No 1945. gada līdz 1955. gadam — izdomātas itāļu izcelsmes amerikāņu Korleones noziedznieku ģimenes hronika. Kad organizētās noziedzības ģimenes patriarhs Vito Korleone tik tikko izdzīvo mēģinājumu nogalināt savu dzīvību, viņa jaunākais dēls Maikls iesaistās, lai rūpētos par potenciālajiem slepkavām, uzsākot asiņainas atriebības kampaņu.

A glimpse into K-pop group BTS’ world away from the stage, featuring intimate group discussions alongside spectacular concert performances from their world tour.

Everyone deserves a great love story, but for 17-year-old Simon Spier, it's a little more complicated. He hasn't told his family or friends that he's gay, and he doesn't know the identity of the anonymous classmate that he's fallen for online.

A cameraman wanders around with a camera slung over his shoulder, documenting urban life with dazzling inventiveness.

Set in a surface mine, two boys sink into a seemingly innocent power game with Mother Nature as the sole observer.

The blood-soaked land of Kolar Gold Fields (KGF) has a new overlord now - Rocky, whose name strikes fear in the heart of his foes. His allies look up to Rocky as their Savior, the government sees him as a threat to law and order; enemies are clamoring for revenge and conspiring for his downfall. Bloodier battles and darker days await as Rocky continues on his quest for unchallenged supremacy.

In the post–World War II South, two families are pitted against a barbaric social hierarchy and an unrelenting landscape as they simultaneously fight the battle at home and the battle abroad.

Patiess stāsts par sievieti – māti un sievu, kas Otrā pasaules kara laikā kļuva par varoni simtiem cilvēku. 1939.gads, Polija. Antonija Žabinska un viņas vīrs Jans Žabinskis veiksmīgi vada Varšavas Zooloģisko dārzu. Kad viņu valstī iebrūk vācieši, Janam un Antonijai ir jāpakļaujas un jāziņo Reiha nozīmētam zoologam. Taču viņi slepus sadarbojas ar pretošanās kustību un nolemj glābt dzīvības, kas citādi nonāktu Varšavas geto. Savās mājās un Zoodārzā sniedzot patvērumu svešiniekiem, Antonija pakļauj sevi un savus bērnus lielām briesmām.

Subaru and friends finally get a moment of peace, and Subaru goes on a certain secret mission that he must not let anyone find out about! However, even though Subaru is wearing a disguise, Petra and other children of the village immediately figure out who he is. Now that his mission was exposed within five seconds of it starting, what will happen with Subaru's "date course" with Emilia?

A charismatic New York City jeweler always on the lookout for the next big score makes a series of high-stakes bets that could lead to the windfall of a lifetime. Howard must perform a precarious high-wire act, balancing business, family, and encroaching adversaries on all sides in his relentless pursuit of the ultimate win.

Romulus and Remus, two shepherds and loyal brothers, end up taking part to a journey that will lead one of them to be the founder of the greatest nation ever seen. However, the fate of the chosen one will pass from killing his own brother.

A dark domestic drama about the familial ties that bind and the ties that really bind.

Lī Israela pagājušā gadsimta 70. un 80. gados karjeru veidoja, profilējot slavenības, piemēram, Ketrinu Hepbērnu, Estē Lauderu vai žurnālisti Dorotiju Kilgalenu. Kad viņa to vairs nespēja, jo bija zaudējusi ķērienu mainīgās gaumes dēļ, viņa, lojālā drauga Džeka mudināta, pievēršas maldināšanai. Atmiņu stāsta "Vai spēsi man kādreiz piedot?" adaptācija balstīta uz patiesu stāstu par pārdotāko slavenību biogrāfiju rakstnieci.

Marlo ir daudzbērnu māte, kuras trešais bērns vēl ir zīdainis. Nav viegli tikt ar visu galā, un dienas beigās viņa no pārguruma tikko turas kājās, tādēļ brālis sagādā viņai negaidītu dāvanu - auklīti uz nakti. Marlo nelabprāt ielaiž savā namā svešu cilvēku, taču pamazām apjauš, cik ļoti viņai ir paveicies ar šo rūpīgo, pārsteidzošo un brīžiem kaitinošo jauno auklīti vārdā Talija.

A comedian uses her troubled past as material for her stand-up routine, trying to rise up through the comedy circuit by playing Northern England's working men's clubs.

After 20 years of marriage, Maria decides to leave her husband. She moves into room 212 at the hotel across the street, with a bird’s-eye view of her apartment, her husband and the life she shared with him. While she wonders if she made the right decision, many of the people in her life offer their opinions on the matter. They intend to let her know, whether she likes it or not, on what proves to be a life-changing evening.

This musical version of the tale of the boy who wouldn't grow up aired live on television on March 7, 1955. It was so popular that it was restaged the following year, and again four years later.

In the spring of 1994, Les Stroud and Sue Jamison bade farewell to modern society and followed their hearts north, into the remote reaches of the Canadian wilderness. Leaving home, family and jobs behind, they would spend the next year living closer to the land than most of us could ever imagine. And they did it without the luxury of a single modern convenience. Les and Sue were attempting to replicate life in North American some 500 years ago, before Europeans first set foot on the continent. They created fire without matches. They built a shelter with a stone axe. They survived on what the bush provided. In doing so, they realized the true meaning of living wild, and how closely life and death coexist when you're many miles from human contact. Snowshoes and Solitude is the incredible story of Les and Sue's year in the Wabakimi wilderness. It chronicles the struggles and triumphs of the daily lives, and their burning love and respect for the natural world.

Jaga Bada, Mr. Satan's old sparring partner, has invited Satan to his personal island to hold a grudge match. Trunks and Goten decide to come for the adventure and Android #18 is following Satan for the money he owes her. Little do they know that Jaga Bada's scientist have found a way to resurrect Broly, the legendary Super Saiyan.

In a night of killer comedy, Bill Burr hosts a showcase of his most raucous stand-up comic pals as they riff on everything from COVID to Michael Jackson.