Shishio sets sail in his ironclad ship to bring down the government. In order to stop him, Kenshin trains with his old master to learn his final technique.

Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.

While people's artist of the USSR Sergey Cherkassky "fights" with the role of king Lear, trying to understand the psychology and actions of Shakespeare's character, his own large family presents him with one riddle after another. His daughter Elena, who broke off her unsuccessful marriage, falls in love with rock musician Dean Makarov. The grandfather does not know that the son of his late daughter - in-law Sonia is gay, who is madly in love with the same Dean. All Sonya's daughter, Lala, "twists" the love with a student Vakhtangov school, the future actor Misha, but dreams of a luxurious life abroad. Son of Sergei Andreevich, father of Vitya and Lyali - Andrey - General, Hero of Russia, serving in Chechnya.

When Tony Stark's world is torn apart by a formidable terrorist called the Mandarin, he starts an odyssey of rebuilding and retribution.

Pēc tam, kad Doms, Braiens un viņu komanda Rio sarīkoja grandiozu aplaupīšanu un tika pie 100 miljoniem, viņi izklīda pa visu pasauli kur kurais. Viņi nedrīkst atgriezties mājās un šī bēguļošana un slēpšanās ir padarījusi viņu dzīvi par nepilnīgu.Tikmēr Hobss divpadsmit valstīs izseko sacīkšu braucēju-algotņu bandu, kuras iedvesmas avots un grupas vadoņa „labā roka” ir Doma mīļotā sieviete, kuru visi uzskatīja par mirušu. Letija. Vienīgā iespēja, kā apturēt noziedzīgo grupējumu, ir radīt pārspēku, tādēļ Hobss aicina Domu savākt savu elitāro komandu vienuviet Londonā.

Filmas "Labirinta skrējējs" turpinājuma sākumā Tomass (Dilans O'Braiens) un pārējie izdzīvojušie meklē norādes par kādu noslēpumainu, ietekmīgu organizāciju. Drīz vien viņi nonāk svelmainā tuksnesī, kas ir pārpilns ar neiedomājamiem šķēršļiem, kā arī tur viņus gaida šokējošs pārsteigums. Vai viņiem izdosies vēlreiz izdzīvot šausminošos pārbaudījumos?

Aukstā ziemas vakarā kāds vientuļš kungs atrod uz ielas smagi piekautu sievieti un aizved viņu uz savām mājām. Vīrietis apkopj sievietes brūces, bet viņa tikmēr vaļsirdīgi un atklāti stāsta viņam par savu erotikas piesātināto dzīvi...

Officers Martin Riggs and Roger Murtaugh of the Los Angeles Police Department must stop a dangerous crime lord from China from getting his brother out of jail.

Vampīru kopienā - The Reaper - ir notikusi reta mutācija. Vampīrs, kas tik ļoti patērēts ar negausīgu asinsspiedienu, ka viņi upurē vampīriem, kā arī cilvēkiem, pārvēršot upurus, kuri ir pietiekami neveiksmīgi, lai izdzīvotu, par Reapers. Vampīru tauta lūdz asmeni pēc viņa palīdzības murgainā mēra novēršanā, kas iznīcinātu gan cilvēkus, gan vampīrus.

Start of interstellar expedition equipped by "pioneers"(soviet scouts).

Liams Nīsons atgriežas kā bijušais slepenais aģents Braiens Milzs, kura izlīgums ar bijušo sievu traģiski apraujas, kad sievieti brutāli nogalina. Dusmu pārņemtais un par nepatiesu noziegumu apsūdzētais Braiens bēg no CIP, FIB un policijas, kas min viņam uz papēžiem. Vēl vienu reizi Milzam ir jāizmanto savas "īpašās prasmes", lai atrastu īstos slepkavas, atriebtos viņiem un pasargātu savu vienīgo dārgumu - savu meitu.

Barney, Christmas and the rest of the team comes face-to-face with Conrad Stonebanks, who years ago co-founded The Expendables with Barney. Stonebanks subsequently became a ruthless arms trader and someone who Barney was forced to kill… or so he thought. Stonebanks, who eluded death once before, now is making it his mission to end The Expendables -- but Barney has other plans. Barney decides that he has to fight old blood with new blood, and brings in a new era of Expendables team members, recruiting individuals who are younger, faster and more tech-savvy. The latest mission becomes a clash of classic old-school style versus high-tech expertise in the Expendables’ most personal battle yet.

Shiva, an engineering graduate, is not serious about his job or future even when his friends advise him about life. He falls in love with a girl he saw at a bus stop and finally gets to ride with her in a car.

A 1988 documentary film directed by Alexander Sokurov, about the later life and death of Soviet Russian filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky. The film was originally intended to mark the 50th birthday of Tarkovsky in 1982, which would have been before his death. Controversy with Soviet authorities about the film's style and content led to significant delays in the production.

Tempted away from Newcastle United to join Real Madrid, rising star Santiago Munez finds this latest change of fortune the greatest challenge yet - personally as well as professionally. He is reunited with Gavin Harris, though they must compete to be on the team, and estranged from fiancee Roz, whose nursing career keeps her back home.

The mysterious murder of a US senator bearing the distinctive trademark of the legendary Soviet assassin 'Cassius', forces retired CIA operative, Paul Shepherson to team with rookie FBI agent, Ben Geary to solve the crime. Having spent his career chasing Cassius, Shepherdson is convinced his nemesis is long dead, but is pushed to take on the case by his former supervisor, Tom Highland. Geary, who wrote his Master's thesis on Shepherdson's pursuit of the Soviet killer, is certain that Cassius has resurfaced.

Two veterans of the Bosnian War, one American, one Serbian, clash in the remote Smoky Mountain wilderness.

Braiens Džilkrests, sliktu slavu iemantojis amerikāņu militārais algotnis, nepatīk faktiski nevienam. Viņa vienīgais draugs ir tehniķis Džeremijs – ārkārtīgi gudrs un zinošs datorspeciālists. Reaģējot uz Ķīnas agresiju, Džilkrestu nosūta uz neaktīvu karabāzi Havaju salās, lai viņš no turienes vadītu mūsdienīga spiegošanas pavadoņa palaišanu.

Pēc ceļojuma ar burbuļvannu laika mašīnu uz pagātni, puišu dzīves krasi izmainījās, kas nepalika bez sekām nākotnē... Lai visu labotu viņi mēģina ar burbuļvannas laika mašīnas palīdzību atgriezties pagātnē, bet negaidīti, nokļūst nākotnē kur bez trakiem piedzīvojumiem neiztikt.

Security guard Paul Blart is headed to Las Vegas to attend a Security Guard Expo with his teenage daughter Maya before she departs for college. While at the convention, he inadvertently discovers a heist - and it's up to Blart to apprehend the criminals.