Fight Club Rush 11 takes place Saturday, February 26, 2022 with 11 fights at Bombardier Arena in Vasteras,Sweden.

Out There is the story of Belgian ultrarunner Karel Sabbe, who holds the world records on two of the most epic trails in the world: the 4279km long Pacific Crest Trail and the 3500km long Appalachian Trail. How did setting these world records prepare Karel for a race as brutal as The Barkley Marathons? How did these adventures help Karel to find the necessary mindset to do well at this Spartan challenge?

Three vacuum cleaner salesmen go door-to-door selling dreams of dust-free homes and personal ambitions in a bleak Finland hit by the worst recession in history.

The sixteenth night of the tournament took place on August 8th, 2023 at Act City Hamamatsu in Naka-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan.

Two friends Marzouk and Barakat, work with street vendor Batta on her cart in the melon trade. Al-Gayiar who works in the trade of stolen cars admires them, they work with him till they become his competitors. He decides to get rid of them after they've become a treat.

Documentary about Ivan Thompson, self-proclaimed "Cowboy Cupid" who matches up immigrant Mexican women with available American men.

În urmă cu șapte ani, Zaid a intrat în război împotriva lumii interlope din Copenhaga pentru a-și răzbuna fratele mort. Identitatea sa de medic respectat în cardiologie și viața de om de familie este doar un vis care se stinge, iar în închisoare Zaid suferă pierderea fiului său Noah, pe care abia îl cunoaște. Când un agent de poliție se apropie de Zaid și îi oferă o înțelegere pentru a fi eliberat în schimbul infiltrării în lumea interlopă de la Copenhaga, el își vede șansa de a-și recupera rămășițele vieții de familie pe care a lăsat-o în urmă. Dar totul are un preț, iar Zaid își dă seama că acum a pus serios în pericol viața fiului său. La urma urmei, odată ce ai devenit parte din lumea interlopă, există vreo ieșire?

This documentary focuses on the president of Ukraine, a man who has become a model of leadership and bravery in the face of great adversity.

upcoming Sri Lankan Sinhala biographical film directed by co-produced by

Maler Pratt, an artist, refuses to sell his paintings as he thinks that they still need improvement before being publicly exhibited, but his wife Monika thinks differently and sells them because she thinks they are good...and they need the money. As he only signs an "M" on his work, Monika has no difficulty in claiming she is "M", but problems arrive when she is commissioned to do a large mural and Maler refuses to help her out. However, his creative spirit gets the best of him and he does the mural which is widely acclaimed to be a great work of art. Felder , an art dealer, is not overly pleased with this turn of events as he has been pleading with Monika to divorce her shiftless husband and marry him.

A young "incel" man embarks on a futuristic jerk-off session.

Following the Thai custom to cheat death and rid oneself of bad luck, a man who lays in a coffin for an evening subsequently experiences a series of terrifying incidents.

After going on a killing spree in 1984, the legend of the Pumpkin Man returns once again to slay more victims 30 years later.

On a mysterious night, Eva, a pregnant woman, faces an internal struggle as she spirals into self-destructive behavior, confronting her own motherhood before an unexpected event changes everything.

In 2014, the Swedish pop-band bob hund sold off all their instruments, to borrow new ones whenever they were going to play. This got the attention of Malmö Opera, who invited the band for a very different kind of performance.