A mãe do único herdeiro de um senhor feudal é raptada para longe do marido pelo lorde. O marido e o seu pai samurai devem decidir se acatam a decisão injusta ou arriscam a morte para recuperá-la.

Começando em outubro de 1942, o filme acompanha vários meses na vida de alguns combatentes congregados em torno de Phillipe Gerbier, um sossegado engenheiro civil que, na realidade, é um dos maiores líderes da Resistência.

A história gira em torno da vida do jovem Seita e sua irmã mais nova, Setsuko. Enquanto seu pai combate os americanos em alto-mar, Seita e Setsuko vivem com a mãe, sempre às voltas com os constantes alertas de ataques aéreos. Após perderem a mãe num intenso bombardeio, Seita e Setsuko são obrigados a amadurecer rapidamente e enfrentar situações difíceis e penosas... ainda assim, fazem de tudo para encontrar alegria e satisfação nas menores coisas, como um banho de mar ou observando vagalumes à noite. Mas a fome crescente, as doenças e a insensibilidade dos adultos tornam a vida de ambos cada vez mais dura, e as perspectivas para o futuro ficam cada vez mais sombrias...

The kingdom of Takicardie quakes under the rule of the tyrannical King Charles V-et-III-font-VIII-et-VIII-font-XVI, whose favourite pastime is shooting birds. His archenemy is a cheeky mockingbird, whose favourite pastime is thwarting the king’s attempts to shoot birds. One night, a portrait of the king comes to life and disposes of the real king, taking his place. The portrait king falls in love with a young shepherdess in another painting and intends to marry her. But, alas, the shepherdess has fallen in love with a chimneysweep and together they elope from the king’s palace. Enraged, the king sends his police to capture them and once they are within his power he forces the shepherdess to marry him. The mockingbird must use all his guile and courage to once more thwart the king and bring his evil reign to an end.

On a random night, Marco and Laura meet at a karaoke bar and sing the song "Evidências" together. Since then, they fell in love and formed a couple that seemed perfect, until the moment they said “yes”. Without understanding what happened, now, every time this song plays, Marco will travel through his memories with Laura.

Do estúdio de animação de ANIMATRIX chega-nos este novo filme animé visualmente impressionante baseado no manga popular japonês escrito por Taiyō Matsumoto. Na Cidade do Tesouro, a vida pode ser mais cruel para os nossos heróis, Black e White, dois miúdos de rua que controlam a cidade, lutando contra uma panóplia de Yakuzas do velho mundo e extraterrestres assassinos que lutam pela liderança da decadente metrópole.

On planet Perdide, an attack of giant hornets leaves young Piel alone in a wrecked car with his dying father. A mayday message reaches their friend Jaffar, an adventurer travelling through space. Onboard Jaffar’s shuttle are the renegade Prince Matton, his fiancée, and Silbad, who knows Perdide well. Thus begins an incredible race across space to save Piel.

O filme conta a história de Ansa, uma repositora de prateleiras num supermercado com um contrato de zero horas, mais tarde tornando-se uma classificadora de plástico reciclável, e Holappa, um jateador de areia, inicialmente alcoólico e posteriormente um ex-alcoólico. Os seus caminhos cruzam-se acidentalmente e, apesar das adversidades e mal-entendidos, tentam construir algum tipo de relação no lado mais difícil do estado social.

Slacker Ichiko gets into a fight with her younger sister and begins to live on her own, working the late shift at a 100 yen shop. On her way home, she passes a gym and meets middle-aged boxer Kano who trains there in silence...

Chile, early 20th century. José Menéndez, a wealthy landowner, hires three horsemen to mark out the perimeter of his extensive property and open a route to the Atlantic Ocean across vast Patagonia.

Charlie's got a 'job' to do. Having just left prison he finds one of his friends has attempted a high-risk job in Torino, Italy, right under the nose of the mafia. Charlie's friend doesn't get very far, so Charlie takes over the 'job'. Using three Mini Coopers, a couple of Jaguars, and a bus, he hopes to bring Torino to a standstill, steal a fortune in gold and escape in the chaos.

Esta é a macabra história do suicídio coletivo de 54 garotas, todas estudantes de um mesmo colégio. Elas se atiram na frente do métro, causando enorme comoção pública. Uma série de outras mortes de grupos espalhados por todo o país deixa a equipe do detetive Kuroda em pânico. Eles correm contra o tempo e as pistas mais atrapalham do que ajudam. Neste suspense de alto teor psicológico nada é tão simples como parece.

Vincent is a famous successful entrepreneur. One day, a car breakdown on a mountain road temporarily interrupts his frantic lifestyle. Pierre, who lives apart from the modern world in the middle of sublime nature, comes to his aid and offers him his hospitality. The meeting between these two men, who are opposites will upset their respective beliefs and they will find themselves laughing. The question is...deep down, are they really each living the lives they want to live?

Benjamin is a PhD student without scholarship support. Under the pressure of his parents, and in need of money, he becomes a substitute teacher in a middle school. Without training nor experience, and facing a declining public educational system, he discovers how tough this job can be. Hopefully, his supportive and committed colleagues will lead him to take a fresh look at the profession.

Sarah é uma astronauta francesa em treino na Agência Espacial Europeia de Colónia (Alemanha), a única mulher a integrar o tão árduo programa. Vive sozinha com Stella, a sua filha de 7 anos e, por não conseguir passar tanto tempo com ela como gostaria, sente-se culpada. Quando Sarah é escolhida para fazer parte da equipa de uma missão internacional de um ano, um turbilhão abala a relação desta mãe e filha.

Two rival "brothers-in-law" make a bet that they can stop smoking for 2 weeks. But, it's just not that easy...

A local activist and a budding young mayor clash over the best path forward for their impoverished suburb.

Criminal mastermind Mason is about to execute the score of a lifetime when his lover and key member of his crew, Decker, takes the team down and reveals she’s an undercover Interpol agent. Heartbroken, Mason escapes and retires from the life of crime until his younger brother Shawn is out of his league taking on a big bank heist all on his own. Mason has no choice left but to come to the rescue, while Interpol brings Decker in hoping to unnerve him. Before the SWAT teams storm the bank, Mason must use every tool in his arsenal to not only escape with the prize, but also the love of his life.

Taking place right after the events of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, Gwen Stacy leads the newly reformed Spider-Gang in a race against the Spider-Society, led by Miguel O'Hara, to find Miles Morales, who is trapped in the home dimension of the spider that bit him, along with an alternate version of himself as the Prowler, while the Spot begins his deadly attack in his dimension with far-reaching multiversal consequences.