15年前,名叫西珍的小女孩遭人绑架杀害,重案组警官吴青浩(金相庆 饰)虽答应西珍母亲(严正花 饰)一定将凶手绳之以法,无奈经过漫长的追查却始终一无所获。眼看追诉期将近,吴警官孤注一掷,结果与嫌疑人对面错过。在此之后,吴警官抱着遗憾离开警队,过起破罐破摔的颓废生活。而西珍妈妈始终不曾放弃追凶的信念,她凭借柔弱女子之躯展开独立调查,终于发现罪犯留下的蛛丝马迹。未过多久,又有一名小女孩在光天化日之下遭人绑架,其作案手法与西珍案件如出一辙,警方旋即布下天罗地网,与之展开周旋。而面对狡猾多端的嫌犯,警方只得再次请出闲赋家中的吴青浩。小女孩命悬一线,西珍妈妈和吴青浩能否抓到犯人,一偿夙愿……



Enzo and Monica, after a brief moment of popularity for having participated in a reality show, decide to marry. Monica dreams a perfect marriage: everything has to be special. But special things are often the most expensive ones.

Miles apart, Molly and Lily become pen pals at 4th grade, continuing to write to each other throughout their lives. Things change however when Molly shows up at Lily's 25th Birthday, with an intention of taking over Lily's life.

Juca Valente owns a kiosk on the coast of São Paulo and just wants to have fun. An eternal flirt, he hates big responsibilities and doesn't think about having anything serious with anyone. But his life takes an entirely different turn when an American ex-girlfriend dumps a baby on him and disappears. Juca then leaves for the United States with the intention of returning the child, not imagining that he would start liking the idea of being a father.

When their parents' marriage threatens to crumble, the teenage Salazar siblings plot to reconcile them before their 20th wedding anniversary.

This musical version of the tale of the boy who wouldn't grow up aired live on television on March 7, 1955. It was so popular that it was restaged the following year, and again four years later.



In a desolate place called the Badlands, four men stand off with guns drawn, their fingers ready at the trigger. Among them are a fugitive seeking redemption, a son out to avenge his father's murder, a loyal servant with a secret and a murderous criminal hired to kill with a vengeance. This is their story...in a place where revenge, deception and cruelty are a way of life.


In the autumn of '43, Mina, a little girl of Jewish origin, is entrusted to farmers in the Cévennes. Shocked by Jeroboam's frustrated manners and Deborah's cruel reflections - who is still suffering two centuries later from the struggle between Protestants and Catholics - Mina thinks she'll find refuge with Jeannot. But the young boy doesn't like girls and mistreats Mina. Fortunately, she has a friend: the village pastor. Thanks to him, she can go to school. Despite their constant bickering, Mina takes a liking to Jeannot. She convinces him to come to school with her. Together, they go for walks or take advantage of the passage of maquisards to force open the cellar door where hams hang! The arrival of an "informer" at the little school and encounters with the Germans disturb Jeannot.

