Četveročlana obitelj Ki-taeka je bliska, ali potpuno nezaposlena, pred njom je mračna budućnost. Sina Ki-wooa preporučuje njegov prijatelj, student na prestižnom sveučilištu, za dobro plaćeni posao podučavanja, te se nada da će tako imati redovite prihode. Sa svim očekivanjima svoje obitelji, Ki-woo odlazi u obiteljski dom na intervju. Stigavši u kuću gospodina Parka, vlasnika globalne IT tvrtke, Ki-woo susreće njegovu suprugu Yeon-kia, lijepu mladu damu. Ali nakon ovog prvog susreta između dviju obitelji, uslijediti će nezaustavljivi niz nezgoda.

Saigon, 1969. Dok bijesni rat u Vijetnamu, satnik američke vojske Benjamin L. Willard pokušava sačuvati zdrav razum. Usred borbe s vlastitim demonima vojska ga šalje na novi zadatak - pronaći odmetnutog pukovnika Waltera E. Kurtza, zapovjednika Zelenih beretki, koji se sa svojim suborcima sklonio u susjednu Kambodžu. Kad mu pukovnik Lucas objasni da je Kurtz stao na čelo mjesnog plemena koje u njemu vidi božanstvo, Willardu je jasno da je njegova misija nemoguć zadatak. Ili će u njoj likvidirati sumanutog časnika, ili će sam izgubiti život s ostalim članovima kaznene ekspedicije. Na putu do Kurtza Willard počne susretati "pse rata" među kojima je i nemilosrdni potpukovnik Bill Kilgore kojemu civilne žrtve ne znače ništa...

August je desetogodišnji dječak koji mora živjeti s teškim genetskim poremećajem zbog kojeg od rođenja ima unakaženo lice i glavu. Nakon 28 operacija zbog kojih nikad nije mogao normalno pohađati školu, s deset godina ga roditelji ipak upisuju u peti razred osnovne škole Beecher. Auggie u školu kreće s puno straha i nevjerice i boji se kako će svakodnevno biti izložen pogledima, zgražanju i komentarima svojih školskih prijatelja.

After a fateful encounter in the summer of 1966, the lives of two brothers from a middle-class Roman family take different directions, intersecting with some of the most significant events of postwar Italian history in the following decades.

Dobbs (Bogart) i Curtin (Holt) susreću se u Meksiku gdje rade za McCormicka, koji ih odvodi na nepoznatu lokaciju rekavši im da će po obavljenom poslu biti plaćeni. Po završetku radova vraćaju se u grad kako bi pronašli poslodavca i dobili plaću. McCormick im daje nekoliko dolara te odlazi u banku kako bi preuzeo ostatak novca. Dobbs i Curtin upoznaju čovjeka koji tvrdi da su planine prepune zlata te da, ukoliko skupe novac, mogu krenuti u potragu. Nakon kratkog 'uvjeravanja' uspjevaju prisiliti McCormicka da ih isplati te kreću u potragu za zlatom.

Adaptacija istoimene autobiografije Solomona Northupa iz 1853., o otmici slobodnog Afroamerikanca u Washingtonu 1841. i prodaji u ropstvo u kojem je proveo 12 godina radeći na plantaži.

Kada iskrsne neočekivana neprijateljska prijetnja koja ugrozi globalnu svjetsku sigurnost i zaštitu, Nick Fury – voditelj međunarodne agencije za mir poznatije pod imenom S.H.I.E.L.D. – morat će sastaviti jedini tim koji će moći svijetu vratiti ravnotežu i spasiti ga od katastrofe. Uskoro započinje potraga za junacima koja će Nicka odvesti s jedne strane zemljine polutke do druge.

Giacinto lives with his wife, their ten children and various other family members in a shack on the hills of Rome. Some time ago he has lost his left eye while at work, and got a consistent sum of money from the insurance company, which he keeps hidden from the rest of the family. His whole life is now based on defending the money he sees as his own, while the rest of the family tries to kill him.

Nakon događaja Kapetana Amerike: Građanski rat, Peter Parker, uz pomoć svog mentora Tonyja Starka, pokušava uravnotežiti svoj život kao obični srednjoškolac s borbom protiv kriminala kao Spider-Man. Pojavljuje se nova prijetnja, Vulture.

An old woman finds a baby in her cabbage patch and raises him. After her death, the boy grows up in an orphanage and later joins the homeless in post-war Milan, helping them build a shanty town. When they discover oil, he receives a magical dove from a vision of his adoptive mother that grants wishes.

The relationships between a veteran marshal, his bride-to-be, a rookie and his fiancée are severely tested when the young carabiniere is temporarily sent to a distant town.

U uspavanome gradiću Millowbrook u Indiani, mirni čovjek Tom Stall , vlasnik popularne mjesne zalogajnice, uživa u obiteljskom životu sa svojom suprugom Edie i njihovo dvoje djece. No, život mu se preokreće naglavce kada nevjerojatnom vještinom i hladnokrvnošću ubije dvojicu nasilnika koji su u pokušaju pljačke životom zaprijetili Tomovoj zaposlenici.

On December 12, 1969, a bomb kills 17 people at the Piazza Fontana national bank in Milan, Italy, marking the beginning of the Years of Lead. Local anarchists are scapegoated for the massacre by police and the media, but a lone prosecutor uncovers a conspiracy of far-right groups, corrupt secret services, and other interests that seek to undermine democracy.

An evening at an Italian restaurant. Hosted by tolerant and relaxed Flora, various parties of middle-class people come in -- large and small, young and old, regulars and tourists, married and single -- to dine, converse, argue, celebrate, make confessions; to overhear other people's discussions, to interrupt them, to sing, listen to music, and enjoy life. The camera, just like the people, moves constantly from table to table, into the kitchen and the back room to observe the staff's petty jealousies and frustrations -- until two hours later it's time for everybody to go home.

Young Shakespeare is forced to stage his latest comedy, "Romeo and Ethel, the Pirate's Daughter," before it's even written. When a lovely noblewoman auditions for a role, they fall into forbidden love -- and his play finds a new life (and title). As their relationship progresses, Shakespeare's comedy soon transforms into tragedy.

In the glamorous world of New York City, Rebecca Bloomwood is a fun-loving girl who is really good at shopping - a little too good, perhaps. She dreams of working for her favorite fashion magazine, but can't quite get her foot in the door - until ironically, she snags a job as an advice columnist for a financial magazine published by the same company.

In downtown Madrid, a series of mysterious gunshots trap a motley assortment of people in a decrepit bar.

An ordinary man is suddenly forced into a plot to kill a politician in exchange for his kidnapped daughter's freedom.

Actor Sandro Lanza is experiencing the most painful moment of his existence. After a suicide attempt, his three daughters, scattered throughout Europe, each with a different mother, come to his side. The sisters meet to decide what to do with their father, establishing a genuine tie for the very first time.

A businessman is leaving for his family vacation in the South Pacific when he finds out that a rival has emptied his bank account. To save face he and his family lock themselves in the house, pretending to have gone on their trip, but it is not so easy to hide from the outside world.