A seagull is caught by the black tide of a sinking petrol ship. She manages to fly inland and falls down in a garden by a cat. Moribund, she asks the cat to fulfill three promises: that when she lays her egg he must not eat it; that he must take care of it until it hatches; that he would teach the newborn how to fly.

The story of the life and career of the baseball hall of famer, Lou Gehrig.

A weary gunfighter attempts to settle down with a homestead family, but a smouldering settler and rancher conflict forces him to act.

The life of George Falconer, a British college professor, is reeling with the recent and sudden loss of his longtime partner. This traumatic event makes George challenge his own will to live as he seeks the console of his close girl friend Charley, who is struggling with her own questions about life.

El Topo decides to confront warrior Masters on a trans-formative desert journey he begins with his 6 year old son, who must bury his childhood totems to become a man.

Rosetta and new arrival Chloe band together to try to break the garden fairies' legendary losing streak in the Pixie Hollow Games, a sports spectacle filled with pixie pageantry, fantastic fairy events and hilarious surprises.

يستند هذا الفيلم إلى الأحداث الفعلية التي وقعت في عام 1971 عندما ابتكر الأستاذ في جامعة ستانفورد الدكتور فيليب زيمباردو ما أصبح أحد أكثر التجارب الاجتماعية إثارة للصدمة والشهرة في كل العصور.

When elementary school teacher Kobayashi investigates the absence of one of his young pupils from the classroom, he finds himself at the doorstep of an anonymous suburban house that harbours a horrible secret, and into which all who enter are doomed.

Six vignettes pit an assortment of characters against each other in everyday situations.

في إحدى المدارس الثانوية، يحظى تروي بولتون الرياضي صاحب الشعبية الطاغية، والفتاة الموهوبة جابرييلا مورتيز بأدوار في مسرحية موسيقية تقدمها المدرسة، وتتنامى علاقتهما.

شابة تزوّر موتها في محاولة للهروب من زواجها الكابوسي ، لكنها تكتشف أنه من المستحيل التملص من زوجها المسيطر.

عندما يسقط حماه -الملك هارولد- مريضًا، يصبح شريك الوريث المنتظر للأرض البعيدة، من أجل عدم التخلي عن حبيبته، يجند شريك أصدقائه الحمار والقط لتثبيت أرتي المتمرد الملك الجديد، ولكن الأميرة فيونا، تنظم مسيرات مجموعة من الصديقات الملكية لدرء انقلاب من قبل الأمير الساحر.

ينطلق الثلاثي المكسوّ بالفرو، "ألفين" و"ثيودور" و"سايمون"، في رحلة عبر البلاد لمنع وصيّهم "ديف" من التقدّم لصديقته في هذه التتمّة الكوميدية.

When the dinosaur families get trapped in a valley by an ice storm, one family of "spike tail" dinosaurs volunteers to leave since they consume more food than the others. Meanwhile, the young dinos and a new adult dinosaur named Mr. Thicknose, head out to bring back their friend Spike, who has left his friends to be with members of his own species.

Two disconnected sisters are summoned to clean out their childhood bedrooms before their parents sell their family home.

Tony's father Sam, abducted by aliens three years earlier, returns to earth and seeks out his wife and son, but Rachel has since been living with Joe and the reunion is awkward. Joe doesn't trust Sam, and Rachel can't quite decide what her feelings are for her two men. Sam is not the same as when he left, and he begins affecting Tony in frightening ways.

France, 1965 - An aging mamma's boy becomes the replacement leader of a rowdy group of teenage boy scouts who make his life miserable.

في القرن الخامس عشر، ست سنوات بعد أحداث الفيلم الأصلي أحدب نوتردام، يصحبنا الجزء الثاني في متابعه لأحداث كوازيمودو والذي يقرر أن يبقى في عمله في دق أجراس كتدرائية نوتردام بعد أن سمح له أخيرًا بأن يصبح جزئًا من المجتمع الذي لطالما أحس برفضه لشكله المختلف، ويستمر في حياته التي تصحبها فيها (الكراغل) فيكتور هيوجو ولافرين وصديقته إزميرالدا التي تعقد قرانها مع قائد الحرس فيبوس لينجبا الطفل زين ذا عمر الست سنوات .

Mafia hitman Tommy Spinelli is flying to San Diego with a bag that holds eight severed heads, which he's bringing to his superiors to prove that some troublesome rival mobsters are permanently out of the picture. When his bag gets accidentally switched at the airport, Tommy must track down his duffel bag and the 8 heads it contains.