An engaging tale that shows the parallels between the treatment of wounded military veterans and 'last chance' shelter dogs.

Ivy Morgan, a college student in New Orleans, falls for Ren Owens, the last person she expected to enter her rigidly controlled life.

An ecological drama/documentary, filmed throughout the globe. Part thriller, part meditation on the vanishing wonders of the sub-aquatic world.

Capturing John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr in their electrifying element, 'A Hard Day's Night' is a wildly irreverent journey through this pastiche of a day in the life of The Beatles during 1964. The band have to use all their guile and wit to avoid the pursuing fans and press to reach their scheduled television performance, in spite of Paul's troublemaking grandfather and Ringo's arrest.

A documentary that tells the emotional journey of Shane and Tom, two young men in a loving and committed relationship — a relationship that was cut tragically short by a misstep off the side of a roof.

Eliberat din închisoare, dar aflat sub supraveghere, un fotbalist condamnat pe nedrept încearcă să-și dovedească nevinovăția și să-și continue visul de a juca în NFL.

Football star Charlie has the world at her feet. With a top club desperate to sign her, her future is seemingly mapped out. But the teenager sees only a nightmare. Raised as a boy, Charlie is torn between wanting to live up to her father's expectations and shedding this ill fitting skin.

După ce prietenul ei decide să rupă relația cu ea, o tânără din New York își propune să deschidă o expoziție cu suveniruri ale fostelor relații. Alături de ea va fi un bărbat cu care se împrietenește după ce intră, din greșeală, în mașina lui, crezând că este șoferul ei de taxi.

Exasperat să vadă cum orașul său în schimbare devine inaccesibil, Jimmie decide să-și trăiască visul și se mută împreună cu un amic în casa impunătoare a bunicului său.

Akeelah is a precocious 11-year-old girl from south Los Angeles with a gift for words. Despite her mother's objections, Akeelah enters various spelling contests, for which she is tutored by the forthright Dr. Larabee, her principal Mr. Welch, and the proud residents of her neighborhood. Akeelah's aptitude earns her an opportunity to compete for a spot in the Scripps National Spelling Bee.

In a dystopian future, the Brazilian government decrees a measure that forces black citizens to migrate to Africa in an attempt to return to their origins. Seeing themselves in the center of terror, two cousins take refuge in an apartment, where they debate social and racial issues, and share the same yearning for the change of country.

Alma is a scientist coerced into participating in an extraordinary study in order to obtain research funds for her work. For three weeks, she has to live with a humanoid robot tailored to her character and needs, whose artificial intelligence is designed to be the perfect life partner for her. Enter Tom, a machine in human form in a class of its own, created solely to make her happy.

Aceasta este povestea a două gospodării complet opuse: Pavone sunt intelectuali și burghezi, Vismara sunt proletari și fasciști. Sunt două triburi care împart aceeași junglă: Roma. Un accident banal aduce împreună acești doi poli. Nebunia unui tânăr de 25 de ani îi va pune pe un curs de coliziune, descoperind cărțile pentru a dezvălui că toată lumea are un secret. Oamenii nu sunt niciodată ceea ce par - dar toți suntem prădători până la urmă.

A couple is going through marital troubles made worse when a previously unknown grandson shows up.

16-year old Steffi just graduated from high school and is very much looking forward to her class trip to Paris where she has promised her boyfriend Fabian the romantic night that she has kept him waiting for so long. Her lifelong plan to join the police forces is already set up, her adult life is right around the corner. At a routine health check-up, just before the trip to Paris, Steffi and her parents are faced with a shattering diagnosis ...

Professor David Ash exposes false spiritulists and mediums. He is invited to Edbrook to resolve the fears and torments within its secretive family. Soon after arriving Ash begins to doubt his own senses, and watching the strange behaviour of its residents does not make his task any easier. In time, he finds there's more to Edbrook than even he can debunk.

Prosthetics scientist Abi and her adulterous husband Paul adjust to life outside the city as Abi begins working for high-tech company Integrate, developing a humanoid AI - T.I.M.

Handsome Stranger has agreed to escort Charming Jones to collect her inheritance from her father. But Avery Simpson wants the money and hires notorious outlaw Cactus Jack to ambush Charming. However, Cactus Jack is not very good at robbing people.

After losing the woman of his dreams, Anderson is convinced he'll never fall in love again. But at the urging of his best friend, he spontaneously proposes to a dissatisfied waitress named Katie and an innocent dare evolves into the kind of love that both have been looking for all along.