The invasion of a village in Byelorussia by German forces sends young Florya into the forest to join the weary Resistance fighters, against his family's wishes. There he meets a girl, Glasha, who accompanies him back to his village. On returning home, Florya finds his family and fellow peasants massacred. His continued survival amidst the brutal debris of war becomes increasingly nightmarish, a battle between despair and hope.

Julian has struggled to belong ever since he was expelled from his former school for his treatment of Auggie Pullman. To transform his life, Julian's grandmother finally reveals her own story of courage of her youth in Nazi-occupied France, where a boy shelters her from mortal danger.

Skutočný príbeh nerozlučných bratov Von Erichovcov, ktorí sa začiatkom 80. rokov zapísali do histórie v silne konkurenčnom svete profesionálneho wrestlingu. Prostredníctvom tragédie a triumfu, v tieni svojho panovačného otca a trénera, hľadajú bratia nadživotnú nesmrteľnosť na najväčšej športovej scéne svojho času.

40-year-old single mom Solène begins an unexpected romance with 24-year-old Hayes Campbell, the lead singer of August Moon, the hottest boy band on the planet. As they begin a whirlwind romance, it isn't long before Hayes' superstar status poses unavoidable challenges to their relationship, and Solène soon discovers that life in the glare of his spotlight might be more than she bargained for.

Jeho povolanie je kaskadér a ako každý v kaskadérskej komunite sa rád nechá vyhodiť do vzduchu, zastreliť, havarovať, vyhodiť z okna a zhodiť z najväčšej výšky, a to všetko pre našu zábavu. Teraz, čerstvo po nehode, ktorá takmer ukončila jeho kariéru, musí náš hrdina vypátrať stratenú filmovú hviezdu, vyriešiť sprisahanie a pokúsiť sa získať späť lásku svojho života. A pritom musí každý deň chodiť do práce. Čo by sa mohlo pokaziť?

Vincent je starnúci vojnový veterán ako sa patrí - mrzutý a nepríjemný na všetkých ľudí. Keď sa do susedného domu nasťahujú noví susedia, jeho pokojný život sa obráti hore nohami a on má zrazu každý deň na krku 12-ročného chlapca. Hoci je Vincent cynik, ktorý vsádza, miluje whisky a dosť často navštevuje striptízové kluby, nakoniec sa z neho stane ten najlepší priateľ pre chlapca, ktorý sa práve vyrovnáva s rozvodom svojich rodičov, novou školou a novým životom.

The world has been reduced to rubble by a massive earthquake. While no one knows for sure how far the ruins stretch, or what the cause of the earthquake may be, in the heart of Seoul there is only one apartment building left standing. It is called Hwang Gung Apartments. As time passes, outsiders start coming in to Hwang Gung Apartments trying to escape the extreme cold. Before long, the apartment residents are unable to cope with the increasing numbers. Feeling a threat to their very survival, the residents enact a special measure.

Fed up with the cruelty and stupidity of American culture, an unlikely duo goes on a killing spree, killing reality TV stars, bigots and others they find repugnant.

Journalist Michael Ausiello embarks on a rollercoaster ride of emotions when Kit Cowan, his partner of 14 years, is diagnosed with terminal cancer.

After her husband's death, Madame Clicquot flouts convention by assuming the reins of their wine business, defying her critics and ultimately revolutionizing the champagne industry, establishing her as one of the world's first great businesswomen.

In 1990s St. Petersburg, police major Konstantin Grom is trying to find and neutralize the new criminal boss, nicknamed Anubis, while his ten year old son Igor is trying to earn money by getting involved in dubious adventures

Ivan Locke has worked hard to craft a good life for himself. Tonight, that life will collapse around him. On the eve of the biggest challenge of his career, Ivan receives a phone call that sets in motion a series of events that will unravel his family, job, and soul.

Rita, a witty 26-year-old hairdresser, wants to 'discover' herself, so she joins the Open University where she meets the disillusioned professor of literature, Dr. Frank Bryant. His marriage has failed, his new girlfriend is having an affair with his best friend and he can't get through the day without downing a bottle or two of whisky. What Frank needs is a challenge... and along comes Rita.

Napínavý príbeh o sexe, ambíciách, lojalite, zrade a pomste odohrávajúci sa na pozadí vysokej hry o kandidatúru na pozíciu amerického prezidenta. Idealistický hovorca Stephen Meyers, ktorý pracuje pre nádejného prezidentského kandidáta Mikea Morrisa, čelí dileme s veľmi lákavými možnosťami voľby. Musí si vybrať či si zvolí cestu lojality alebo vlastných ambícií, realizovaných bez ohľadu na následky.

Nesmrteľná značka Krotitelia duchov prichádza s ďalším pokračovaním! Callie a Gary sa s deťmi po udalostiach z roku 2021 usadia v New Yorku a naplno sa venujú pomoci tým, ktorých trápia nepríjemní duchovia a prízraky. Keď však mesto uprostred leta náhle zamrzne, je jasné, že noví Krotitelia majú dočinenia s hrozbou, s akou sa ešte nestretli…

Užívajte si nerestí, "Alibi na kľúč" to za vás vyžehlí. "Alibi na kľúč" je kancelária, ktorá vymyslí a poskytne alibi na čokoľvek, čo chcete. Na futbal miesto na večeru s príbuznými? Uliať sa z práce? Aférka? Nevera? Alebo mať proste chvíľu od všetkého pokoj? Hrdinovia z komédie Alibi na kľúč všetko perfektne zariadi a nikto nemá ani páru. Ale ouha! Veci sa niekedy vedia zamotať

France, 1870s. Rosalie is a young woman unlike any other. She hides a secret: she was born with a face and body covered in hair. She’s concealed her peculiarity all her life to stay safe, shaving to fit in. Until Abel, an indebted bar owner unaware of her secret, marries Rosalie for her dowry. Will Abel be able to love Rosalie and see her as the woman she is, once he finds out the truth?

In the near future where emotions have become a threat, Gabrielle finally decides to purify her DNA in a machine that will immerse her in her past lives and rid her of any strong feelings. She then meets Louis and feels a powerful connection, as if she had known him forever.

Akčný film Madame Web je spin-off k populárnym príbehom o Spider-Manovi. Predstavuje záchranárku Cassie, ktorá po smrteľnej nehode nielenže znovu ožije, ale tiež získa nadprirodzené schopnosti. Teraz musí čeliť zahadnému Ezekielovi Simsovi, ktorý je na stope svojím najnovším obetiam v snahe zmeniť budúcnosť.

Events take us to the beginning of World War II in the small town of Stavrovo. Its unique location, a passing railway and a fork in several roads, proximity to the front line, made it attractive to German troops. They placed a rather large garrison in the city. In the city and in its outskirts, an underground was organized. Most of which were recent graduates of the school. This is a story about two fates, two former schoolchildren - Alexei and Dmitry. The first went underground and tried in every possible way to prevent the invaders, giving his life for his homeland. The second sided with the enemy and became an executioner for his own compatriots.