Where We Are: Live from San Siro Stadium features the entire 23 track concert filmed at San Siro Stadium in Milan in June 2014, as well as 24 minutes of bonus content including backstage footage of One Direction and their crew.

A Macao police officer's bachelor life is interrupted by the daughter he never knew he fathered.

Goku, the lone wolf private detective is back, contracted by Yoshiko, a mysterious, beautiful and very afraid woman, to find and save her brother, Ryu. Will Goku be able to protect Yoshiko from her step father's soldiers long enough to find her brother? Meanwhile Ryu, the unfortunate subject of a military experiment gone bad, leaves a trail of bodies behind him and has no intention of being found or saved by anyone. Will Goku have to kill the man he is supposed to save? Will even his omniscient cybernetic eye and sceptre be enough to help him defeat this indestructible killing machine?

Four stowaways get mixed up with gangsters while running riot on an ocean liner.

Dynamické stretnutie solídnej vedy a futuristickej simulácie vrcholí v dramatickom prieskume inej obývatelnej planéty vzdialenej od Zeme sedem svetelných rokov. Alien Planet vytvára realistické znázornenie stvorení z iného sveta, na ktorom by mohol existovať život. Teda aspoň podla najnovších vedeckých teórií. Využite túto fascinujúcu cestu vytvorenú úžasnými animáciami a fotorealistickými efektami.

Čo je to za svet, v ktorom už nie je ani kúsok živej prírody, pýtate sa? Je to mestečko, v ktorom žije dvanásťročný Ted. Všetko je tu umelé, vrátane zvierat, kvetov a stromov, u ktorých si môžete diaľkovým ovládačom nastaviť jarnú, letnú, jesennú, zimnú a disco variantu. Komu by sa chcelo von, za vysokú a nepriedušne uzavretú hradbu mesta, na ktorej nepriechodnosť dozerajú gorily miestneho vládcu, pána O'Hareho? Tunajší ľudia si na to zvykli a väčšina z nich už dávno zabudla, ako vyzerá skutočná príroda. Lenže Tedova láska Audrey, ako nevyliečiteľná romantická duša, túži po strome "z mäsa a kostí".

V tomto špeciálnom vianočnom príbehu stroskotá Santa Claus aj so svojimi saňami plnými darčekov, ktoré sú určené pre deti v Afrike. Ale po páde si nepamätá ani svoje meno. Takže našim zvieratkám neostáva nič iné, iba zobrať všetko do vlastných rúk, rozniesť všetky darčeky a zachrániť tak Vianoce...

A documentary about some of the thousands of inventions that did things we never thought needed doing, or in ways we never considered doing them. A respectful, yet humorous tribute to the inventors whose vision, however far-reaching, was just a little off the mark.

The film is a sub-story to Kirikou and the Sorceress rather than a straight sequel. The movie is set while Kirikou is still a child and Karaba is still a sorceress. Like Princes et princesses and Les Contes de la nuit, it is an anthology film comprising several episodic stories, each of them describing Kirikou's interactions with a different animals. It is however unique among Michel Ocelot's films, not only in that it is co-directed by Bénédicte Galup (who has previously worked with him as an animator) but also for each of the stories being written by a different person (in all other cases, Ocelot has been the sole writer and director of his films).

From 1970-1977, six low budget films shown at midnight transformed the way we make and watch films.

Big Bird is sent to live far from Sesame Street by a pesky social worker, who thinks it would be better for him to live with other birds. Unhappy, Big Bird runs away from his foster home, prompting the rest of the Sesame Street gang to go on a cross-country journey to find him.

Keď sa Popoluška s princom vrátia po svadbe a medových týždňoch do kráľovského paláca, musí sa mladá princezná ujať kráľovských povinností. Tou prvou je zorganizovanie veľkolepého plesu. Spočiatku to nemá príliš jednoduché, ale s pomocou dobrej víly Modrovlásky a roztomilej bandy veselých myšiek sa jej to napokon podarí. A to najmä preto, že Popoluška nikdy neprestane veriť, že sny sa môžu stať skutočnosťou.

After the death of their abusive father, two estranged twin brothers must reunite and sell off his property.

Donna mistakes Michael, a rich businessman, for a taxi driver. Michael is happy to play along with this role and the two enjoy a romantic vacation together in Miami.

Viktor Burdin demands complete clarity from the KGB: when and under what circumstances his father, now rehabilitated, died.

Once known for his intellectual prowess, a retired professor (Anupam Kher) begins experiencing memory gaps and periods of forgetfulness. But while he tries to laugh it off, it soon becomes clear that the symptoms are a sign of a more serious illness, prompting his grown daughter (Urmila Matondkar) to move in as his caretaker. Meanwhile, as his mind regresses, he recalls a traumatic childhood memory involving the death of Mahatma Gandhi.

Mladý ctižiadostivý rytier Gareth sa vydáva hľadať padlú kométu, ktorá podľa povesti obsahuje zlato, ale na svoje nemilé prekvapeniu nájde namiesto kométy draka menom Drago. Keď ale Drago zachráni Garethovi život, vzniká medzi nimi pevné puto, ktoré im môže pomôcť poraziť zlého čarodejníka a zastaviť jeho hrôzovládu. Počas veľkolepej fantastickej výpravy Gareth pochopí, aký je skutočný údel rytiera.

Fairy tales collide when Mambo and Munk tip the scales of good and evil once again.