaní, Zunaira s Mohsenem se staví proti všem těmto tradicím. Za Tálibánu přišli o práci právníka a profesorky na univerzitě a jen stěží se uživí. Jsou nuceni prodat všechen svůj skromný majetek, aby měli na jídlo. Přesto jsou odhodláni nadále vyznávat novodobé hodnoty. Jeden den dojde k ukamenování. Poté k ponižujícímu zacházení. A následně k boji... a jejich životy se navždy změní. Když se cesty těchto diametrálně odlišných párů navzájem protnou, za lásku bude třeba přinést oběti.

February 1939. Overwhelmed by the flood of Republicans fleeing Franco's dictatorship, the French government's solution consists in confining the Spanish refugees in concentration camps where they have no other choice than to build their own shelters, feed off the horses which have carried them out of their country, and die by the hundred for lack of hygiene and water... In one of these camps, two men, separated by barbwire, will become friends. One is a guard the other is Josep Bartoli (Barcelona 1910 - New York 1995), a cartoonist who fights against the Franco regime.

Bastien is twenty years old and has been an activist for five years in the main extreme right party. When the presidential campaign begins, he's invited by his superior to commit even further. Initiated into the art of decking himself out like a politician, he starts to dream of a career, but old demons surge forth...

Camille, a young idealistic photojournalist, goes to the Central African Republic to cover the civil war that is brewing up. What she sees there will change her destiny forever.

Mélanie, 16 years old, lives with her mother. She likes going to school, her friends, playing the cello, and she wants to change the world. But when she meets a boy on the Internet and falls in love with him, her world changes as she is gradually recruited by Daesh. Sonia is 17 years old, and she almost did something irrevocable to “guarantee” her family a place in paradise. These teenage girls might be called Anaïs, Manon or Leila, and one day they all might go some way down the recruitment process. But can they ever come back from it?

Október 1941. Kadetov z podolských vojenských škôl medzi prvými vyslali do iljinskej obrannej línie bojovať po boku jednotiek sovietskej 43. armády, aby zadržali Nemcov, kým nedorazia posily. Mladí muži, vlastne ešte deti, takmer všetci jeden po druhom položili svoje životy v bitke, ktorá trvala dva týždne, aby znemožnili postup nemeckých jednotiek do Moskvy. Okolo 3.500 kadetov bojovalo aj napriek tomu, že na druhej strane stála ďaleko väčšia a lepšie vyzbrojená presila. Strhujúca snímka nerozpráva len o vojne. Je tiež o láske, skutočnom a pevnom priateľstve a ceste od chlapčenstva k dospelosti.

Simon, a young orphan, has an extraordinary power : he can take on the appearance of people he’s already touched. When his best friend dies in an accident, there is no witness. Simon decides to steal his place in his family. Ten years later, the truth will get more and more difficult to bear and to hide...

Because he wanted to protect his little brother, Teddy, a young man without a history, is accused of the murder of his father and sent to a closed educational center, waiting for his trial for parricide. He then plunges into a brutal universe of which he does not know the rules.

In the heart of Morvan, Nico, the last vet in the area, struggles to save his patients, his clinic, and his family. When Michel, his partner and mentor, announces his retirement, Nico knows that the hard part is yet to come. "Don't worry, I've found the next generation" Except that ... The next generation is Alexandra, a 24-hour graduate, brilliant, misanthropic, and not at all willing to return to bury herself in the village of her childhood. Will Nico manage to make her stay?

Anne Walbergová, geniálna parfumérka, vytvára dokonalé vône a predáva svoj neuveriteľný talent mnohých spoločnostiam. Je sebastrednou a temperamentnou divou. Guillaume je jej nový vodič a taktiež jediný človek, ktorý sa jej odváži postaviť. To je zrejme dôvod, prečo ho nevyhodí.

Suzanne Simonin describes her life of suffering in letters. As a young woman she is sent to a convent against her will. Since her parents cannot afford the dowry required for a marriage befitting her rank they decide she must instead become a nun. Although a kind and understanding Mother Superior helps her to learn the convent’s daily routine, Suzanne’s desire for freedom remains unabated. When the Mother Superior dies, Suzanne finds herself faced with reprisals, humiliation and harassment at the hands of the new Abbess and the other Sisters. For many years, Suzanne is subjected to bigotry and religious fanaticism. (

Selma, a psychoanalyst, deals with a cast of colorful new patients after returning home to Tunisia to open a practice.

Henri Lanvern is shooting a film in Thailand. One evening, at the end of the shooting, he sees a friend of the war, General Cao Ba Ky, escaped from a communist re-education camp. No more news from Lanvern since.

DNA revolves around a woman with close ties to a beloved Algerian grandfather who protected her from a toxic home life as a child. When he dies, it triggers a deep identity crisis as tensions between her extended family members escalate revealing new depths of resentment and bitterness.

When Myriam, the mother of two young children, decides, despite the reluctance of her husband to resume his activity in a law firm, the couple is looking for a nanny. After a severe casting, they engage Louise, who quickly conquers the affection of children and gradually occupies a central place in the home. Gradually the trap of mutual dependence will close, until the tragedy.

In a region that was once the flagship of the mining industry, two long-term unemployed men come up with the idea of building an "artisanal" amusement park on the site of a disused coal mine. By saving the mine and its memory, they will regain their strength and dignity.

Raoul Taburin je opravár a dodávateľ bicyklov zo slnkom zaliateho juhu Francúzska, ktorý sa v týchto dopravných prostriedkoch vyzná ako nikto iný. Po celý život ho však trápi tajomstvo, ktoré zatiaľ nikomu neprezradil, dokonca ani svojej manželke. Nevie sa totiž bicyklovať! Láskavá komédia je adaptáciou rovnomennej literárnej predlohy, ktorej autorom je populárny francúzsky humorista a ilustrátor Jean-Jacques Sempé.

Všetko v Djibiho živote sa točí okolo jeho milovanej sedemročnej dcérky Sofie. Oddaný otec samoživiteľ nikdy nepríde neskoro na jej večernú rozprávku. Každú noc, keď Sofie zaspáva, ju berie do „Rozprávkolandu“, vymysleného filmového štúdia, kde sa stávajú hlavnými hrdinami svetoznámych dobrodružných filmov, v ktorých má Djibi hlavnú úlohu princa Krasoňa. O päť rokov neskôr sa zo Sofie pomaly stáva pubertiačka, príbehy jej otca ju už až tak neberú a Djibi je vo svojej roli vymenený. Pretože sa jeho postavenie v skutočnom svete i v „Rozprávkolande“ mení, Djibi musí vymyslieť, ako v živote svojej dcéry zostať dôležitou postavou.