The Red Mountain Tribe hangs out in my backyard. "Lipton's lovely home movie PEOPLE, in its affection for valuable inconsequential gestures, indicates in the course of its three minutes why there has to be a continuing alternative to the commercial cinema." – Roger Greenspun, The New York Times

The rise of a raucous hayseed named Lonesome Rhodes from itinerant Ozark guitar picker to local media rabble-rouser to TV superstar and political king-maker. Marcia Jeffries is the innocent Sarah Lawrence girl who discovers the great man in a back-country jail and is the first to fall under his spell.

A short film by Owen Patnaude

Voľné pokračovanie prvého Zeitgeistu, v ktorom sa tvorcovia už nesnažia presviedčať nikoho o ničom, ale iba chcú týmto filmom informovať čo najširšiu verejnosť. Zeitgeist: Addendum predvádza, že náš súčasný životný štýl založený na peniazoch je len veľký podvod na celé ľudstvo, v ďalšej časti rozoberá vykorisťovanie a ovládanie krajín medzinárodnými korporáciami a celý film vyúsťuje predložením návrhov na zlepšenie života, spoločnosti a sveta vo všeobecnosti.

Prenasledovanie rafinovaného Fantomasa tentoraz zavedie komisára Juvea, novinára Fandora a jeho snúbenicu Hélčne do Ríma, kam je zvolaný významný vedecký kongres. Hviezdou medzinárodného sympózia má byť profesor Lefčvre, vedec zaoberajúci sa výskumom v odbore hypnózy. Jeho objavy sú také prevratné, že sa dá predpokladať, že Fantomas bude mať o staručkého vedca záujem a postará sa o jeho zmiznutie. K únosu skutočne príde, aj keď určiť toho pravého medzi troma navlas rovnakými je pre komisára Juvea úloha priam gigantická. Pri prenasledovaní má Fantomas len malú nádej na únik, ale čo všetko má k dispozícii?

With a serial strangler on the loose, a bookkeeper wanders around town searching for the vigilante group intent on catching the killer.

Walking along with his bulldog, Charlie finds a "good luck" horseshoe just as he passes a training camp advertising for a boxing partner "who can take a beating." After watching others lose, Charlie puts the horseshoe in his glove and wins. The trainer prepares Charlie to fight the world champion. A gambler wants Charlie to throw the fight. He and the trainer's daughter fall in love.

Max sells trophies, but is much more interested in dancing than in selling

Box is a story of two people who meet at a crossroad. Two different destinies, two different lives, face to face in a game of sweat, blood and tears. Rafael (19) is a young boxer who dreams to conquer the world; Cristina (33) is a single mother who lost her balance. Two lives; one running very close to the earth, the other trying to fly high up, too high.

Tentokrát je žandársky oddiel vedený veliteľom Gerberom vybraný, aby reprezentoval Francúzsko na medzinárodnom zjazde žandárstva v New Yorku. Cruchot, ktorý je opäť stredobodom všetkého diania má opäť problémy so svojou dcérou Nicole, ktorá sa rozhodla, že sa napriek jeho zákazu tiež pozrie do Ameriky. Hneď ako žandári vyrazia, Nocole vyráža za nimi a podarí sa jej dostať na loď ako čierny pasažier. V Amerike prežije nielen milostnú aférku s talianskym žandárom Aldom, ktorý je tu tiež na zjazde, ale aj si zaspieva v televízii a hlavne zažije veľa komických situácií so svojim otcom, ktorý ju niekoľkokrát zazrie a márne ju po celý čas žandárskeho zjazdu prenasleduje...

A woman seeking revenge for her murdered father hires a famous gunman, but he's very different from what she expects.

Osamelý bojovník so zločinom, architekt Paul Kersey, prišiel za priateľom do New Yorku. Našiel ho umierajúceho, keď ho zmlátil gang mladistvých a tak vyrazil do súkromnej vojny…

In a move to make his partner, Renato, jealous, the flamboyant Albin waits in a local cafe - dressed as a woman - hoping to be picked up. But Albin gets more than he bargains for when the fly he catches in his web is actually a spy, who uses him as an unwitting courier of secret microfilm. Now on the run from ruthless agents, Albin and Renato flee to Italy where they attempt to hide out on a farm, with Albin posing as Renato's wife. Can Albin escape the deadly pursuit of these relentless spies or does he have to sustain this charade - as a woman - forever?

Dvojčatá Ashley a Mary-Kate Parkerové túžia po tom, aby na škole stali populárnymi osobnosťami. Spôsob, akým sa im to nakoniec podarí, si určite nepredstavovali ani v tých najdivokejších snoch. Stanú sa totiž stredobodom pozornosti médií po tom, ako sa im náhodou podarí skrížiť plány mafii a prekaziť lúpež nesmierne cenného diamantu. Pri návšteve múzea sú totiž stanú náhodnými svedkami krádeže. Postriekajú utekajúceho lupiča kečupom a on podľahne panike, pretože si myslí, že ho postrelili. Dievčatá však netušia, že ukradnutý diamant zločinec ukryl do batôžteka jednej z nich...

'Day of the Fight' shows Irish-American middleweight boxer Walter Cartier during the height of his career, on the day of a fight with black middleweight Bobby James, which took place on April 17, 1950.

Set in the not so distant future, in Any Town USA, sixteen-years-old Herman Howards makes a fateful decision. He enters his suburban school and kills thirty nine students, two teachers, and a police officer. Just before his arrest, he emails his idol, famous journalist Lax Morales, sending him clips of the shootings captured with Herman's own digital camera. In the clips Herman tells Lax, "I want to tell my story on your show". Lax, haunted by his own past, is now face to face with Herman.

A suburban housewife chokes to death and is brought back to life by a spell cast by her wacky sister.

Inspired by the Baader-Meinhof gang, a film about modern left Germans adopting the culture of extreme left-wing movements of the 1970s. East German dominatrix Gudrun leads a revolutionary gang of her own in Berlin. She has her men kidnap the son of a rich businessman in order to gain publicity. Claiming that heterosexuality is a social norm created to keep the people down, she forces her male minions to have sex with each other.

Vowing revenge on the detective who apprehended him, serial killer "Meat Cleaver" Max Jenke returns from beyond the grave to launch a whole new reign of terror.

A college freshman involved in a fatal car crash discovers she may not have survived after all when she becomes caught between the worlds of the living and the dead.